Spanish words that start with R: del Río Rápido al Ratón Relajado
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More infoThe letter R holds a unique charm in the Spanish language, known for its bold, rolling sound that immediately grabs attention. Whether it’s the soft flick of a single R or the emphatic trill of a double RR, mastering these sounds is essential for anyone looking to speak Spanish fluently. But it’s not just about pronunciation: learning Spanish words that start with R opens doors to a more diverse and colorful vocabulary, allowing for richer conversations and a deeper understanding of the language.
In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through the history of the letter R, explore some important differences between R and RR, and dive into a collection of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs that start with this letter. Knowing these words will not only improve your pronunciation but also enhance your overall language proficiency.
History of the letter R in Spanish
The history of the letter R stretches back to ancient Semitic alphabets, where it was represented by a symbol called “resh” that looked like a person’s head. This character evolved into the Greek letter “rho” and eventually into the Latin “R,” which is the origin of the modern Spanish R. Its distinctive, vibrant sound has been present in many languages throughout history; in Spanish, it has a special role in shaping the phonetic texture of the language.
Over time, the letter R in Spanish developed a dual identity, with both the single R, known as erre, and the double RR, known as erre doble, taking on unique pronunciations and linguistic functions. This evolution not only highlights the flexibility of the letter but also its importance in the Spanish sound system.
R vs RR in Spanish
In Spanish, the single R and the double RR have different pronunciations and roles. The single R can be pronounced as a soft flap when it appears in the middle of words, while the double RR is always a strong trill, often found between vowels.
For a deeper dive into the phonetic differences between R and RR, we invite you to check out our detailed post on how to roll your Rs in Spanish.
Words in Spanish that start with R
The letter R is one of the most common consonants in Spanish, so learning Spanish words that start with R can significantly enhance your vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, and boost your fluency.
For the rest of this post, we’ll introduce groups of words that start with R in Spanish, broken down into nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. We’ll round out the post with another section on words in Spanish that start with R prefixes.
Nouns that start with R
Nouns are words that name people, places, things, ideas, or concepts. Let’s take a look at these Spanish nouns that start with R
Spanish R nouns | English translation |
La rabia | Anger, Rabies |
La radio | Radio |
La raíz | Root |
La rama | Branch |
La rana | Frog |
El ratón | Mouse |
El rayo | Lightning, Ray |
La receta | Recipe |
El recibo | Receipt |
El recuerdo | Memory |
El regalo | Gift |
La renta | Rent |
El relato | Story |
El reloj | Watch, Clock |
La reserva | Reservation |
La respuesta | Answer, Response |
El restaurante | Restaurant |
La reunión | Meeting, Gathering |
El río | River |
El rincón | Corner |
La rima | Rhyme |
La risa | Laugh |
La roca | Rock |
El rompecabezas | Puzzle |
La ropa | Clothes |
La rueda | Wheel |
El ruido | Noise |
La ruta | Route, Path |
Verbs that start with R
Many Spanish words that start with R are verbs. These words express actions, states, or occurrences. Let’s take a look!
Spanish R verbs | English translation |
Rasurarse | To shave |
Razonar | To reason |
Realizar | To carry out, To perform |
Reemplazar | To replace |
Rechazar | To reject |
Recibir | To receive |
Reciclar | To recycle |
Recordar | To remember |
Recorrer | To roam, To travel |
Redactar | To write, To draft |
Reflexionar | To reflect |
Refrescar | To refresh |
Regar | To water |
Regalar | To gift |
Regresar | To return |
Reír | To laugh |
Relajarse | To relax |
Respirar | To breathe |
Resultar | To result, To turn out |
Reparar | To fix, To repair |
Rezar | To pray |
Rogar | To beg |
Romper | To break |
Rugir | To roar |
Adjectives that start with R
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, giving more information about them. Many Spanish words that start with R act as adjectives, so we’ve picked some of the most common ones to present in this list.
