Medellin Spanish Slang: 83 Words To Make You Sound Like A Paisa

medellin spanish slang

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Whether you decide to learn Spanish in Medellin, or you’re only visiting the city of eternal spring for a couple of days, learning Medellin Spanish slang is a worthwhile investment to impress your new paisa amigos.

In Colombia, a paisa is someone from the region of Antioquia, where Medellin is located.

When you come to Medellin you’ll hear many things referred to as paisa – be it people, culture, food, customs, clothes and of course, Spanish slang!

In this article, we are going to review some of the most commonly used slang words that you need to speak Medellin Spanish like a true paisa.

Medellin Spanish Slang Words

1) Parce / Parcero

Medellin Spanish slang for referring to your buddy, partner or friend – essentially someone who is a trusted friend.

  • Parce tengo que contarle algo – Dude, I have something to tell you.

2) Achantado

Slang for describing someone as sad or dejected.

  • Está achantado porque lo dejó la novia.- He’s blue because his girlfriend dumped him.

3) Ajetreo

This can refer to something being busy, or a problem, or…..(cough) people having sex.

  • Qué ajetreo el que hubo hoy en el trabajo.- You have no idea how busy was at the office today.

4) Amarrado

Someone who is stingy.

  • Ese man no gasta dinero. ¡Qué amarrado!- That guy is very cheap, not willing to spend a penny. So stingy!

5) Bacano / Bacana

Someone or something that is very good, fun or cool.

  • La fiesta estuvo bien bacana – That party was awesome.

6) Botado

Used to refer to something that is easy, or very cheap (depending on the context).

  • Ese examen estaba botado – That test was a piece of cake.

7) Boleo

Slang for rush hour.

  • ¡Qué boleo la hora del almuerzo en el restaurante! – There was a major rush at the restaurant during lunch time!

8) Cascar

To hit somebody.

  • Lorenzo y Miguel se cascaron – Lorrenzo and Miguel fought on the street.

9) Chanda

This Medellin Spanish slang has two meanings a) being too selfish or b) something being made of poor quality. 

  • Ese man es muy chanda – That guy is super self centered.
  • Ese carro es una chanda – That car is falling apart, so cheap.

10) Coscorria

Rude or uneducated person.

  • Ese tipo tan grosero. Mera coscorria – That man is so rude. He needs some manners.

11) Camello

Another word for a job.

  • Después de tres meses por fin conseguí camello – After three months I finally found a job.

12) Chambón

When you complete the task, but in a poor manner, or leave work unfinished.

  • Este ensayo está muy chambón – Your essay is poorly finished/unpolished.

13) Charro

This word is commonly recognized as Mexican slang, but is also used by Colombians, specifically paisas, when talking about something funny.

  • El otro día estaba viendo un programa de chistes bastante charros – The other day I was watching a tv show about really funny jokes.

14) Chichigua

Something that is worthless, or insignificant.

  • En mi anterior trabajo me pagaban una chichigua – The payment at my previous job was ridiculous.

15) Chiviado

To describe something as fake, non-original, or for products, pirated.

  • Ese licor que tomamos ayer estaba chiviado – Those drinks from last night were diluted.

16) Cuca

Similar to bacano, this word is used when something is really good.

  • La comida de tu abuela es bien cuca – Your grandmother’s food is really nice.

17) Cucha – Cucho

Medellin Spanish slang for your mom or dad.

  • Voy a buscar a mi cucha al centro comercial – I’m going to pick up my mom at the mall.

18) Culebra

Pending debt.

  • Necesito plata para pagar culebras – I need some money to pay some debts.

19) Cuchibarbi

Similar to how cougar is used in English, this slang is used to refer to an older woman who doesn’t accept growing old, and resorts to plastic surgery in order to preserve her looks.

  • Esa señora es una cuchibarbi – That cougar got all her body done.

20) Cutupeto 

Instead of being afraid, the Paisa people get cutupeto.

  • No voy a caminar por esa calle porque me da cutupeto – I’m not going to walk down that street because it scares me.

21) Parche

If you have a plan to go out, to have fun, or something good to do, then you have a parche.

  • ¿Hay algún parche para esta noche? – Is there any plan for tonight?

