Furniture in Spanish: Vocabulary for Every Room of the Home

Kitchen furniture in Spanish

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Whether you want to go shopping or simply want to talk about the home with a native Spanish speaker, knowing the vocabulary related to furniture in Spanish will make your life easier.

Maybe you already know some of the names of the areas of a house but you still don’t know how to refer specifically to the distinct furniture filling those spaces. This post will be divided into the different areas of a home so that you can easily concentrate on every particular piece of furniture found in each part of a house.

Before we focus on the furniture in Spanish vocabulary, let’s review the basics for the areas of the house.

  • The hallway – El recibidor, El vestíbulo
  • The living room – El salón
  • The kitchen – La cocina
  • The dining room – El comedor
  • The bedroom – El dormitorio
  • The bathroom – El baño
  • The home office or the studio – El espacio de trabajo
  • The laundry – El lavadero
  • The outdoor space – El espacio al aire libre

Now we are all set to start our tour around the house! Let’s open the door as we welcome you to this lovely decorated house full of fine furniture.

Furniture in Spanish: Hallway – el Recibidor, el Vestíbulo

Please, make yourself at home and:

  • Hang your jacket on the hook. – Cuelga tu chaqueta en el perchero.

If you want to be even more comfortable:

  • Leave your shoes on the shoe cabinet. – Deja tus zapatos en el zapatero.

Now see other pieces of furniture you can find in the hallway.

Hanger La barra para ropa
Hook El perchero
Bench El banco
Footstool El taburete
Shoe cabinet El zapatero
Shoe rack El estante zapatero
Mirror El espejo

This tour is getting homey, isn’t it? Let’s move on to the living room and enjoy the comfort of it.

Furniture in Spanish: Living Room – el Salón

Here, in “el salón”, we can do many things:

  • We can rest on the couch. – Podemos descansar en el sofá.
  • You can close the curtains to watch the TV that’s on the TV stand. – Puedes cerrar las cortinas para ver la TV que está sobre el mueble de TV.

Imagine all you can do here by taking a look at the following list.

Couch, Sofa El sofá
Armchair El sillón
Floor lamp La lámpara de pie
Curtains Las cortinas
Rug La alfombra
Coffee table La mesa de centro, La mesa ratona
Cushion El cojín, El almohadón
TV stand El mueble de TV
Ceiling lamp La lámpara de techo
Table lamp La lámpara de mesa
Display cabinet El escaparate, El aparador
Shelving unit La estantería

Feeling like you want to have a cup of latte? Ok. Let’s go to the kitchen.

Furniture in Spanish: Kitchen – la Cocina

For your latte, you will need to:

  • Look for the milk in the refrigerator. – Buscar la leche en el refrigerador.
  • Grab a mug from the kitchen cabinet. – Tomar una taza del armario de cocina.

Now, take a look at the following list of the furniture in Spanish that you’ll probably find in any kitchen in Spain or Latin America.

Stove La estufa, La cocina
Refrigerator El refrigerador, La nevera
Oven El horno
Microwave oven El horno microondas
Dishwasher El lavavajillas
Kitchen cabinet El armario de cocina
Kitchen sink El fregadero
Kitchen tap El grifo de cocina
Worktop La encimera
Extractor hood La campana extractora
Dish drainer El escurreplatos
Garbage can El cesto de basura

After we’ve drunk our latte, we’ll need to get ready for dinner. In that case, let’s eat some arepas in the dining room!

Furniture in Spanish: Dining Room – el Comedor

Nothing like eating a tasty meal:

  • Sitting at the bar. – Sentado en la barra.
  • In the comfort of some cool barstools. – En la comodidad de unos chéveres taburetes altos.

See some other pieces of furniture you normally see in the dining room.

Chairs Las sillas
Table La mesa
Tablecloth El mantel
Placemat El individual
Kitchen trolley El carrito
Bar, Bartop La barra
Barstool El taburete alto

After our wonderful dinner, it’s time to go to bed.

Furniture in Spanish: Bedroom – el Dormitorio

Get ready and:

  • Fluff up your pillow. – Mulle la almohada.
  • Set the alarm of the clock you have on the side table. – Pon la alarma del reloj que tienes en la mesa de noche.

Before going to sleep, let’s have a look at the following list.

Bed La cama
Double bed La cama de matrimonio, La cama doble
Single bed La cama individual
Bed frame La estructura de cama
Mattress El colchón
Headboard La cabecera
Pillow La almohada
Nightstand, Bedside table La mesa de noche, La mesa de luz
Wardrobe El armario, El ropero
Chest of drawers La cajonera

Remember to brush your teeth in the bathroom.

Furniture in Spanish: Bathroom – el Baño

Looking at the bathroom, having a bath is not a bad idea so:

  • You can use the shower or have a relaxing bubble bath in the bathtub. – Puedes usar la ducha o darte un relajante baño con burbujas en la bañadera.

Check the following vocabulary to talk about some other activities you can do in the bathroom.

Bathtub La bañadera, La bañera
Shower La ducha
Shower curtain La cortina de baño
Bath mat La alfombra de baño
Bathroom sink, Wash basin El fregadero de baño, El lavabo
Washbasin tap El grifo del fregadero del baño
Bathroom furniture El mueble de baño
Shelf El estante
Towel rail El toallero de barra
Toilet El inodoro
Soap dispenser El dispensador de jabón
Mirror El espejo

Now that you’ve taken a nice warm bath, remember to take your dirty clothes to the laundry.

