Body Parts in Spanish 101: The Complete Guide

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One of the most useful sets of nouns to know is body parts in Spanish. As humans, we spend a lot of time talking about ourselves, and knowing how to refer to the human body is a big part of that!

Today we’ll learn all the body parts in Spanish to get you ready for giving physical descriptions of people, or perhaps for giving compliments in Spanish!

This post is heavy in vocab (well, that’s all it really is…), so you may want to practice your Spanish body parts vocabulary with , the private flashcards our students use. You can also start off with this video where we introduce many of the Spanish body parts with proper pronunciation:

We break this post down into two main parts, each with several vocabulary lists of body parts in Spanish. Feel free to click on the links here to jump ahead to the specific vocab lists. We end the post with some exercises so you can practice what you’ve learned.

We keep the lists relatively short in the first part. Here we group the body parts in Spanish by priority, based on what Spanish learners should learn first. First start with the essential list of body parts (legs, head…), then move on to some intermediate parts (fingers, teeth…), and finish this section up with other body parts we don’t necessarily talk about as much (ankles, liver…).

Once we’ve introduced these three groupings of body parts in Spanish by priority, we’ll do a recap with a full list of body parts in Spanish, organized by region of the body. There you’ll see over 75 words for body parts in Spanish! Jump ahead here for comprehensive Spanish vocabulary lists for these regions of the body:

What are the body parts in Spanish?

It’s time to learn our Spanish body parts vocabulary! Start with the first list of body parts that you’re likely to use regularly, and then move on to the the next vocabulary lists.

Basic body parts in Spanish

Here are the basic Spanish body parts. Get these down first:

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Head La cabeza
Face El rostro, La cara
Eyes Los ojos
Nose La nariz
Mouth La boca
Lips Los labios
Ears Las orejas, Los oídos
Hair El cabello, El pelo
Back La espalda
Shoulder El hombro
Arms Los brazos
Hand La mano
Legs Las piernas
Foot El pie

Intermediate body parts in Spanish

We refer to these parts of the body in Spanish often enough, so once you’ve got the first vocab list memorized, work on this list of body parts in Spanish:

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Teeth Los dientes
Tongue La lengua
Neck El cuello
Chest El pecho
Elbow El codo
Finger El dedo
Knee La rodilla

Advanced Spanish body parts

Finally, here are some more advanced Spanish words for body parts, followed by a few of the most commonly-mentioned internal organs in Spanish. For now, just memorize the ones you think you’d use.

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Forehead El frente
Eyelid El párpado
Eyelash La pestaña
Cheeks Las mejillas
Chin La barbilla
Beard La barba
Moustache El bigote
Nipples (male) Las tetillas
Nipples (female) Los pezones
Navel, Bellybutton El ombligo
Waist La cintura
Wrist La muñeca
Ankle El tobillo
Nails Las uñas


Internal organs: English Internal organs: Spanish
Heart El corazón
Lungs Los pulmones
Liver El hígado
Kidney El riñon
Intestines Los intestinos

Body parts in Spanish, by region of the body

Now that we’ve covered the most important vocab that Spanish learners should learn first for talking about the human body, we’ll do a comprehensive recap. Here you’ll find a full list of body parts in Spanish for each region of the body.

In addition to the vocab we already covered in the essential lists above, we also include a lot of additional Spanish body parts vocabulary in each of these next lists.

The head: La cabeza

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Head La cabeza
Face El rostro, La cara
Eyes Los ojos
Nose La nariz
Mouth La boca
Ears Las orejas, Los oídos
Hair El pelo, El cabello
Skin La piel
Pores Los poros
Forehead La frente
Eyebrows Las cejas
Eyelashes Las pestañas
Eyelids Los párpados
Dark circles under the eyes Las ojeras
Nostrils Las fosas nasales
Lips Los labios
Teeth Los dientes
Gums Las encías
Tongue La lengua
Cheeks Las mejillas, Los cachetes
Cheekbones Los pómulos
Jaw La mandibula
Chin La barbilla
Neck El cuello
Beard La barba
Mustache El bigote
Sideburns Las patillas

