I Hate You in Spanish: 9 straightforward expressions

9 ways to say I hate you in Spanish

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Learning a new language is not just about mastering the ability to express positive sentiments like love or appreciation. Sometimes, it’s equally important to know how to articulate less favorable emotions. Whether for dramatic effect, understanding dialogue in a movie, or simply expanding your vocabulary, knowing how to say I hate you in Spanish can be quite useful.

Today’s post will guide you through nine different ways to express I hate you in Spanish. All the phrases will be conjugated in their yo form, but for each of these despicable Spanish verbs we’ll include conjugation tables and examples with the rest of the subjects as well.

Let’s get started!

Te odio – I hate you

The most common way to say I hate you in Spanish is te odio. The first-person singular conjugation of the verb odiar, literally meaning to hate in Spanish, is yo odio. It’s used with the direct object pronoun te, meaning you.

Depending on who is doing all the hating, the conjugation of odiar changes. Let’s see the full odiar conjugation chart for the present tense. For any other tense, odiar follows the conjugations of regular Spanish -ar verbs.

Subject Odiar conjugation: Present tense
yo odio
tú odias
él, ella, usted odia
nosotros odiamos
vosotros, vosotras odiáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes odian

Likewise, if the hate is directed at someone or something other than tú, the direct object pronoun changes as well. Here’s our full table of direct object pronouns in Spanish and English.

Subject pronouns: Spanish Direct object pronouns: Spanish Direct object pronouns: English
yo me me
tú te you
él, ella, usted lo, la him, her, it, you
nosotros nos us
vosotros, vosotras os you
ellos, ellas, ustedes los, las them, you

Let’s take a look at some examples where we use the verb odiar to express hatred between people.

  • No puedo creer que me hablaras así. Te odio. – I can’t believe you talked to me like that. I hate you.
  • Ella nos odia, no sé por qué. – She hates us, I don’t know why.
  • Os odio. No os quiero ver jamás. – I hate you. I never want to see you guys again.

Keep in mind that we can also use odiar to express hatred of other things than people, and also without using object pronouns.

  • Odio que grites, puedo escucharte perfectamente. – I hate it when you shout, I can hear you perfectly well.
  • Luis odia su trabajo y quiere renunciar. – Luis hates his job and wants to quit.
  • Ellas odian esta situación. – They hate this situation.

Te aborrezco – I abhor you

Meaning to abhor or to loathe, aborrecer is a much stronger verb. Indeed, te aborrezco is a very strong way to say I hate you in Spanish.

Just like with any other verb, it needs to be conjugated according to the subject and coupled with object pronouns to make clear where the sentiment is being directed.

Subject Aborrecer conjugation: Present tense
yo aborrezco
tú aborreces
él, ella, usted aborrece
nosotros aborrecemos
vosotros, vosotras aborrecéis
ellos, ellas, ustedes aborrecen
  • Te aborrezco, Daniel. No puedo hablar contigo. – I abhor you, Daniel. I can’t talk to you.
  • No me gusta ese profesor, lo aborrezco. – I don’t like that teacher, I abhor him.
  • Pobre chica, se nota que vosotros la aborrecéis. – Poor girl, I can tell you loathe her.

Te detesto – I detest you, I hate you

Detestar is slightly less intense than odiar, and it’s also more formal. We can say te detesto to mean I hate you in Spanish when we want to convey aversion or disgust towards someone. Detestar is another regular -ar verb.

Subject Detestar conjugation: Present tense
yo detesto
tú detestas
él, ella, usted detesta
nosotros detestamos
vosotros, vosotras detestáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes detestan
  • ¡Te detesto! ¡Largo de mi casa! – I hate you! Get out of my house!
  • Detesto cuando te pones celoso. – I hate it when you get jealous.
  • Ella me detesta, no me puede ver ni en pintura. – She hates me, she can’t even see me in the picture.
  • ¿Es verdad que detestáis este cuadro? – Is it true that you guys hate this painting?
  • Los insectos detestan el frío. – Insects hate the cold.
  • El profesor nos detesta. – The professor hates us.

Te desprecio – I despise you

Te desprecio is a very strong way to say I hate you in Spanish. The best despreciar translation is to despise. It’s used to convey a deep sense of contempt or disdain. Despreciar is a regular -ar verb.

Subject Despreciar conjugation: Present tense
yo desprecio
tú desprecias
él, ella, usted desprecia
nosotros despreciamos
vosotros, vosotras despreciáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes desprecian
  • Te desprecio por lo que hiciste. – I despise you for what you did.
  • Desprecio a la gente falsa. – I despise fake people.
  • Ellos nos desprecian por nuestras opiniones. – They despise us for our opinions.
  • Despreciamos la corrupción política. – We despise political corruption.
  • Ellos las desprecian por ser diferentes. – They despise them for being different.
  • Me desprecia porque no estoy de acuerdo con él. – He despises me because I don’t agree with him.

Me repugnas – You disgust me

The verb repugnar means to disgust. The structure of me repugnas is not the same as the previous ones, where the subject does the hating and the object receives it. Instead, with repugnar, the verb’s subject is the person who causes the disgust, and the object of the sentence is the person who feels it. The most common Spanish verb that follows this format is gustar, so repugnar is one of many verbs like gustar.

In the case of me repugnas, the verb’s implicit subject is tú. We tend to omit subject pronouns in Spanish, but we could just as easily state this phrase as tú me repugnas. The speaker of this phrase is yo, so we use the object pronoun me. This translates similarly into English as you disgust me.

