Spanish Immersion From My Home #BaseLangStories

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Meet Miranda, a musician who, like so many other artists, could not perform in concert in 2020. While stuck at home, she decided that now was the perfect opportunity to start learning Spanish.

BaseLangStories series puts the spotlight on BaseLang students – asking them about their motivations for learning a foreign language, what impact learning Spanish has had on their lives, advice they have for fellow students, and more.

So, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hi! My name is Miranda and I’m from the United States. I currently live in Europe, where I work as a professional classical violinist. I am a concertmaster of one of Hungary’s leading orchestras.

Why did you want to learn Spanish?

Learning languages is a passion of mine and has been an important part of my life for the last 15 years. In addition to English and Spanish, I speak German, Hungarian, and Russian as well. I enjoy learning about different cultures, and performing abroad and working with colleagues from all over the world is a necessary part of my career as an international musician. I love getting to know my friends better by communicating with them in their native languages, if possible. In my free time, I also dance Argentine tango, which is a key reason why I started learning Spanish.

In the past, what did you use to learn Spanish?

When I enrolled in BaseLang a little over two months ago, I was a total beginner.

(editors note – this interview was recorded in Nov 2020)

What obstacle would have prevented you from signing up for BaseLang before?

BaseLang is ideal for those who would like to study intensively and immerse themselves in Spanish. It is perfect for me at this time, as I am able to commit to taking classes every day.

What did you find as a result of signing up to BaseLang?

I realized how amazing BaseLang is. There are so many fine teachers, all of whom I love taking classes with. They have made my experience truly incredible. Besides, I love the unlimited classes!

What specific feature did you like the most about the Real World program?

BaseLang gives plenty of opportunities to practice conversation with the teachers from the very beginning – something that is sometimes hard to find at other language courses and is usually the perk of living in a country where the language is spoken. In addition to the BaseLang curriculum, students can use any additional materials of their own in the classes as well. The teachers are open to teaching from any materials or curriculums. I have so many favorite teachers and am grateful to them for all of their help!

How has learning Spanish impacted your life?

Knowing a new language opens the door to a whole new set of opportunities, friends, and cultures. Spanish, as it is spoken in 20 countries, is an especially useful language to know. I’m looking forward to being able to read more literature, as well as to travel to many Spanish-speaking countries!

Would you recommend this program, if so, why?

I would definitely recommend BaseLang to anyone who would like to learn and practice Spanish. My experiences with BaseLang have only been positive, and the speed of improvement is up to the student to take as many classes as she or he wishes!

Any advice for other BaseLang students?

If you have a preference with teachers, I would recommend booking classes as early in advance as possible. Moreover, although the BaseLang curriculum is good, for some of the difficult grammar topics, I would suggest finding some good textbooks on grammar that you can use to practice with the teachers.


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This blog is presented by BaseLang: Unlimited Spanish Tutoring for $179 a Month. Learn more here.