Jefe vs Patrón: The nuances of addressing your Boss in Spanish

Boss in Spanish: Jefe vs Patrón

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How should you refer to your boss in Spanish? We actually have two options in Spanish, jefe and patrón, though each has its own important nuances. In order to clarify the best word for boss in Spanish for different contexts, we’ve prepared this post on the difference between jefe vs patrón. Let’s take a look at these two words for boss in Spanish!


Let’s start with jefe, since it’s the more neutral and commonly-used term for a boss or a leader in Spanish. It can be used in both formal and informal settings, and refers to a person who has authority or control over others in a hierarchical organization or structure.

For example, you might refer to your manager at work as el jefe, or to the head of a department as el jefe de departamento. For this reason, in most office jobs you’ll have a jefe, since you’re probably working under a line manager. Jefe is your best bet for referring to the boss in most well-paid technical jobs.


Patrón in Spanish, on the other hand, is a term that can have more specific and culturally-loaded meanings in different work contexts.

Patrón can be used to refer to a boss or employer in general, but it can also carry connotations of ownership or mastery, particularly in relation to work or labor. In some Latin American countries, for example, patrón might be used to refer to a wealthy landowner or employer who has power and influence over workers or peasants.

Perhaps due to these historical connotations of power, the term patrón is frowned upon in Spain. Its use there conjures up images of an old noble in a big colonial house and lots of employees, and bosses don’t like to be thought of in those terms.

In Latin America, however, patrón is the common word for boss in Spanish for a lot of physical jobs. It’s what you’ll hear from the working classes among gardeners, construction workers, or other labor-intensive or temporary jobs.

Jefe vs Patrón

While both jefe and patrón can be used to refer to a boss or employer, jefe is a more neutral and widely-used term, while patrón can have more specific connotations depending on the context and cultural background.

Think about the difference in a hierarchical sense. Patrón is actually a legal term for an employer, so when using it on a boss we’re generally referring to the head honcho. In big companies the hierarchy then goes down through directors and managers who give orders to their employees.

You may have many many jefes who give you orders, but just one patrón who signs the checks and has the last word. In some work environments this hierarchy is short so your boss may be both your jefe and your patrón, whereas in big companies you probably just report to a jefe.

In conclusion, the differences between patrón vs jefe are subtle, but important. Look to your peers to know the right term to use, or ask your boss outright. In most contexts jefe is a safe option to call your boss in Spanish, especially in Spain where even Latin American immigrants just stick to jefe over patrón regardless of the hierarchy.


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