Condolences in Spanish: 10 Phrases To Know


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While it probably seems like a morbid topic to discuss, unfortunately, there may be a time when you need to know to express condolences in Spanish.

As a non-native Spanish speaker, there’s always a risk of being one bad translation away from an awkward moment.

So in this post, we’ll cover common phrases to express your condolences to the family or friend who has lost a loved one.

Condolences in Spanish: Common Phrases

As you’ll notice, some of the phrases we list are similar to what you would say in English.

You just need to choose which one is more appropriate for each scenario.

1) Lo siento or Lo siento mucho

Lo siento is probably the most common way to express condolences in Spanish, as it’s the English equivalent of “I’m sorry”.

For more emphasis, you could say lo siento mucho, which would translate to “I’m really sorry”.

Below are other, possible combinations.

  • I’m so sorry for your grandmother  – Siento mucho lo de tu/su abuela
  • I’m so sorry that your grandmother has passed away – Siento mucho que tu/su abuela haya fallecido
  • I’m sorry for your loss – Siento mucho tu/su pérdida

2) Lo lamento

This one comes from the verb “to regret” (lamentar), and is similar to lo siento, but its emotional load is greater, which is probably why it is generally less used.

In other words, use this if the message of sympathy or condolence you want to send is much more emotional.

Possible combinations:

  • I’m sorry for your loss – Lamento tu/su pérdida
  • I’m sorry for your grandfather’s death – Lamento la muerte de tu/su (abuelo, abuela, tío, etc)

3) Mi sentido pésame – Mis sentidas condolencias

This one is the equivalent to “my dearest condolences” and is only used at funerals, normally when speaking to the family who has lost that loved one.

4) Acabo de enterarme de esta triste noticia

When you find out that something bad happened, you can start expressing your condolences with the “I just heard this sad news”.

5) Te acompaño en este momento de dolor

Another very common phrase, which means “I’m with you in this moment of grief”, and is normally used when sending condolences for the loss of a relative.

6) Lamento mucho la muerte de…

A bit more direct, but also very commonly used. This one translates to “I am very sorry for the death of …”

7) Fué una gran persona

Following the previous sentence, you can use this one as a simple way to pay your respects. It means “he/she was a great person”.

8) Puedes contar conmigo para lo que necesites

This phrase is more likely to be used if you are close with the grieving family or person, since it means “you can count on me for whatever you need”.

9) ¿Necesitas que te ayude con..?

When somebody is going through a tough time, it’s always a good idea to offer to help them.

¿Necesitas que te ayude con..? Do you need me to help you with …?

10) En este momento tan difícil que estas viviendo, sabes que cuentas con mi apoyo

This last phrase is a respectful way to show your support for the person who is going through a bad time. This one translates to “In this difficult time you are living, you know that you can count on my support”

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