Spanish Kitchen vocabulary: Get to know your kitchen in Spanish

Spanish kitchen vocabulary

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Embarking on the journey of learning a new language opens up exciting possibilities, especially when it comes to the rich and diverse realm of culinary vocabulary. In this post, we will delve into the fascinating world of Spanish kitchen vocabulary, focusing on essential terms related to appliances, utensils, cooking, and baking.

Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a culinary adventurer, or someone eager to enrich your daily conversations, this guide is tailored to enhance your understanding of the Spanish language in the context of the kitchen. Check out our complementary post for a big list of foods in Spanish.

Kitchen appliances

The modern kitchen is equipped with an array of appliances that make cooking and baking a breeze, from essential tools like blenders and coffee makers to specialized gadgets. Mastering the vocabulary of kitchen appliances allows you to navigate the modern culinary landscape and handle them with confidence. In this section, we provide an extensive list of appliances to strengthen your Spanish kitchen vocabulary.

We also recommend that you take a look at our post on furniture in Spanish to learn more about the names of other things you’ll find around the kitchen in Spanish.

English Spanish
Air fryer La freídora de aire
Blender La licuadora
Coffee grinder El molinillo [de café]
Coffee maker La cafetera
Dishwasher La lavavajillas
Electric oven El horno eléctrico
Electric kettle El hervidor eléctrico, La jarra eléctrica
Espresso machine La máquina de espresso
Food dehydrator El deshidratador de alimentos
Food processor El procesador de alimentos
Freezer El congelador
Griddle, Grill La plancha, La parrilla
Juicer El exprimidor
Juice extractor El extractor de jugo
Microwave El microondas
Milk frother El espumador de leche
Mixer La batidora
Oven El horno
Refrigerator El refrigerador, La nevera
Rice cooker La arrocera
Slow cooker La olla de cocción lenta
Stand mixer La batidora de pie
Stove La estufa
Toaster La tostadora
Waffle maker La waflera, La gofrera

Dishes, utensils, and tools

In the heart of any kitchen are the tools and utensils that facilitate the cooking process, from the basic cutlery and plates to more specialized items. Learning the names of these kitchen items in Spanish will definitely make your culinary process easier.

English Spanish
Cutlery Los cubiertos
Fork El tenedor
Knife El cuchillo
Spoon La cuchara
Teaspoon La cucharilla, La cucharita
Plate El plato
Glass El vaso
Wine glass La copa de vino
Mug La taza
Cup La taza
Bowl El tazón
Apron El delantal
Dish rack El escurridor de platos
Oven mitts Los guantes de cocina
Bakeware Los utensilios para hornear
Whisk El batidor
Spatula La espátula
Cookie sheet La bandeja para galletas
Measuring cups Las tazas medidoras
Measuring spoons Las cucharas medidoras
Kitchen scale La balanza de cocina, La pesa
Mixing bowls Los tazones para mezclar
Rolling Mat El tapete para amasar
Rolling Pin El rodillo de amasar
Pastry brush La brocha de repostería
Zester El rallador [de cáscara]
Butter dish La mantequillera
Can opener El abrelatas
Bottle opener El abrebotellas, El destapador
Corkscrew El sacacorchos
Pot La olla
Pan La sartén
Casserole dish La cazuela
Saucepan La cacerola
Gravy boat La salsera
Platter, Tray La bandeja
Pitcher, Jug La jarra
Cheese grater El rallador de queso
Ladle El cucharón, El cazo
Ice cream scoop La cuchara para helado, El sacabolas
Cutting board La tabla de cortar, La tabla de picar
Garlic press La prensa de ajos
Mortar El mortero, El molcajete
Meat grinder La picadora de carne
Meat mallet El mazo para carne
Peeler El pelador
Pizza Cutter El cortador de pizza
Potato Masher El aplastador, El pisapapas
Funnel El embudo
Salad Spinner La centrifugadora de ensaladas
Skewers Las brochetas
Strainer El colador
Tea Infuser El infusor de té
Tea kettle La tetera
Thermometer El termómetro
Tongs Las pinzas, Las tenacillas
Ice cube tray La hielera, La cubetera, La bandeja de hielo
Salt shaker El salero
Pepper shaker El pimientero
Sugar bowl La azucarera

Cooking vocabulary: Verbs

Cooking is not just a task; it’s an art, and mastering the language of the kitchen is crucial for creating culinary masterpieces. This section explores a plethora of cooking vocabulary in Spanish to help you with the process.

We can also recommend our post on measurements in Spanish, which can be really handy when following recipes and measuring ingredients.

English Spanish
To cook Cocinar
To bake Hornear
To blanch Escaldar
To blend, To mix Mezclar
To whisk Batir
To stir Revolver
To knead Amasar
To spread Untar
To boil Hervir
To broil Asar
To grill Asar a la parrilla
To roast Rostizar
To brown Dorar
To chop Picar
To dice Cortar en cubitos
To slice Cortar en rodajas
To julienne Cortar en juliana
To caramelize Caramelizar
To drizzle Rociar
To fry Freír
To garnish Decorar
To grate Rallar
To zest Rallar la cáscara
To marinate Marinar
To melt Derretir
To pan-fry Saltear
To peel Pelar
To season Sazonar, Condimentar
To simmer Cocinar a fuego lento
To steam Cocinar al vapor
To toast Tostar
To beat Batir
To deglaze Desglasar
To fillet Filetear
To grind Moler
To poach Pochar
To purée Hacer puré
To reduce Reducir
To render Desgrasar
To sear Sellar
To shred Desmenuzar
To smoke Ahumar
To sous vide Cocinar al vacío

Conclusion: Spanish kitchen vocabulary

Well done! Now that our exploration of Spanish kitchen vocabulary has come to an end, let’s do a quick recap before we go.

First, we learned all about appliances in Spanish, from the most simple to the most specialized ones. Then we moved to kitchen utensils in Spanish, providing a comprehensive list to equip you for every culinary task.

Finally, we provided a list of verbs for essential cooking vocabulary in Spanish for you to be able to reference the different culinary techniques.

So, whether you’re setting foot in a Spanish-speaking kitchen for the first time or seeking to expand your culinary repertoire, this comprehensive Spanish kitchen vocabulary guide serves as a valuable resource for expressing your creativity in the kitchen while navigating recipes with ease. You could even try your hand at making Hispanic dishes!

We hope you enjoyed this post! You can always come back to it whenever you need a brush up on Spanish kitchen vocabulary. Happy learning!

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