Medical Conditions in Spanish: A reference guide of essential terms

Vocab lists: Diseases and Medical Conditions in Spanish

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Navigating medical terms in another language can be tricky, but it’s super important when it comes to health and wellness. Today’s post is intended to provide a quick reference guide to essential vocab for the most common diseases and medical conditions in Spanish.

Whether you’re a healthcare professional or you’re headed to the doctor in a Spanish-speaking country, this vocab list of Spanish medical conditions is designed for you.

General health system vocabulary

Before diving into specific conditions, let’s start with some general vocabulary on the health system in Spanish. For other basic terms for heading to the doctor, check out our other beginner post on essential Spanish health vocabulary.

English Spanish
Doctor El doctor, La doctora, El médico, La médico
Nurse El enfermero, La enfermera
Hospital El hospital
Clinic La clínica
Emergency room La sala de emergencia
Ambulance La ambulancia
Medicine La medicina
Cough syrup El jarabe para la tos
Pill La pastilla

Health conditions – Condiciones de salud

In the following sections, we’ll cover essential vocab for various health conditions and diseases in Spanish.

The first thing you need to know is that the word for an illness in Spanish is una enfermedad. We use the same word for a disease. A disorder is often translated as un trastorno.

If you’re headed to see a doctor, we recommend you become familiar with your body parts in Spanish. From here on, we’ll break our medical conditions in Spanish down by the region of the body they affect. Let’s take a look!

Skin conditions in Spanish

Skin conditions include a range of issues that cause irritation, inflammation, hair loss, and changes in skin pigment. Let’s take a look at the names of some common skin illnesses in Spanish.

English Spanish
Acne El acné
Eczema El eccema
Psoriasis La psoriasis
Dermatitis La dermatitis
Hives La urticaria
Alopecia La alopecia
Vitiligo El vitiligo
Warts Las verrugas
Ringworm La tiña
Melanoma El melanoma
Melasma El melasma
Scabies La sarna
Cold sores El herpes labial
Keratosis La queratosis

Eye conditions and diseases in Spanish

Eye conditions can significantly affect vision and comfort. These are the names of some of the most common eye conditions in Spanish.

English Spanish
Cataracts Las cataratas
Glaucoma El glaucoma
Conjunctivitis, Pinkeye La conjuntivitis
Dry eye syndrome El síndrome de ojo seco
Astigmatism El astigmatismo
Myopia La miopía
Color blindness El daltonismo
Strabismus El estrabismo

Heart conditions and diseases in Spanish

Heart conditions affect the cardiovascular system, influencing heart function and blood flow. These are some of the most common heart conditions and diseases in Spanish.

English Spanish
Arrhythmia La arritmia
Coronary artery disease La enfermedad de las arterias coronaria
Rheumatic heart disease La enfermedad cardíaca reumática
Valvular heart disease La enfermedad valvular cardíaca
Heart attack El ataque cardíaco, El ataque al corazón, El infarto al miocardio
Heart failure La insuficiencia cardíaca
Cardiomyopathy La miocardiopatía
Pericarditis La pericarditis
Endocarditis La endocarditis
Myocarditis La miocarditis
Atherosclerosis La aterosclerosis
Angina La angina
High blood pressure La hipertensión
Tachycardia La taquicardia
Bradycardia La bradicardia

Respiratory conditions and diseases in Spanish

Respiratory conditions affect the lungs and airways, causing difficulty in breathing and other issues. Here is a list of respiratory diseases in Spanish.

English Spanish
Asthma El asma
Bronchitis La bronquitis
Emphysema El enfisema
Pneumonia La neumonía
Tuberculosis La tuberculosis
Pulmonary fibrosis La fibrosis pulmonar
Lung cancer El cáncer de pulmón
Bronchiectasis La bronquiectasia
Sleep apnea La apnea del sueño
Whooping cough La tos ferina

Digestive conditions in Spanish

Digestive conditions impact the gastrointestinal system, leading to symptoms such as inflammation, irritation, and digestive discomfort. Here is a list of some digestive diseases in Spanish.

English Spanish
Gastritis La gastritis
Ulcers Las úlceras
Esophagitis La esofagitis
Celiac disease La enfermedad celíaca
Crohn’s disease La enfermedad de Crohn
Colitis La colitis
Lactose intolerance La intolerancia a la lactosa
Diverticulosis La diverticulosis
Irritable bowel syndrome El síndrome del intestino irritable
Hemorrhoids Las hemorroides
Hepatitis La hepatitis
Gallstones Los cálculos biliares
Pancreatitis La pancreatitis

Endocrine conditions in Spanish

Endocrine conditions involve imbalances in hormone levels, affecting various body functions. Here’s a list of endocrine conditions in Spanish.

English Spanish
Diabetes La diabetes
Hypothyroidism El hipotiroidismo
Hyperthyroidism El hipertiroidismo
Cushing’s syndrome El síndrome de Cushing
Hypopituitarism El hipopituitarismo
Acromegaly La acromegalia
Gigantism El gigantismo
Polycystic ovary syndrome El síndrome de ovario poliquístico
Graves’ disease La enfermedad de Graves
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis La tiroiditis de Hashimoto
Hypoglycemia La hipoglucemia

Infectious diseases in Spanish

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. They can range from mild infections to severe diseases that require urgent medical care.

English Spanish
Influenza La gripe, La influenza
Common cold El resfriado común
Covid El covid
Malaria La malaria
Hepatitis La hepatitis
Measles El sarampión
Chickenpox La varicela
Mumps Las paperas
Rubella (German measles) La rubéola
Diphtheria La difteria
Tetanus El tétanos
Polio La poliomielitis, La polio
Rabies La rabia
Lyme disease La enfermedad de Lyme
Ebola El ébola
Yellow fever La fiebre amarilla
Meningitis La meningitis
Gonorrhea La gonorrea
Chlamydia La clamidia
Syphilis La sífilis
Amebiasis La amibiasis
Cholera El cólera

Neurological conditions in Spanish

Neurological conditions affect the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves, leading to physical and cognitive impairments.

English Spanish
Alzheimer’s disease El alzheimer
Multiple sclerosis La esclerosis múltiple
Epilepsy La epilepsia
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica
Migraine La migraña
Stroke El derrame cerebral, El accidente cerebrovascular
Dementia La demencia
Encephalitis La encefalitis
Meningitis La meningitis
Narcolepsy La narcolepsia
Fibromyalgia La fibromialgia
Dystonia La distonía
Hydrocephalus La hidrocefalia

Mental health conditions

Mental health conditions impact a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Take a look at the names of common mental health conditions in Spanish

English Spanish
Depression La depresión
Anxiety La ansiedad
Bipolar disorder El trastorno bipolar
Schizophrenia La esquizofrenia
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) El trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC)
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH)
Eating disorders Los trastornos alimenticios
Phobias Las fobias
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) El trastorno del espectro autista

Conclusion: Medical conditions in Spanish

Today’s post consisted of a straightforward list of medical conditions and diseases in Spanish. We covered a wide variety of medical disciplines, listing all of the most common ailments in Spanish for each one.

This quick vocab guide can act as a good reference point if you’re in need of medical care in a Spanish-speaking country, or if you’re a medical professional dealing with Spanish-speaking patients.

For anything serious, we recommend a bilingual interpreter. For the basics, though, we hope you’ve found this post useful as you look for the relevant medical conditions and diseases in Spanish!

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