How to Talk About Your Family in Spanish

familia 1

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One thing that’s extremely common in Latin culture is the importance of family. In most Spanish-speaking countries, nothing is more important than family. And whether that’s the case for you or not (we hope it’s at least up there!), you’re guaranteed to be asked about your family. This post will prepare you for those conversations.

Your Immediate Family in Spanish

Here’s how to talk about people in your immediate family unit:

Spanish English
Padre (papá) Father
Madre (mamá) Mother
Hijo Son
Hija Daughter
Hermano Brother
Hermana Sister
Esposo Husband
Esposa Wife

Your Family Relatives in Spanish

And your extended family:

Spanish English
Abuelo Grandfather
Abuela Grandmother
Primo Cousin (male)
Prima Cousin (female)
Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Sobrino Nephew
Sobrina Niece
Nieto Grandson
Nieta Granddaughter

TIP: You’ll want to practice these with a flashcard app to remember them. Get our private flashcards for this lesson and every other for free here. They are the same as our students use!

Your in-laws in Spanish

And for your (hopefully awesome) in-laws:

Soanish English
Suegro Father in law
Suegra Mother in law
Cuñado Brother in law
Cuñada Sister in law
Yerno Son in law
Nuera Daughter in law


Your Family in Spanish Quiz

Exercise 1

  1. La madre de mi madre es mi __________ / The mother of my mother is my __________
  2. El hijo de mi tío es mi ____________ / The son of my uncle is my ____________
  3. La hija de mi hermano es mi __________ / The daughter of my brother is my __________
  4. El padre de mi padre es mi _________ / The father of my father is my___________
  5. La hermana de mi madre es mi _________ / The sister of my mother is my _________



  1. abuela
  2. primo
  3. sobrina
  4. abuelo
  5. tía


Exercise 2

  1. Mi abuelo se caso con mi __________ y tuvieron un __________ y una _____________.
  2. Sus hijos son mis tíos son, ella es mi ______________.
  3. Es hijo de tus padres______________.
  4. Son hijos de tus abuelos y hermanos de tus padres. _________________________
  5. Es hermana de tus tíos y madre de tus hermanos. ___________________. 



  1. abuela/hijo/hija.
  2. abuela.
  3. hermano.
  4. tíos.
  5. mamá.

Thats all! If you’re still confused or have questions, just ask in the comments and we’ll help you out.

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