Big Update to BaseLang! (Plus: Time-Sensitive Deal)


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Here at BaseLang, we’re always asking for feedback and listening to our students.

There are a few features that people have been asking for for a long time:

  1. PayPal
  2. Video bios of each teacher, so you can learn about the teacher before booking a class with them
  3. Booking by time, instead of just by teacher (this was a major pain, we know!)
  4. Having the class slideshows available in the lessons area

I’m happy to say all of those are out today, and a lot more.

We’ve been trying to get these out for months. But we’ve had development issue after development issue, and had to start over from scratch three months into the process. But it’s done now, and the good news is future updates won’t take as long :)

If you’re curious about the updates, read on. I go through everything.

All the new features


We’ve been asked a hundred and one times, so we finally accept PayPal! New students can start using this right away.

If you’re already a student and want to switch over, it will be two weeks or so before you can while we change payment providers from Stripe (who we use now) to Braintree (who is owned by PayPal, making this all work very easily).

This movement takes a bit as migrating this sort of data has to be done extremely carefully, and we’re at the mercy of both payment providers during the migration.

Booking by time

This was a royal pain, we’re aware.

Before, to find a class for, say, 8pm, you had to go through every single teacher in the dropdown to find one that had that time available. This ended up taking a ton of time.

So, now, you can book by time (and by teacher too, if you still want to book that way). Here’s how it works:

Select book by time, the times you want to have class, then click “next step”:

Booking by time step 1

You’ll automatically be assigned a teacher for each time you requested. But you can change the teacher – just click their name and pick a new one from the dropdown:

Booking by time step 2

Then the rest is the same! After you click “next step” again, you’ll get to confirm that everything looks good, and then see the confirmation page.

Video bios for each teacher

Before, all you had to go on before booking a class with a teacher was their name. It was a bit of trial and error to find a teacher that you “clicked” with.

No more. Now, you can view a short video of each teacher talking about themselves and their teaching style in both Spanish and English. This way, you’ll be able to decide which teacher you’d rather have without having to just try a bunch and hope for the best.

Teacher bios section

New curriculum

About two months ago, we released the Perfect Spanish Curriculum Blueprint. It’s our new curriculum that we built from the ground up with more than a thousand hours of collective work and decades of collective experience. We don’t know how it could be any better – everything is built on frequency and usefulness to get you conversational as quickly as possible.

But despite this big upgraded curriculum, we were still using the old original curriculum with our students, as we hadn’t migrated everyone over yet (which, as you could imagine, is a bit of a task).

Now, we’ve got everyone moved over (current students, we’ve mapped your progress with the original curriculum over to the new one, so you haven’t lost anything).

And, the new curriculum is now in the platform:

Lessons area

It also links to each lesson’s respective Memrise flashcard page to make review easier.

Link to Memrise on each lesson

Lesson slideshows available in the platform

Now you can view the exact slideshows used by our teachers for each lesson right inside the Lessons section. This is great for review.

That’s it for now. We’ll be releasing a ton of new features in the future :)

Time-Sensitive Deal

For the next four days (until November 1st at 6pm Eastern US time), if you signup as a new student, you’ll get $10 off your first full month.

Your first week is still just $1 to try it out, and our more-than-money-back guarantee still applies.


Un abrazo,
The BaseLang Team

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