22) Parchar

Just like the last word, expect this is the verb that you use for hanging out with your friends (i.e. parchando with your amigos)

  • Hoy voy a parchar con mis parces un rato – I’m going to hang out with my friends for a while.

23) Desparche

The opposite of parche, this is Medellin Spanish slang for when you have nothing to do – no plans, no party. Nada.

  • ¿Que haces hoy? Nada estoy desparchada – What are you doing today? Nothing, I have no plans.

24) Gas

Medellin Spanish slang to express your disgust to something repulsive.

  • ¡Gas! Huele como si alguien se lanzó un pedo – Agh! Somebody cut the cheese.

25) Grilla

This slang term can refer to women who are gold diggers, easy or even prostitutes.

  • Ten cuidado con esa muchacha, la gente dice que es una grilla – Be careful with that girl, people say she’s like a rumour, easy to spread.

26) Guaro

No fiesta is complete without a shot or two of Aguardiente, the most popular alcoholic beverage in Medellín. Guaro is the slang term for this drink.

  • Vamos por unos guaros bien fríos – Let’s go for some shots.

27) Guayabo

If you indulge too much in guaro, then it’s likely that you will end up with a guayabo (hungover) the next day.

  • Anoche bebí mucho guaro y tengo guayabo – Last night I drank too much guaro and I have a hungover

28) Harto – Harta

When you are really jaded, or sick of someone, you can use this expression to express being fed up.

  • Estoy harta de tus amigos borrachos – I’m sick of your drunken friends.

29) Epa!

When you’re agree with something.

  • Comemos en la noche? – Epa!  – Are we going to eat this evening? – Yeah!

Sidenote: This word is common in other countries, meaning “hey”.

30) Lucas

More Medellin Spanish slang for money, similar to how you would say “bucks” when talking about dollars.

  • No tengo lucas, no puedo salir – I have no money, I can’t go out,

31) Maluco or Maluca

All-encompassing Medellin Spanish slang for something bad, sick (not the cool kid), uncomfortable, or of bad quality.

  • Hoy no fuí a clases porque me siento maluco – Today I skipped classes because I feel sick
  • Qué maluca estuvo la fiesta, no hubiese ido –  That party sucked. I shouldn’t have gone.

32) Mamera / Jartera

Another word for someone who is annoying.

  • Qué mamera esa vieja – That woman is very annoying.
  • No quiero ir allá. Me da mamera – I don’t want to go there, I feel lazy.

33) Man

You can probably already guess the meaning of this one.

Yep, it’s an alternative to hombre (man) and is used to talk about any man, in any type of situation. Similar to how you would use dude in English.

  • Había un man en la tienda muy molesto – There was a very upset man at the store.

54) Mañé

You don’t want to be called this by a paisa, since it’s a label for someone who is very ordinary, or has zero class and is vulgar.

  • Ese man es un mañé – That man is very tacky,

35) Me regalas

You can use this one right away be it in coffee shops, the supermarket – or anywhere, really.

The direct translation is “will you gift me?”, but it is used to ask for something be it ordering a coffee, or asking a friend to pass you something that is closer to them than you.

  • ¿Me regalas un poco de tu café? – Can you give me a little bit of your coffee?
  • ¿Me regalas el lápiz que está en la mesa? – Can you give the pencil that is on the table?

36) Mecato

A snack or sweet candy that is eaten between meals.

  • Después del almuerzo me antojé de comer mecato – After lunch I got cravings for sweet.

37) Melo

You know everything’s fine, when people say “está todo melo”.

  • ¿Cómo está todo? Todo está melo – How’s everything? All good.

38) Mono – Mona

Mono is a monkey, but in Medellin Spanish slang, a mono or mona is an affectionate term of endearment for blonde people, or typically, anyone who looks like a foreigner.

  • Que bonita es tu amiga la mona – How pretty is your blonde friend.

39) Ñero

This word has two meanings. The first is a shortened way of saying compañero (partner) and the second refers to someone who is poorly dressed and dirty.

  • Hola ñero, hace mucho tiempo que no nos veíamos – Hello partner/dude, we have not seen each other for a long time
  • Últimamente he visto muchos ñeros en las calles – Lately, I’ve seen a lot of street kids on the neighborhood.
  • ¿Quien es ese? ¡Que ñero se ve! – Who is that? How poorly dressed he looks.

