“I’m able to make friends in Mexico who don’t speak English” #BaseLangStories

Kris improves his Spanish skills in Mexico City

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A two-month Spanish immersion program in Medellin gave Kris a good foundation in the language, though a few years later he was certainly rusty. These days he’s able to keep up his practice regularly through BaseLang, which sure helps since now he lives in Mexico City!

BaseLangStories series puts the spotlight on BaseLang students – asking them about their motivations for learning a foreign language, what impact learning Spanish has had on their lives, advice they have for fellow students, and more.

1. What’s your name and where are you from?

Kris de Leon from Seattle WA

2. Why did you want to learn Spanish?

When I traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2016, I didn’t speak Spanish. I found it difficult since not many people spoke English, and it was frustrating not being able to communicate with the locals. So I decided to learn Spanish after my trip. I now live in Mexico City, so improving my Spanish is important to living here.

3. In the past, what did you use to learn Spanish?

After my trip to Buenos Aires, I enrolled in a language school in Medellin, Colombia and studied there for two months. My Spanish got to a decent level, but after I left Colombia, I didn’t use Spanish for almost 5 years so my Spanish skills regressed. I tried to use apps like Duolingo, and while it helped improve my vocabulary, it didn’t help improving my conversation skills.

4. Before BaseLang, which part of learning Spanish did you struggle with the most?

I had a hard time with listening because I was not used to the different Spanish accents, and a lot of people I met spoke very fast.

5. What obstacle would have prevented you from signing up for BaseLang before?

Since I run my own business, I don’t have a lot of free time, so I wasn’t sure if I’ll have enough time to make the most use of this platform.

6. What did you find as a result of signing up?

I’ve gained confidence to speak with native Spanish speakers and attend classes, like salsa dancing and CrossFit, that are taught only in Spanish.

7. What specific feature did you like the most about the Real World program?

I like the electives because you can develop the skills to talk about specific topics, like travel or business, in Spanish.

8. How has learning Spanish impacted your life?

I’m able to make friends in Mexico who don’t speak English, as well as handle day to day living situations in Spanish.

Kris with his Spanish professor on BaseLang

Kris with his Spanish professor on BaseLang

9. Would you recommend this course, if so, why?

Absolutely. The best aspect is the ability to schedule my classes when I have free time, whether it’s during my lunch break, evenings or weekends.

10. Complete the following sentence “After my first month of BaseLang, I realized that…..”

I can have a small conversation with a native Spanish speaker, even after not using Spanish for almost 5 years.

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The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it!

This blog is presented by BaseLang: Unlimited Spanish Tutoring for $179 a Month. Learn more here.