Valentine’s Day in Spanish: Our guide to the Day of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish

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Roses, chocolates, cards and more! Love is in the air, and Valentine’s Day is here to celebrate it. This lovely holiday, which reminds us of the importance of celebrating love and friendship, is a special occasion observed across the globe. Valentine’s Day in Spanish-speaking countries takes on various names, traditions, and even dates, reflecting the cultural richness of the region.

So, today we’ll learn all about this special holiday, including the different names for how to say Valentine’s Day in Spanish, their corresponding Spanish Valentine’s Day phrases, and a lovely list of Spanish romantic vocab to help you celebrate your loved ones.

How to say Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish

Depending on where you are, Valentine’s Day receives different names. The most common one is Día de San Valentín, which is a direct translation of Saint Valentine’s Day.

In other countries, the day is referred to as El Día del Amor y la Amistad, meaning The Day of Love and Friendship.

Some people prefer to celebrate El Día de los Enamorados, which translates as The Day of the Lovers, or simply as Lovers Day or Sweethearts Day.

Finally, in Guatemala, this date is recognized as El Día del Cariño, or Affection Day.

So how do you say Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish? It’s really easy, all you have to do is put Feliz before the name of the holiday and that’s it!

  • ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín! – Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • ¡Feliz Día del Amor y la Amistad! – Happy Love and Friendship Day!
  • ¡Feliz día de los Enamorados! – Happy Sweetheart’s Day! – Happy Lover’s Day!
  • ¡Feliz día del Cariño! – Happy Affection Day!

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Spanish

Saint Valentine’s Day is generally celebrated on February 14th, which is the most popular date globally. However, some Hispanic countries celebrate their day of love in September instead.

In Colombia, the El Día del Amor, or Day of Love, is celebrated on the third Sunday of September. In Bolivia it’s celebrated on September 21st, which coincides with the beginning of spring. Similarly, in Argentina, El Día de los Novios, or Couple’s Day, is celebrated on September 20th, also marking the beginning of spring.

Valentine’s Day in Spanish: Vocabulary

Who doesn’t appreciate a heartfelt gesture of affection? Whether it’s a box of chocolates, a sweet treat, or whispering I love you to that special someone, having the right vocabulary to express your feelings on Valentine’s Day can make all the difference. Let’s explore this essential vocabulary list to ensure you’re well-prepared for wishing someone a Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish!

English Spanish
Cupid Cupido
Cherub El querube
Love El amor
Romance El romance
Date La cita
Heart El corazón
Gift El regalo
Flowers Las flores
Roses Las rosas
Sweets Los dulces
Chocolates Los chocolates, Los bombones
Serenade La serenata
Poem El poema
Love letter La carta de amor
Card La tarjeta
Stuffed animal El peluche, El animal de felpa
Balloons Los globos
Surprise La sorpresa
Friendship La amistad
Hugs Los abrazos
Kisses Los besos
Caresses Las caricias
Boyfriend El novio
Girlfriend La novia

Conclusion: Spanish Valentine’s Day phrases

With hearts aflutter and Cupid’s arrows flying, we’ve journeyed through the vibrant world of Valentine’s Day in Spanish! Now, let’s take a moment to recap our adventure.

First, we explored the various names for Valentine’s Day in Spanish, and we learned how to say Happy Valentine’s Day in Spanish for each one. We also learned that while most Hispanic countries celebrate this holiday on February 14th, some celebrate love in September to relate it to the beginning of spring. Finally, we covered some essential terms that you’ll surely come across when talking about Valentine’s Day in Spanish.

Now you can confidently navigate Valentine’s Day celebrations, whether it’s flirting with your crush, expressing affection with a heartfelt card, or enjoying a romantic serenade under the stars.

So, let’s spread the love! Share this post with friends and loved ones, and stay tuned for more exciting adventures in language. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín! – Happy Valentine’s Day!

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