40) Paila

A paila is a large metal pan, but if you hear this word in Medellin, then it’s likely that someone is trying to tell you that you are screwed (it usually goes with a sign of your index pointing at your neck).

  • Cuando mi esposa revisó mi celular, supe que yo estaba paila – When my wife checked my cell phone, I knew I was screwed.

41) Pichurria

Can be Medellin Spanish slang for ugly, bored, or wrongfully done. It’s commonly used to express disgust about another person.

  • Ese man es una pichurria.- That guy is gross.

42) Polas

You gotta know this one, because, in Medellin, polas means beers.

  • Traje unas polas para ver el juego – I brought some beers to watch the game.

43) Sisas

Slang for yes.

  • ¿Tienes hambre?, Sisas – Are you hungry?, Yes.

44) Taco

It makes sense that taco should relate to Mexican food, but not in Medellin Spanish slang. When you’re in taco, you’re in a traffic jam.

  • Voy a llegar tarde porque estoy metida en un taco – I’m going to be late because I’m stuck in a traffic.

45) Traga

Slang for a having a crush on someone.

  • Esa chica del colegio siempre ha sido mi traga – That girl has been my crush since high school.

46) Tetiado

When something in crowded or full, be it places or transportation.

  • El metro hoy estaba tetiado- Subway was crowded today.
  • El centro comercial estuvo tetiado toda la semana.- The Mall has been full of people the whole week.

47) Tombo

An informal and rude slang term for a police officer.

  • Nos cayeron los tombos – We got busted by the cops.

48) Vieja

Vieja translates directly as “old lady”, and not everyone will appreciate being called that.

However, in Medellin Spanish slang, vieja can mean any lady, regardless of her age. This is basically the equivalent of using “man” for a guy.

  • Ayer conocí a una vieja hermosa – Yesterday I met a beautiful woman.

49) Visaje

Used to say that someone is being the center of attention.

  • Mira ese man como se comporta. ¡Qué visaje! – Look at that guy showing off.

50) Zunga

The word zunga is used in a derogatory way to refer to a liberal woman.

  • Esa mujer es una zunga, no me agrada – That woman is a libertine, I don´t like her.

51) Pelada / Pelado

It’s used to refer to a young woman or man.

  • Esa pelada es bonita – That girl is pretty.

52) Robarse

This verb normally means “to rob”, but in this case, it’s Medellin Spanish slang for the action of kissing someone.

  • Me robe esa pelada en la fiesta. – I kissed that girl at the party.

Spanish Slang You May Hear In Medellin, That Is Not Exclusively Paisa

The following words are not exclusively of Medellin origin, but are commonly used by paisas, as well as other native Spanish speakers.

53) Amañarse

To be comfortable in a place.

  • Estoy muy amañado en Medellín – I am now getting very comfy in Medellin.

54) Avión

Someone who is a sharp or clever person.

  • Hizo por adelantado lo que querían los jefes, y obtuvo el puesto. ¡Qué avión! – He did what the bosses wanted in advance, and so he got the job. How smart!

55) Alebrestarse

Context and tone is everything, as this word can refer to someone who is very upbeat or very upset.

  • Ese man se alebrestó cuando su equipo favorito de fútbol metió gol – That man was really happy when his favorite soccer team scored.
  • Mi novio está alebrestado porque le dije que saldría con mis amigas – My boyfriend is  very upset because I told him I would go out with my girlfriends.

56) Bagre

An ugly or unattractive woman.

  • Esa novia suya es un bagre – That girl you ́re dating is fugly.

57) Barajarla más despacio

When you need someone to explain something slowly, and more detailed.

  • Parce, no entendí. Barajeamela mas despacio – Dude, didn’t catch you, explain it to me a little slower.

58) Biyuyo

Slang for cash.

  • Haciendo ese trabajo gané mucho biyuyo.- Doing that job I earned quite good cash.

59) Bizcocho

A pretty woman or a handsome man.

  • Hey, mira ese bizcochito de mujer – Check out that girl, she’s a hottie.

60) Caer gordo/mal

This makes zero sense when translated directly, but it’s used to describe someone as annoying or unfriendly.

  • ¡La amiga de mi novio me cae tan gorda! – My boyfriend’s best friend is very annoying/unfriendly.