Spanish R adjectives | English translation |
Radical* | Radical |
Radiante* | Radiant |
Rápido | Fast, Quick, Rapid |
Raro | Weird, Rare, Strange |
Razonable* | Reasonable |
Realista* | Realistic |
Rebelde* | Rebellious |
Recto | Straight |
Redondo | Round |
Refinado | Refined |
Regular* | Regular |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Reluciente* | Shiny, Gleaming |
Rentable* | Profitable |
Reservado | Reserved, Private |
Resistente* | Resistant |
Respetuoso | Respectful |
Resuelto | Determined, Resolute |
Rico | Rich, Delicious |
Rígido | Rigid, Stiff |
Rojo | Red |
Romántico | Romantic |
Rosado | Pink |
Roto | Broken |
Ruidoso | Noisy, Loud |
Ruin* | Mean, Despicable |
*These adjectives are invariable. All the other adjectives change form to respect the gender and number of the nouns they modify.
Adverbs that start with R
Adverbs play a crucial role in enhancing our language by providing additional information about verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Let’s explore a variety of these words in Spanish that start with R.
Spanish | English |
Radicalmente | Radically |
Racionalmente | Rationally |
Rápidamente | Quickly, Fast |
Raramente | Rarely |
Razonablemente | Reasonably |
Recién, Recientemente | Recently, Just |
Relajadamente | Relaxedly |
Relativamente | Relatively |
Reiteradamente | Repeatedly |
Repetidamente | Repeatedly |
Remotamente | Remotely |
Repentinamente | Suddenly |
Responsablemente | Responsibly |
Respetuosamente | Respectfully |
Respectivamente | Respectively |
Regularmente | Regularly |
Rigurosamente | Rigorously |
Ritmicamente | Rhythmically |
Rotundamente | Emphatically |
Rudamente | Rudely |
Ruidosamente | Noisily |
Spanish prefixes that start with R
Prefixes play a crucial role in the Spanish language by modifying the meanings of root words and expanding vocabulary. Since many Spanish words that start with R are built on prefixes, we’re including them here in their own section.
A couple of these prefixes have similar English counterparts, but translating prefixes on their own is rarely exact. For this reason, we’ll start with a simple list of Spanish R prefixes, and follow with sections explaining each one in more detail.
Spanish R prefixes |
Re- |
Recontra- |
Requete- |
Rete- |
Retro- |
Now, let’s take a look at each of these Spanish R prefixes.
The prefix re- is one of the most common in Spanish. Like its counterpart in English, it’s used to indicate repetition, intensification, or a return to a previous state. It can mean again or back.
- Rehacer – To redo
- Releer – To reread
- Reactivar – To reactivate
The prefix recontra- is an intensifier in Spanish, often used in colloquial language to exaggerate or amplify a quality. It intensifies the adjective or verb to which it is attached, meaning super or extremely.
- Recontrafácil – Super easy
- Recontrafeliz – Extremely happy
Similar to recontra-, the prefix requete– is used as an intensifier in Spanish. It is often used in colloquial or informal language to mean very or super. It is applied to adjectives or adverbs.
- Requetebién – Very well
- Requetegrande – Super big
The prefix rete- is another colloquial intensifier used in some Latin American Spanish dialects. It has a similar function to recontra- and requete-, emphasizing an extreme degree of the quality.
- Reteinteresante – Very interesting
- Retebueno – Very big
The prefix retro- refers to something that’s backward, in the past, or relating to previous styles or events. It is often used in contexts that evoke nostalgia or historical references. You have this same prefix in English, but it’s a lot more common in Spanish.
- Retrospectiva – Retrospective
- Retroceder – To go backwards, To back up
- Retroalimentación – Feedback
Conclusion: Spanish words that start with R
Today’s post was a quick and easy introduction to a variety of words in Spanish that start with R. We started out with a basic history of the letter, tracing its roots back to pre-Latin phonetics. We then explained that we have some important differences to consider between the single R and the double R in Spanish, specifically with respect to how to pronounce the letter R in Spanish.
Then we got into our vocab lists of words that start with R in Spanish, introducing some of the most common Spanish R nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. We ended with a section on Spanish R words that begin with specific prefixes. In total today, we’ve learned over 100 Spanish words that start with R!