Introducing LingoCulture – The BaseLang for French

LingoCulture is BaseLang for French!

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For many years, people have told us that they would love to have a “BaseLang for French.”

Today we are delighted to announce a partnership with, the first ever online French school that offers students access to unlimited one-on-one classes – just like BaseLang does for Spanish.

For 7 years, whenever asked about other languages, we’ve said, “no, we’re 100% focused on being the best for Spanish.” Adding another language sounded like a distraction. 

But when LingoCulture came to us, it was hard to say no. The team is incredibly talented. The model is the same. Their curriculum and methodology is something we can proudly stand behind (in fact, our CEO Connor Grooms learned French with them).

Although we remain separate companies, this partnership is an exciting opportunity for us to expand into a new language. 

Here’s a little bit more about LingoCulture.

LingoCulture is a new way for students to learn French in an immersive environment, with the help of friendly native teachers and a curriculum designed to get you speaking as quickly as possible.

Here is more about what LingoCulture students can look forward to.

Truly unlimited French classes

Take as many one-on-one French classes as you want with our native teachers via Zoom for $179/month.

Get an inside view of French culture

We don’t just teach you French, we’ll show you how to integrate and connect with locals. Unlike Spanish, where people love to just hear you speak a little, the French expect you to understand their culture, too. This is a key part of LingoCulture’s method.

Curriculum designed for conversation

Most schools teach you grammar in a vacuum, asking you to memorize and understand things in a vacuum. But our brains don’t work like that. With LingoCulture, you learn all concepts in the context of real conversation scenarios.

Flexible to fit your busy schedule

Book classes last minute. Take a 45-minute class, or a few hours – it’s up to you. LingoCulture uses BaseLang’s software, ensuring booking and viewing lessons is easy.


Remember, your first week as a LingoCulture student is just $1 – so that you can give it a test run.

Click here to sign up for LingoCulture.

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The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it!

This blog is presented by BaseLang: Unlimited Spanish Tutoring for $179 a Month. Learn more here.