The torso: El torso

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Torso El torso
Shoulders Los hombros
Back La espalda
Pectorals Los pectorales
Chest El pecho
Breast El seno
Nipples (male) Las tetillas
Nipples (female) Los pezones
Navel, Bellybutton El ombligo
Belly, Abdomen El vientre
Belly La barriga

The arms: Los brazos

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Arm, Upper arm El brazo
Armpit La axila
Elbow El codo
Forearm El antebrazo
Wrist La muñeca
Hand La mano
Palm of your hand La palma de la mano
Knuckle El nudillo
Thumb El pulgar
Finger El dedo
Index finger El dedo índice
Middle finger El dedo medio
Ring finger El dedo anular
Little finger El dedo pequeño
Pinkie El meñique
Fingernails Las uñas de las manos

The legs: Las piernas

Body parts: English Body parts: Spanish
Waist La cintura
Hips Las caderas
Buttocks Las nalgas
Butt El trasero
Leg La pierna
Thighs Los muslos
Knee La rodilla
Calves Las pantorrillas
Ankle El tobillo
Foot El pie
Heel El talón
Sole of the foot La planta del pie
Instep El empeine
Toes Los dedos de los pies
Toenails Las uñas de los pies

The internal organs: Los organos internos

The internal body: English The internal body: Spanish
Brain El cerebro
Heart El corazón
Blood El sangre
Veins Las venas
Lungs Los pulmones
Liver El hígado
Kidney El riñon
Intestines Los intestinos
Stomach El estómago
Muscles Los músculos
Bones Los huesos

Conclusion: Body parts in Spanish

Right after our Spanish body parts video, we jumped into this post with some concise vocab lists of the most common body parts that every Spanish learner should focus on first. In the second half of the post we provided even more Spanish body parts vocabulary, organized by region of the body. In all, we’ve covered vocab for over 75 different body parts in Spanish!

We know it’s a lot to take in at once, so we recommend bookmarking this page in order to come back for quick reference. To help you study, we also invite you to practice with our free private flash cards used by BaseLang’s Spanish language students.

Finally, now that you have a good base of Spanish body parts, why don’t you put them to good use in conversation? A good place to start is our post on giving physical descriptions in Spanish to describe people.

Even better, why not use some of your new body parts vocab to give some sweet compliments in Spanish!

Spanish body parts quiz

We’ll leave you with a few different exercises to let you practice your Spanish body parts. How good is your memory?

Exercise 1: Recognizing Spanish body parts

Select the correct answer to match each picture of body parts. The translations are included in the answer key below.

Five fingers to a hand

1. Tengo cinco _____ en mi _____.

a. cabeza – pierna
b. dedos – mano
c. pies – mano
d. intestino – corazón

A child in a pool, just the head above water

2. Mi _____ esta sumergido en el agua, menos mi _____.

a. espalda – cabeza
b. dientes – riñón
c. cuerpo – cabeza
d. orejas – ojos

Three women facing the sea, showing just their backs and hair

3. Solo se ven nuestras _____ y nuestro _____, porque nuestras _____ están de frente al mar.

a. espaldas – ojos – caras
b. nariz – boca – pulmones
c. dedos – brazos – hombros
d. espaldas – cabello – caras

Mouth showing teeth and gums

4. En mi _____, mis _____ son blancos y mis _____ rojas.

a. boca – dientes – encías
b. rostro – dientes – piernas
c. corazón – músculos – venas
d. cuerpo – huesos – sangre

Blue-eyed baby

5. Mis dos _____ azules están cerca de mi _____, _____, y _____.

a. oídos – piernas – antebrazos – estómago
b. ojos – frente – mejillas – nariz
c. cabeza – piel – hígado – corazón
d. dedos – cerebro – riñón – uñas

Exercise 1, answer key with translations:

1. Tengo cinco dedos en mi mano. – I have five fingers on my hand.

2. Mi cuerpo esta sumergido en el agua, menos mi cabeza. – My body is submerged in the water, except for my head.

3. Solo se ven nuestras espaldas y nuestro cabello, porque nuestras caras están de frente al mar. – You only see our backs and our hair, because our faces are facing the sea.

