What’s your sign? How to Talk About Astrology in Spanish

Zodiac signs in French

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Stars, planets, and fate. In this realm there is a lot of concealed and intriguing knowledge that can unveil a lot about ourselves and the things that destiny has in store. Looking to astrology is one way to consider how it all comes together. If you find this all fascinating, then learning to talk about astrology and the zodiac signs in Spanish is sure to be of interest to you.

In this post you will find all the vocabulary you need to be able to handle astrology in Spanish like a pro. We will also include a list of useful phrases to include astrology in your Spanish conversations.

Let’s get started!

The Zodiac Signs in Spanish – Los Signos Zodiacales, Los Signos del Zodiaco

Let’s face it, whether you know much about the subject or not, we all at least know our zodiac signs. Certainly, it can even be a good way to make conversation and learn more about other people and ourselves. Here’s a list of the zodiac signs with their respective birth dates.

Zodiac Signs: English Zodiac Signs: Spanish
Aries (March 21 – April 19) Aries (21 de marzo – 19 de abril)
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Tauro (20 de abril – 20 de mayo)
Gemini (May 21 – June 21) Géminis (21 de mayo – 21 de junio)
Cancer (June 22 – July 22) Cáncer (22 de junio – 22 de julio)
Leo (July 23 – August 23) Leo (23 de julio – 23 de agosto)
Virgo (August 24 – September 23) Virgo (24 de agosto – 23 de septiembre)
Libra (September 24 – October 23) Libra (24 de septiembre – 23 de octubre)
Scorpius (October 24 – November 21) Escorpio (24 de octubre – 21 de noviembre)
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Sagitario (22 de noviembre – 21 de diciembre)
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) Capricornio (22 de diciembre – 20 de enero)
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18) Acuario (21 de enero – 18 de febrero)
Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Piscis (19 de febrero – 20 de marzo)

The planets – Los planetas

Planets are one of the most important aspects of astrology, since each sign has a planet that rules it. Here are the names of the planets for when you talk about the zodiac signs in Spanish. We put the sign ruled by each planet in parentheses to make things easier.

Planets: English Planets: Spanish
The Sun (Leo) El Sol (Leo)
The Moon (Cancer) La Luna (Cáncer)
Mercury (Gemini, Virgo) Mercurio (Géminis, Virgo)
Venus (Taurus, Libra) Venus (Tauro, Libra)
Mars (Aries) Marte (Aries)
Jupiter (Sagittarius) Júpiter (Sagitario)
Saturn (Capricorn) Saturno (Capricornio)
Uranus (Aquarius) Urano (Acuario)
Neptune (Pisces) Neptuno (Piscis)
Pluto (Scorpius) Plutón (Escorpio)

The symbols – Los símbolos

The zodiac signs are named after constellations, which in turn were named after Greek myths. For example, Aries is represented by a ram after the myth of the golden fleece which was offered to the Greek god Aires. At the same time, these representations are linked to the personality features assigned to each sign. Let’s see a list of the zodiac symbols, along with their respective zodiac signs in Spanish.

The symbols: English The symbols: Spanish
The ram (Aries) El carnero (Aries)
The bull (Taurus) El toro (Tauro)
The twins (Gemini) Los gemelos (Géminis)
The crab (Cancer) El cangrejo (Cáncer)
The lion (Leo) El león (Leo)
The virgin (Virgo) La virgen (Virgo)
The scales (Libra) La balanza (Libra)
The scorpion (Scorpius) El escorpión (Escorpio)
The archer (Sagittarius) El arquero (Sagitario)
The goat (Capricorn) La cabra (Capricornio)
The water bearer (Aquarius) El aguador (Acuario)
The fish (Pisces) El pez (Piscis)

The Nature of the Signs – La Naturaleza de los Signos

The signs of the zodiac can be classified according to their element, polarity or modality. In this section we’ll learn the Spanish vocabulary for each of the classifications.

The elements – Los elementos

In western astrology only four main elements are considered: fire, earth, air, and water. Fire signs are vibrant and flashy, earth signs are practical and realistic, air signs are idealistic and thinkers, and water signs are emotional and dreamers. Take a look at this chart to learn the elements and their associated zodiac signs in Spanish.

The elements: English The elements: Spanish
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Los signos de fuego (Aries, Leo, Sagitario)
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Los signos de tierra (Tauro, Virgo, Capricornio)
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) Los signos de aire (Géminis, Libra, Acuario)
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpius, Pisces) Los signos de agua (Cáncer, Escorpio, Piscis)

Polarity – La polaridad

The polarity or duality of the signs refers to the type of energy they possess. On one side is the positive energy, and on the other side is the negative energy. Positive energy is associated with vitality, impulsiveness, masculinity and the day. Negative energy is associated with passivity, reflection, femininity and night. In this chart we list the different zodiac signs in Spanish based on whether they’re considered to have positive or negative polarity.

