“Now I’m tutoring Spanish to high school students” #BaseLangStories

Janice with her Spanish certification

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Like many Americans, Janice took Spanish in school growing up but it didn’t really stick. Learning Spanish on BaseLang as an adult, not only has she improved her Spanish, she’s also become stronger in her work as a language teacher.

BaseLangStories series puts the spotlight on BaseLang students – asking them about their motivations for learning a foreign language, what impact learning Spanish has had on their lives, advice they have for fellow students, and more.

1. What’s your name and where are you from?

Janice from USA


2. Why did you want to learn Spanish?

I started learning Spanish when I was in middle school because it was obligatory. I didn’t take it too seriously.

Then, when I traveled to Spanish speaking countries, my love and passion for language and culture ignited. Also, I was an English as a second language teacher and so knowing Spanish was helpful for my profession.

Janice travelling in Spanish

Janice traveling in Latin America

3. In the past, what did you use to learn Spanish?

I took university courses because I studied Spanish as a minor. In these courses, I used traditional textbooks. I also have tried speaking with others at Spanish meetup groups, looking at song lyrics, reading, etc.

4. Before BaseLang, which part of learning Spanish did you struggle with the most?

Practical, everyday conversations. Studying in a formal setting helps you to explicitly know grammatical rules and introduces you to the vocabulary. Using BaseLang, I can integrate and actually practice the things I have learned. I have some problems with conjugation, and I still do. However, I think that my conjugation skills are quicker now that I am practicing on BaseLang.

5. What obstacle would have prevented you from signing up for BaseLang before?

I don’t think that there is an obstacle. The trial is a week long and it is just a dollar so it is really minimal risk.

6. What did you find as a result of signing up?

I found out that there is such a variation in Spanish language among the different Spanish speaking countries. I can appreciate this and I think that learning Spanish on here gives me a more international perspective and knowledge base about Spanish. This may not be the case if I were to learn from one teacher from only one country.

I love the diversity and I also found that BaseLang has grown to be one of the best parts of my life. I really look forward to each class and I know that every time I am improving. I also appreciate that the teachers encourage you and they are there for you and support you with your individual needs!

Janice learning Spanish on BaseLang with her teacher Macarena

Janice on BaseLang with her teacher Macarena

7. What specific feature did you like the most about the Real World program?

I love how we can book our classes in advance or last minute. This function really it’s great for both planners as well as those who decide to take these last minute. I love this function because I can just drop in to a class whenever I get a free half hour. I love how the teachers are nice and friendly and talk to you about whatever it is that you want to talk about or help you in the way that you need help with.

They are student centered. Sometimes I just want a conversation and they will do that with you. Sometimes, I want to read a book with them so I can share my screen and read the book out loud with them and then we can go through pronunciation corrections or have a discussion about the content. They are flexible and this program is flexible.

8. How has learning Spanish impacted your life?

Learning Spanish on BaseLang has really given me confidence that I need to succeed in the workforce. I have taught English as a second language for years and at a more intermediate/ advanced level of Spanish, I desire teaching lower levels of Spanish. During my membership at BaseLang, I’ve had Spanish teacher interviews, and the time that I spend with the tutors have prepared me for these interviews. One interview was for private tutoring for 9th grade Spanish. I was able to get the job after a brief oral conversation assessment in the interview process.

9. Would you recommend this course, if so, why?

Most definitely! I really like that they have a curriculum ready to go for you if that is what you choose to study with. From the very first time that I took BaseLang two years ago and compared to now, their curriculum has expanded and it is nice and thorough and encompasses a lot of practical elements of language. There is also reading with questions prepared for the learner. I really love that with the membership, you can have access to Real World as well as DELE. BaseLang keeps just getting better!

10. Complete the following sentence “After my first month of BaseLang, I realized that…..”

my confidence of oral Spanish skills has improved greatly.

11. Anything else to add?

Just give it a chance and try it out! It is honestly one of the best investments of money that I have spent in terms of learning Spanish. If you are a serious learner or if just you want to take a casual and fun approach to learning Spanish, it will be right for you- I highly recommend BaseLang. You will not regret your one week trial, you would get so much from it, and I encourage you to keep practicing with the tutors!

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The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it!

This blog is presented by BaseLang: Unlimited Spanish Tutoring for $179 a Month. Learn more here.