61) Cantaleta

Nobody likes to be preached to, and this is slang for that act.

  • Mi mamá me esta dando cantaleta- My mom gave me half an hour lecture about my behavior.

62) Cagarla

When you do something wrong, or make a mistake.

  • Le mentí a mi novia y me descubrió. ¡La cagué!- My girlfriend caught me lying. I screwed up!

63) Cansón

Used to describe a thing, animal or person that is bothering you.

  • ¡No seas cansón! Déjeme en paz- Quit being so annoying, leave me alone!

64) Comerse el cuento

To believe something (that is probably a lie).

  • Le dije a esa pelada que yo no tengo novia y se comió el cuento.- I told that girl I ́m single and she bought it. So silly.

65) Cháchara

Talking nonsense.

  • Ese tipo si habla cháchara.- That guy is always talking the talk.

66) Chanchullo

This can mean cheating, or doing something that is not correct or legal.

  • Para poder ganar la carrera, ella hizo chanchullo.- To win the race she cheated all the way.

67) Chécheres

Worthless things that people accumulate.

  • Deberías regalar todos esos chécheres.- You should get rid of all that junk.

68) Culicagao

Referring to a kid or immature person.

  • Ese culicagao no hizo la tarea – that little Brat didn’t finish homework.

69) Dar papaya

You’ll hear this a lot in Medellin, as it relates to keeping yourself safe. It basically means, don’t put yourself in a position where you can be taken advantage of. No dar papaya!

  • Ayer dí papaya y se burlaron de mí.- I was an easy target yesterday and my friends bullied me.

70) Despelote

When a situation descends into chaos and disorder.

  • Todos querían hablar en la clase y se formó un despelote.- Everyone was talking at once during class and it was a hot mess.

71) Finde

Short for “fin de semana” (weekend).

  • ¿Qué vas a hacer el finde? – What are you going to do on the weekend?

72) Guachafita

Normally refers to disorder, and could be in reference to a party.

  • Qué es esta guachafita?- Whats going on here?

73) Fritanga

This can refer to different types of fried meat, especially if they are greasy, or a gathering in which this type of food is the main dish.

  • Te invito a una fritanga el viernes en la noche. We ́re having a bunch of fried food on Friday night, you’re invited.

74) Lenteja

This means lentil, but because of the similar sound for “lento” (slow), it’s a slang term for a slow person.

  • No sea lenteja, camine más rápido.- Don’t be so slow, walk faster.

75) Mijo – Mija

Although this is a short way to say mi hijo (,y son)  or mi hija (my daughter), it can also be used as a term of endearment with your friends.

  • Mijo venga para que me ayude con esto – Mijo come to help me with this.

76) Pana

Not super common in Medellin, but this one is used as a term of endearment for your friend, or your bro. If you feel like replace “parcero” every now and then, you can use this.

  • Ese man es mi pana – That guy is my bestie.

77) Pilas

This means batteries, but also figuratively, it’s a slang term which means to be attentive, to pay attention, or to be ready in almost any context.

  • Deje de estar acostado, póngase las pilas – Quit laying on the couch, get ready now.
  • A trabajar, pilas todos. – Everybody get to work!

78) Pillo

A person who does not have good intentions, and is always up to no good.

  • No quiero que te vean con ese hombre porque es un pillo – I don’t want you to be seen with that man because he’s a rascal.

79) Rumba

Whether you are in Medellin, or someone else in Latin America, rumba is a slang term for a party.

  • Vamonos de rumba esta noche – Let’s party tonight

80) Rumbear

If rumba is the party, rumbear is the verb used to describe the action of partying.

  • Quiero rumbear esta noche – I want to party / to go out tonight.

81) Recocha

Usually used by Colombians to describe a fun time within a group.

  • Los amigos formaron una recocha en la fiesta de anoche.- My friends were fooling around and giggling at the party last night.

82) Trabado

To be high, to be stoned.

  • Ese man está muy trabado – That guy is high AF.

83) Vaina

In many Spanish speaking destinations, including Medellin, vaina can mean anything. If you forget the name of something, just say vaina and problem solved.

  • ¿Cual es el nombre de la vaina esa que compramos para la cocina? – What’s the name for the thing we bought for the kitchen?

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