X in Spanish: Pronunciation, Spelling, and Words

The letter X in Spanish

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The letter X in Spanish, pronounced as “equis,” is a fascinating letter due to its unique and versatile pronunciation. Unlike in English, where X has a fairly consistent sound, in Spanish, the pronunciation of X varies depending on the word and the region where it is spoken.

This post will explore how to pronounce X in Spanish, provide some examples of words that start with X, and delve into the historical reasons behind its diverse pronunciations.

Let’s get x-tarted!

Historical Background

The variation in the pronunciation of X in Spanish is deeply rooted in history. The letter X was originally used to represent the /sh/ or /ʃ/ sound in Old Spanish. As the language evolved, this gradually transformed into the /h/ sound at some point in the mid-17th century. This led to changes in spelling which are now often represented by the letter J in today’s Spanish, and sometimes by the letter G.

Nowadays, X in Spanish is mostly pronounced as /ks/. However, in some words, especially those of indigenous origin or names of places, the X retained its original sound or shifted to other sounds. This is why we have different pronunciations of X in modern Spanish.

How to Pronounce X in Spanish

Now that we know the story behind the many pronunciations of X, let’s take a look at each of them. In essence, there are four main ways to pronounce the letter X in Spanish that we’ll explore here.

As an English X sound

In most words, the Spanish X is pronounced like the English X, which is a combination of the /k/ and /s/ sounds. Let’s take a look at some words with this sound:

  • Experiencia – Experience
  • Éxito – Success
  • Expresión – Expression

As an H sound

As we explained above, during the mid-17th century, the X was pronounced as /h/. Some words still retain the original spelling and pronunciation for cultural reasons, notably the names of certain countries or regions.

  • xico – Mexico
  • Xerez – Xerez
  • Texas – Texas

As an S sound

Commonly, Spanish words that start with X are pronounced with an /s/ sound when they have a Greek origin. For example:

  • Xilófono – Xylophone
  • Xenofobia – Xenophobia

In certain words of indigenous origin, the X is also pronounced like an /s/. For example, the city of Xochimilco is pronounced /sochimilco/.

As a Sh sound

In some place names derived from pre-Columbian languages, the X is still pronounced as /sh/, as in Xola (/shóla/) and Xicalango (/shicalángo/).


Well, that’s about it! You’ve now gained a deeper understanding of the multifaceted letter X in Spanish.

By learning how X has evolved from its Old Spanish /sh/ sound to its current forms like /ks/, /h/, /s/, and /sh/, you gain insight into the influences that have shaped Spanish over the centuries. This knowledge not only enhances your language skills but also deepens your appreciation for the diverse heritage embedded in every word.

We hope you enjoyed this post on the letter X. For insight on other interesting letters, check out our posts on silent letters in Spanish and on Spanish accent marks. Stay tuned for more!


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