Furniture in Spanish: Laundry – el Lavadero

It will be necessary to:

  • Put all your dirty clothes in the washing machine. – Poner la ropa sucia en la lavadora.
  • Dry the clothes in the tumble dryer. – Secar la ropa en la secadora.

Then you can iron your clothes. See how you can do that in Spanish!

Washing machine La lavadora
Tumble dryer La secadora
Drying rack El tendedero
Iron La plancha
Ironing board La tabla de planchar

We’re about to finish our amazing house tour. Before leaving let’s see what furniture we can find in the area of the house that many people use nowadays, the studio.

Furniture in Spanish: Studio, Home Office – el Espacio de Trabajo

The home office has become really popular these days. Many people work from home and they need:

  • A vast and comfortable desk. – Un escritorio amplio y cómodo.
  • An ergonomic desk chair. – Una silla de escritorio ergonómica.

Check this list out and learn some more vocabulary on furniture in Spanish.

Desk El escritorio
Desk chair La silla de escritorio
Swivel chair La silla giratoria
Work lamp La lámpara de trabajo, La lámpara de escritorio
File cabinet El archivador
Bookcase El estante de libros, La biblioteca

And last but not least, let’s go out of the house to spend some time under the sun.

Furniture in Spanish: Outdoor – el Espacio al Aire Libre

Some people:

  • Love sunbathing on their sunbeds. – Aman tomar sol en las tumbonas.
  • While some others prefer staying in their folding chairs under the parasol. – Mientras que otros prefieren quedarse sentados en las sillas plegables debajo de la sombrilla.

Take a look at our last list of furniture in Spanish.

Folding chair La silla plegable
Garden table La mesa de jardín
Garden armchair El sillón de jardín
Bench El banco
Picnic table La mesa de pícnic
Parasol La sombrilla
Sunbed La tumbona

This is the end of our home tour. We hope you enjoyed yourself and leave our house equipped with all the vocabulary you need to master furniture in Spanish. But before we wrap up this post, let’s study some extra information.

Extra Info

El mueble / Los muebles

In English, the word furniture is an uncountable noun, so you normally use a piece of furniture to talk about one single item or pieces of furniture when referring to more items. In Spanish, however, we use mueble for singular and muebles as its plural form.

  • We have to buy more pieces of furniture for the living room. Only one piece of furniture is not enough. – Tenemos que comprar más muebles para el salón. Un solo mueble no es suficiente.


When we want to describe the furniture’s material, the structure that you will need is furniture + de + material. For example:

  • My mum bought a wooden table. – Mi mamá compró una mesa de madera.
  • My neighbour has a plastic bench in his garden. – Mi vecino tiene un banco de  plástico en el jardín.


So far we’ve provided a pretty comprehensive vocabulary guide to talk about furniture, haven’t we? We have considered the essentials that will enable us to go shopping or have interesting conversations, while giving us an idea about how Spanish speaking people live.

Now that you know all about furniture in Spanish, put this knowledge into practice with some exercises!

Exercises: Furniture in Spanish

Fill in the blank with the right piece of furniture from among the choices.

1. Me gusta ordenar mi ______ para trabajar mejor. (cama – silla – mesa)

2. Ese ______ es muy incómodo. (mesa – lavadora – sillón)

3. No caben más vestidos en ese ______. (silla plegable – inodoro – ropero)

4. Deja el libro sobre la ______, por favor. (mesa de noche – banco – dispensador de jabón)

5. Hay que cerrar las ______ para no mojar el baño. (almohada – fregadero – cortinas de baño)

6. Me gustan mucho los ______ de madera. (muebles – sombrilla – grifos)

7. Pon el café sobre la ______, por favor. (taburete – espejo – mesa de centro)

8. Necesitamos un ______ nuevo para el salón. (lámpara de trabajo – archivador – sofá)

9. Mi hermano compró un ______ nuevo para guardar los documentos importantes. (perchero – archivador – tabla de planchar)

10. Solo pude reservar una habitación con dos _____ (camas individuales – secadora – horno)


1. Me gusta ordenar mi mesa para trabajar mejor. – I like to organize my table so I can work better.

2. Ese sillón es muy incómodo. – That armchair is very uncomfortable.

3. No caben más vestidos en ese ropero. – That wardrobe can’t fit any more dresses.

4. Deja el libro sobre la mesa de noche, por favor. – Leave the book on the bedside table, please.

5. Hay que cerrar las cortinas de baño para no mojar el baño. – You have to close the shower curtains so that the bathroom doesn’t get wet.

6. Me gustan mucho los muebles de madera. – I like wooden furniture very much.

7. Pon el café sobre la mesa de centro, por favor. – Put the coffee on the coffee table, please.

8. Necesitamos un sofá nuevo para el salón. – We need a new couch for the living room.

9. Mi hermano compró un archivador nuevo para guardar los documentos importantes. – My brother bought a new file cabinet to store important documents.

10. Solo pude reservar una habitación con dos camas individuales. – I could only book a room with two single beds.

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