The Top 15 Verbs Like Gustar, With Examples

A Daniela le encantan los perros, and other verbs like gustar

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In a recent post, we gave a full breakdown on gustar in Spanish, with detailed explanations on how to use and conjugate this type of Spanish verb. While gustar may be the most common verb that requires a “reverse” structure, there are certainly plenty of other verbs like gustar. Dozens of other verbs follow the same rules for use and construction, so once you’ve mastered one, you know how to use the others as well.

In this post, we’ll introduce what we consider to be the most common verbs like gustar, so you can get more practice with this specific type of verb structure. We provide examples for each, but remember to check out  the post we mentioned above if you want a deeper explanation on how to use and conjugate gustar.

Basically, you’ll use the same principle of identifying the subject of your sentence to determine the conjugation for your verb. Indirect object pronouns are also still necessary to make it clear who the subject is having the action done by. Now let’s dive in and learn these other verbs like gustar!

1. Encantar – To delight

Also used to mean “to love” or “to enchant,” encantar is another extremely common verb that functions in the same way as gustar.

  • A Daniela le encantan los perros. – Daniela loves dogs. – Daniela is delighted by dogs.

2. Importar – To matter

You may also think of this verb as “to be important to.”

  • A ella le importa la salud de los niños. – The health of the children is important to her.

This verb is used in a very common expression used to say that you or someone doesn’t care about something:

  • No me importa. – I don’t care.

3. Interesar – To interest

  • A mí me gusta la clase de ciencias, pero me interesa más la clase de matemáticas. – I enjoy science class, but math class interests me more.

4. Molestar – To bother

  • Me molestan los restaurantes llenos. – Crowded restaurants bother me.

5. Quedar – To remain

The verb quedar can be used to talk about something which remains, similar to the way we use the word “left” in English.

  • Solo nos quedan dos semanas más en la escuela. – We only have two weeks of school left.

6. Costar – To cost

“Costar” can refer to the amount of money necessary for something, but also the difficulty or amount of effort associated with something.

  • Me cuesta mucho entender esta tarea. – It’s really difficult for me to understand this homework.

7. Parecer – To appear to be

Parecer can be “to appear to be” or “to seem,” and also to express an opinion or ask for an opinion. Check out the different ways we might translate this simple word into English:

  • ¿Te parece? – Does it seem that way to you? – Do you think so? – How does that sound to you?
  • A mí me parece una pareja muy buena. – They appear to be a very nice couple to me.

8. Faltar – To lack

Faltar is a fun verb because it’s used in many different contexts. If you say “No me falta fruta,” for example, it means that you aren’t lacking fruit: you have enough fruit, and you don’t need to buy more.

  • Nos faltan jugadores fuertes en el equipo. – We lack strong players on the team.

A common phrase used to talk about missing something or needing something is “hacer falta,” literally translating to “making a lack” or “creating a lack,” such as creating a space in which something is missing, or needed. “Me haces falta” means “I miss you,” but it also expresses that you really feel the lack of that person; they are creating a need or an absence in your life by not being there.

  • Me haces falta. – I miss you.

9. Aburrir – To bore

  • Me aburre mucho el golf. – Golf really bores me.

10. Preocupar – To worry

  • A mí me preocupan estos niños. – Those kids worry me.

11. Permitir – To allow

  • Mi jefe no me permite tomar descansos. – My boss doesn’t allow me to take breaks.

12. Doler – To hurt

Note that this verb has an o to -ue stem change when conjugated in both the third-person singular (duele) and plural (duelen). Check out our dedicated post about this important verb and other ways of expressing pain in Spanish.

  • Hoy me duele mucho el estómago. – My stomach really hurts today.

13. Fascinar – To fascinate, To love

Along with to fascinate, this could also mean that you really love something, or you are lovingly obsessed with someone or something.

  • I’m fascinated by the idea of evolution. – Me fascina la idea de la evolución.

14. Tocar – To be responsible for

You may recognize “tocar” for its other meaning of “to touch.” In that use, the conjugation pattern is regular without the use of indirect object pronouns.

We include “tocar” in our list of verbs like gustar because when you want to talk about something you are responsible for, or whose turn it is to do something, we conjugate it in this reverse form:

  • Me toca salvar el día. – It’s up to me to save the day.

15. Picar – To itch, To be itchy

  • A Sara le pican mucho los brazos después del viaje al campamento. – Sara’s arms are very itchy after her camping trip.

Verbs Like Gustar in Spanish: Conclusion

There you have it, you’ve now expanded your vocabulary with another fifteen verbs that conjugate like gustar.

Overall, as you’ve hopefully seen here, verbs like gustar are more straightforward to use than they may first appear. What tends to make them tricky is that they don’t follow the patterns we’re used to seeing with other verbs both in Spanish and in English.

It may take a little time, but once you understand these verbs, you unlock a rich and varied way to express yourself.

Some of the most beautiful thoughts and phrases in Spanish happen with verbs like gustar, and many of them don’t have a direct translation in English. That means that once you figure them out, you will have the priceless gift of pushing your brain to think and say things in structures that it didn’t have before, opening your mind and carving out new neural pathways.

So keep studying, and keep expanding your mind! Nos fascina verlos aprender! – We love to see you learn!

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