Chores In Spanish: The Essential Words To Know


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How do you describe chores in Spanish?

Like any other language, when talking about chores, most words we need to know will be related to the household, since that is where most chores are done.

In this post, we’ll cover the most common vocab and verbs you’ll use to describe chores in Spanish.

But first, you’re probably wondering how to actually say “chores” in Spanish?

Well, there’s a couple of ways to describe this, the most common one being quehaceres, or when talking about “a chore” (singular), we can use: el quehacer, la tarea, la faena, la tarea rutinaria.

And now, we’ll cover vocabulary related to any activities that may be considered as chores.

Household Chores In Spanish

First, let’s cover where these chores may take place.

1. Indoors

English Spanish
Living room Sala de estar
Dinning room Comedor
Kitchen Cocina
Laundry room Lavandero, Cuarto de lavandería
Room Habitación, Cuarto
Bathroom Baño
Service room Cuarto de servicio

2. Outdoors

English Spanish
The house entrance La entrada de la casa
The garden El jardín
The backyard El patio
The garage El garaje
The roof El techo
The pool La piscina

3. Bedroom & Bathroom

English Spanish
Bed Cama
Closet Closet, Armario
Toilet Poceta, Inodoro, Retrete, Sanitario
Sink Lavamanos, Lavabo
Shower Ducha
Bathtub Bañera

4. Kitchen and Laundry room

English Spanish
Dishwasher, Dishwasher machine Lavaplatos
Plates Platos
Fridge Nevera
Cupboard Alacena
Oven Horno
Cabinets Gabinetes
Kitchen Island Mesón, Isla
Washing machine Lavadora
Dryer Secadora
Iron Plancha

And now, the most used items for household chores.

English Spanish
Broom Escoba
Mop Mopa, Trapeador, Coleto
Cleaning Cloth, Rag Trapo
Duster Plumero
Brush Cepillo
Detergent Detergente
Soap Jabón
Vacuum Cleaner, Hoover Aspiradora
Hose Manguera
Pruner Podadora, Cortadora

Verbs To Describe Chores in Spanish

Below is a list of basic verbs often used when speaking about household chores.

English Spanish English Spanish
To remember Recordar To fold Doblar
To have Tener To iron Planchar
Must Deber To hang Tender
To clean Limpiar To pick Recoger
To sweep Barrer To remove Quitar
To mop Trapear To mow Cortar
To vacuum Aspirar To water Regar
To wash Lavar To throw Botar
To dry off Secar To sort Ordenar

Finally, how can you ask for help around the house?

These combinations can be useful when you need to ask for a helping hand.

Tener que + verb + complement

  • I have to clean my room – Tengo que limpiar mi habitación.
  • We have to fix the garage door – Tenemos que arreglar la puerta del garaje.
  • You just have to put the dishes in the dishwasher – Solo tienes que poner los platos en el lavaplatos.

Recordar + verb +  complement

  • Remember to water the plants 3 times a week – Recuerda regar las plantas 3 veces a la semana.
  • Remember to take out the trash – Recuerda sacar la basura.
  • Remember to vacuum the sofa too – Recuerda aspirar el sofá también.

Deber + verb + complement

  • You must dust before sweeping – Debes quitar el polvo antes de barrer.
  • You must cut the grass before Saturday – Debes cortar la grama antes del sábado.
  • I have to fold the sheets and iron the clothes – Debo doblar las sábanas y planchar la ropa.

Finally, some more examples of asking for help with the household chores in Spanish.

  • Can you help me to clean the yard? – ¿Me ayudas a limpiar el patio?
  • Don’t forget to make your bed – No olvides hacer tu cama.
  • Can you sweep the leaves at the entrance? – ¿Puedes barrer las hojas que están en  la entrada?
  • I don’t like cleaning the dust, I’m allergic – No me gusta limpiar el polvo, soy alérgica.
  • I need detergent to clean the bathroom – Necesito detergente para limpiar el baño.
  • Help me to hang the clothes – Ayúdame a tender la ropa.

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