The Planets in Spanish: A vocab guide to outer space

Vocab for outer space in Spanish

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Learning to talk about space in Spanish is a fun way to build vocabulary. In today’s post, we’ll travel across the universe to learn words about the entire solar system in Spanish.

Whether you are an astronomy enthusiast or a curious Spanish learner, we will cover terminology of outer space, including astronomy concepts, the planet names in Spanish, and other space-related vocabulary.

Now let’s launch our interstellar language adventure!

Space in Spanish: El Espacio

Humans have always found space fascinating. From ancient civilizations to modern scientists, people have looked up at the sky, wondering and trying to understand what is above our atmosphere. To say space in Spanish we use the word espacio, referring to that enormous universe that surrounds us.

Let’s see some other terms related to space in Spanish.

English Spanish
Universe El universo
Stars Las estrellas
Constellations Las constelaciones
Galaxy La galaxia
Solar System El sistema solar
The Milky Way La Vía Láctea
The sun El Sol
The moon La Luna
Celestial bodies Los cuerpos celestiales
Asteroid El asteroide
Meteor El meteorito
Comet La cometa
Black hole El agujero negro
  • The universe has billions of galaxies, each with millions of stars. – El universo tiene billones de galaxias, cada una con millones de estrellas.
  • The Big Dipper is a famous constellation in the northern hemisphere. – La Osa Mayor es una constelación muy famosa en el hemisferio norte.
  • The Milky Way is the galaxy where our solar system is. – La Vía Láctea es la galaxia donde está nuestro sistema solar.
  • Our sun is one star among the billions in the Milky Way. – Nuestro Sol es una estrella de las biliones en la Vía Láctea.
  • Our Earth orbits the sun in our solar system. – Nuestra Tierra orbita alrededor del Sol en nuestro sistema solar.

Planet Names in Spanish: Los Nombres de los Planetas

Now that we’ve seen many of the general terms about space in Spanish, let’s continue our journey across our solar system by exploring the planet names in Spanish.

Un planeta is a planet in Spanish. Planetas are big celestial bodies that orbit a star, such as our sun. Some planets are rocky, while others are gaseous.

For our solar system, here are the eight planet names in Spanish.

English planet names Spanish planet names
Mercury Mercurio
Venus Venus
Earth La Tierra
Mars Marte
Jupiter Júpiter
Saturn Saturno
Uranus Urano
  • Mercury is the smallest planet near the Sun – Mercurio es el planeta más pequeño cercano al sol.
  • We can see Venus from Earth. It’s very bright – Podemos ver a Venus desde la Tierra. Es muy brillante.
  • The Earth is the third planet in the solar system. – La Tierra es el tercer planeta del sistema solar.

Astronomy in Spanish: Astronomía

Astronomía, meaning astronomy in Spanish, is the study of outer space. The discipline includes the study of objects we can see easily like the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the stars, while it also includes phenomena we can only see with specialized scientific instruments.

Here we have some vocabulary about astronomy in Spanish.

English astronomy vocab Spanish astronomy vocab
Satellite El satélite
Space station La estación espacial
Spacecraft La nave espacial
Astronaut El astronauta
Astronomer Astrónomo
Telescope El telescopio
Rocket El cohete
Space travel El viaje al espacio
Space mission La misión espacial
Light year Un año luz
Eclipse Eclipse
Gravity Gravedad
  • An astronaut wears a special suit in space. – Un astronauta usa un traje especial en el espacio.
  • The Moon is a natural satellite. – La Luna es un satélite natural.
  • We can see the stars and galaxies with a telescope. – Podemos ver las estrellas y las galaxias con un telescopio.

Space verbs in Spanish – Verbos

It’s time to cover common verbs used when talking about space in Spanish.

English Spanish
To explore Explorar
To discover Descubrir
To travel Viajar
To launch Lanzar
To take off Despegar
To land Aterrizar
To abort Abortar
To cruise Moverse
To float Flotar
To orbit Orbitar
To observe Observar
To shine Brillar

Conclusion: Space in Spanish

Our journey is coming to an end. Let’s review what we covered today before we embark on another space mission. First, we explored the universe’s vastness by defining and learning terms about space in Spanish. Then, we saw the concept of astronomy and some words and objects to study space. Finally, we looked at some vocabulary about the solar system and the names of the planets in Spanish.

Learning words related to space in Spanish is an excellent way to expand your vocabulary, improve conversational skills, and also make a connection with a whole universe of knowledge. These terms will increase the understanding of the cosmos, and it’s a fun way to explore a new language.

With this topic, our goal is to inspire Spanish learners to continue their journey of mastering the language and exploring the vastness of space. Remember, the learning adventure never ends. There’s always more to discover!


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