4. En mi boca, mis dientes son blancos y mis encías rojas. – In my mouth, my teeth are white and my gums red.

5. Mis dos ojos azules están cerca de mi frente, mejillas, y nariz. – My two blue eyes are near my forehead, cheeks, and nose.

Exercise 2: Spanish body part descriptions

Read the description of each body part in Spanish and select which one it is. The translations are included in the answer key below.

1. Se encarga de bombear la sangre.
a. Frente
b. Corazón
c. Pulmones

2. Los usas para ver cosas.
a. Rodillas
b. Cabeza
c. Ojos

3. Va desde la muñeca hasta la punta de los dedos.
a. Boca
b. Mano
c. Ceja

4. Sirve para cortar o masticar los alimentos.
a. Dientes
b. Pecho
c. Cintura

5. Sirve para respirar y oler.
a. Hígado
b. Piernas
c. Nariz

Exercise 2, answer key with translations:

1. Se encarga de bombear la sangre. – It is responsible for pumping blood.
a. Frente – Forehead
b. Corazón – Heart
c. Pulmones – Lungs

2. Los usas para ver cosas. – You use them to see things.
a. Rodillas – Knees
b. Cabeza – Head
c. Ojos – Eyes

3. Va desde la muñeca hasta la punta de los dedos. – It goes from the wrist to the fingertips.
a. Boca – Mouth
b. Mano – Hand
c. Ceja – Eyebrow

4. Sirve para cortar o masticar los alimentos. – Used for cutting or chewing food.
a. Dientes – Teeth
b. Pecho – Chest
c. Cintura – Waist

5. Sirve para respirar y oler. – Used for breathing and smelling.
a. Hígado – Liver
b. Piernas – Legs
c. Nariz – Nose

Exercise 3: Physical descriptions

This last exercise is harder, because it combines Spanish body parts vocabulary from this lesson as well as vocab from our other post on physical descriptions in Spanish. Still, we make it easier by providing the English description you’re looking for.

Choose the phrase that describes the person in each picture.

Man with short hair and white skin

1. Man with short hair and white skin:

a. Este hombre tiene mucho cabello y su piel es morena.
b. Hombre blanco de cabello abundante.
c. Hombre de cabello corto y piel blanca.
d. Hombre asiático y cabello corto.

Old woman with white hair and a beautiful smile

2. Old woman with white hair and a beautiful smile:

a. Mujer joven con cabello rubio y largo.
b. Anciana de cabello blanco y una hermosa sonrisa.
c. Niña sonriendo.
d. Anciana llorando.

Dark-haired, brown-eyed woman with a uniform

3. Dark-haired, brown-eyed woman with a uniform:

a. Mujer rubia, delgada y alta.
b. Mujer con el cabello suelto y rasgos latinos.
c. Joven blanca con su amiga.
d. Mujer morena de ojos cafés y con uniforme.

Girl with white skin and brown hair, studying

4. Girl with white skin and brown hair, studying:

a. Joven universitaria estudiando.
b. Niña de piel blanca y cabello moreno estudiando.
c. Niño jugando en el parque.
d. Hombre trabajando.

Brown-haired boy with big ears, white teeth, and short wavy hair

5. Brown-haired boy with big ears, white teeth, and short wavy hair:

a. Niño rubio con orejas pequeñas y ojos verdes.
b. Niña morena, cabello largo y cicatriz en su barbilla.
c. Niño moreno, con orejas grandes, dientes blanco y cabello corto ondulado.
d. Joven atleta corriendo en la calle.

Exercise 3, answer key:

1. c. Hombre de cabello corto y piel blanca.

2. b. Anciana de cabello blanco y una hermosa sonrisa.

3. d. Mujer morena de ojos cafés y con uniforme.

4. b. Niña de piel blanca y cabello negro estudiando.

5. c. Niño moreno, con orejas grandes, dientes blanco y cabello corto ondulado.

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