Polarity: English Polarity: Spanish
Positive signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) Los signos positivos (Aries, Géminis, Leo, Libra, Sagitario, Acuario)
Negative signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpius, Capricorn, Pisces) Los signos negativos (Tauro, Cáncer, Virgo, Escorpio, Capricornio, Piscis)

Modality – La modalidad

The modality of each sign is related to the passing of the seasons. They are divided into three modalities: cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs. Cardinal signs correspond to the beginning of each season of the year and are considered impulsive and enterprising; fixed signs correspond to the middle of each season and tend to be constant and stubborn; finally, mutable signs correspond to the end of each season and tend to be adaptable and changing. Let’s take a look at the list!

Modality: English Modality: Spanish
Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Los signos cardinales (Aries, Cáncer, Libra, Capricornio)
Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpius, Aquarius) Los signos fijos (Tauro, Leo, Escorpio, Acuario)
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) Los signos mutables (Géminis, Virgo, Sagitario, Piscis)

The Birth Chart – La Carta Astral

Now that we’ve covered the different groupings of the zodiac signs in Spanish, it’s time to talk about the birth chart. This tool, which in Spanish is known as carta astral or carta natal, is a kind of map that shows us the location of the planets at the time of our birth. A lot of this vocabulary is very specialized, presented here in this list of birth chart terms, so you can be prepared when discussing this aspect of astrology in Spanish.

The Birth Chart: English The Birth Chart: Spanish
The ruling planet El planeta regente
Sun sign El signo solar
Moon sign El signo lunar
Rising sign El ascendente
Midheaven sign El mediocielo
Solar return La revolución solar
Dignity La dignidad
Domicile El domicilio
Detriment El detrimento
Exile El exilio
Exaltation La exaltación
Fall La caída
Triplicity La triplicidad
Term El término
Decan El decanato
Planetary transit El tránsito planetario
Retrogradation La retrogradación
Conjunction La conjunción
Opposition La oposición
Trine El trígono
Quadrature La cuadratura
Sextile El séxtil
Cusp La cúspide
Synastry La sinastría
Lunar nodes Los nodos lunares
The houses Las casas

The Zodiac Signs in Spanish: Common Phrases – Frases Comunes

We’ve already said that knowing a little astrology in Spanish can be a good conversation starter. In this section we’ll help you out with some common phrases so you can break the ice or keep the conversation going. Some of them are not directly related to astrology, though they’re close enough that you might want them when you find yourself talking about astrology in Spanish.

What’s your sign? ¿Cuál es tu signo?
When is your birthday? ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Have you ever read your birth chart? ¿Has leído tu carta astral alguna vez?
What’s your rising sign? ¿Cuál es tu signo ascendente?
Do you read the horoscope often? ¿Lees el horóscopo con frecuencia?
Tonight there is a lunar eclipse Esta noche habrá un eclipse lunar
Our signs are very compatible Nuestros signos son muy compatibles
Do you know how to read tarot cards? ¿Sabes leer las cartas del tarot?
What is the element of your sign? ¿Cuál es el elemento de tu signo?
I get along very well with fire signs Me llevo muy bien con los signos de fuego
I have never met a fortune teller Nunca he conocido a un adivino o adivina
Divination is an arcane art La adivinación es un arte arcano
There are many books on palmistry Hay muchos libros sobre quiromancia
Star alignment is a sign of good luck La alineación de las estrellas es señal de buena suerte
Astrology can help us understand ourselves better La astrología puede ayudarnos a entendernos mejor a nosotros mismos
Clairvoyance is a gift La clarividencia es un don


Well, we’ve covered a lot of essential vocabulary for talking about astrology in Spanish. This is obviously a pretty broad topic, so we focused on the most important parts to make it easier to integrate it into your vocabulary.

We started off with a simple list of the zodiac signs in Spanish along with their symbols and classifications. We then looked at the names of the planets, and their relationship with each of the signs. For interpreting the birth chart in Spanish, we provided a vocab list with all the specialized terms. Finally, we provided some common phrases that may come in handy when you’re talking about astrology in Spanish.

Of course the branch of astrology we discussed here is just one way to interpret your fate. For another point of view, why don’t you check out our related post on the Chinese zodiac signs in Spanish!

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