Just like the previous verbs, the conjugation and object pronouns depend on who disgusts whom. Let’s take a look at the repugnar conjugation table, and then see some examples. Repugnar is yet another regular -ar verb.

Subject Repugnar conjugation: Present tense
yo repugno
tú repugnas
él, ella, usted repugna
nosotros repugnamos
vosotros, vosotras repugnáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes repugnan
  • Tienes una actitud asquerosa, me repugnas. – You have a disgusting attitude, you disgust me.
  • Les repugna la violencia. – They loathe violence. – Violence disgusts them.
  • Le repugna la idea de comer insectos. – The idea of eating insects disgusts her.
  • Te repugna la hipocresía. – You loathe hypocrisy. – Hypocrisy disgusts you.

No te soporto – I can’t stand you

No te soporto translates to I can’t stand you. Think of it as a slightly softer way to say I hate you in Spanish. No soporto is used to express strong annoyance or intolerance towards someone or something. Soportar follows regular -ar verb conjugations.

Subject Soportar conjugation: Present tense
yo soporto
tú soportas
él, ella, usted soporta
nosotros soportamos
vosotros, vosotras soportáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes soportan
  • No te soporto cuando hablas así. – I can’t stand you when you talk like that.
  • Mi papá no te soporta, dice que eres muy grosero. – My dad can’t stand you, he says you’re very rude.
  • Luis y Edgar no le hablan a Carla, dicen que no la soportan. – Luis and Edgar don’t talk to Carla, they say that they can’t stand her.
  • Esos chicos son muy molestos, no los soportáis, ¿verdad? – Those boys are very annoying, you guys can’t stand them, right?

No te aguanto – I can’t stand you

No te aguanto is similar to I can’t stand you. It’s used to convey an inability to tolerate someone. Aguantar is another regular Spanish -ar verb that’s used to mean to stand or to endure someone or something.

Subject Aguantar conjugation: Present tense
yo aguanto
tú aguantas
él, ella, usted aguanta
nosotros aguantamos
vosotros, vosotras aguantáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes aguantan
  • Ya no te aguanto, estás de muy mal humor hoy. – I can’t stand you anymore, you’re in such a bad mood today.
  • Mis vecinos siempre están haciendo ruido. No los aguanto. – My neighbors are always making noise. I can’t stand them.
  • Él jefe de mi hermano es muy estricto y por eso mi hermano no lo aguanta. – My brother’s boss is very strict and that’s why my brother can’t stand him.
  • Ya no os aguantamos. Si no dejan de ser tan odiosos, se acabó nuestra amistad. – We can’t stand you anymore. If you guys don’t stop being so hateful, our friendship is over.

Me caes mal – I don’t like you

Me caes mal translates essentially as I don’t like you in Spanish. Although it doesn’t express hate, it’s still a negative sentiment of rejection so we’ll include it in today’s list of expressions.

Caer normally means to fall, while mal is an adverb meaning badly. This expression is built similarly to what we saw above with repugnar, so the verb’s subject is the person who’s disliked, and the object is the person with this negative feeling. Taken literally, me caes mal could be translated more along the lines of you fall badly to me.

Subject Caer conjugation: Present tense
yo caigo
tú caes
él, ella, usted cae
nosotros caemos
vosotros, vosotras caéis
ellos, ellas, ustedes caen
  • Sinceramente, me caes mal. – Honestly, I don’t like you.
  • ¿Por qué no le hablas a Fernanda? ¿Te cae mal? – Why don’t you talk to Fernanda? You don’t like her?
  • Luis nos cae mal porque es muy falso. – We don’t like Luis because he’s very fake.
  • Creo que vosotros le caéis mal al profe y por eso os pone cero. – I think the teacher doesn’t like you and that’s why he gives you all zero.

Me molestas – You annoy me

Molestar means to annoy or to bother. Similarly to our previous expression, me molestas doesn’t express hate, but irritation or annoyance. Likewise, the verb’s subject is also the person who is annoying, while the object is the annoyed person.

Subject Molestar conjugation: Present tense
yo molesto
tú molestas
él, ella, usted molesta
nosotros molestamos
vosotros, vosotras molestáis
ellos, ellas, ustedes molestan
  • Me molestas cada vez que hablas. – You annoy me every time you talk.
  • El niño no quiere hablar contigo porque lo molestas mucho. – The boy doesn’t want to talk to you because you bother him too much.
  • Luisa está durmiendo, no la molestéis. – Luisa is sleeping, don’t bother her.
  • Papá, los niños de la otra clase nos molestan en el recreo. – Dad, the kids from the other class are bothering us during recess.


Well, that’s it! We’ve now seen nine different ways to say I hate you in Spanish. Hopefully you won’t need to use these verbs often, but expanding your Spanish vocabulary to include expressions of negative emotions like I hate you can enrich your understanding of the language and its cultural nuances.

Whether you’re learning for personal interest, travel, or academic purposes, you’re now equipped with a well rounded ability to express these negative sentiments. We covered the whole spectrum, from you annoy me to I can’t stand you to I hate you to I despise you in Spanish!

Finally, remember that while it’s useful to know how to say I hate you in Spanish, it’s also important to use such phrases responsibly and considerately. Plus, it’s better to focus on the bright side, so we’ll end on a positive note and recommend our posts on how to say you like something, how to say I love you in Spanish, and how to refer to your friends in Spanish.

See you in the next post!


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