Swimming Vocabulary in Spanish: All the basics

Swimming vocab in Spanish

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When summer is in full swing, many of us head straight to the pool or the beach. If you want to know how to talk about swimming in Spanish, now’s the perfect time to dive into the vocabulary. Whether you’re talking about the Olympics or just having fun by the water, knowing the right words can make the experience even better!

Swimming equipment

Understanding the right terms for swimming gear will help you communicate better, whether you’re renting equipment at a pool or buying your own.

English Spanish
Swimsuit El traje de baño
Swiming trunks El bañador
Swimming cap La gorra de natación
Goggles Los lentes de natación, Las gafas de natación
Swimming ear plugs Los tapones
Nose clip La pinza
Flippers, Fins Las aletas de natación
Kickboard La tabla de natación
Life jacket El chaleco salvavidas
Lifesaver El salvavidas
Floater El flotador
Towel La toalla

Swimming styles

Swimming has several different styles, and knowing the names of these strokes will help you when talking about technique or during competitions.

English Spanish
Freestyle stroke El estilo libre, El nado libre
Breaststroke El estilo pecho, El nado de pecho
Backstroke El estilo espalda, El nado de espalda
Doggy paddle El nado de perrito
Artistic swimming El nado sincronizado

Swimming competition vocabulary

For those involved in competitive swimming, understanding the vocabulary around races, rules, and competition can make a big difference.

English Spanish
Competition La competición, La competencia
Race La carrera
Relay El relevo
Lap La vuelta
Lane El carril
Record El récord
Swimmer El nadador, La nadadora
Medal La medalla

Swimming verbs

In addition to equipment and terminology, here are the essential verbs related to swimming in Spanish that will help you express different actions in the water.

English Spanish
To warm up Calentar
To swim Nadar
To bathe Bañarse
To practice swimming Hacer natación
To dive, To swim underwater Bucear
To dive Sumergirse, Zambullirse
To splash Chapotear
To float Flotar
To kick Patalear
To stroke Bracear

Swimming phrases

Here are some useful phrases related to swimming in Spanish that will come in handy whether you’re at the beach or the pool.

English Spanish
Do you know how to swim? ¿Sabes nadar?
Is this your first lesson? ¿Esta es tu primera lección?
What time does the swimming lesson start? ¿A qué hora empieza la clase de natación?
Learning to swim Aprender a nadar
Hold your breath Aguantar la respiración
Diving is not allowed in this area No está permitido bucear en esta zona.


If you’re planning on heading to the pool or the beach around Spanish speakers, knowing some basic swimming vocabulary in Spanish can certainly make your experience more enjoyable.

From understanding the names of swimming equipment and techniques to communicating with the people around you, these terms will make you feel more confident and connected.

So, as you enjoy yourself at the beach or poolside, go ahead and practice your Spanish swimming vocabulary!


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