Camping in Spanish: Essential vocab for your outdoor adventure

Vocab for camping in Spanish

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Camping is a fantastic activity to enjoy with some close friends or loved ones, or even on your own, especially for those of us who adore being surrounded by nature. Latin America is blessed with breathtaking destinations that are perfect for camping adventures, so in today’s post we’ll fill you in on all the vocab you’ll need for going camping in Spanish.

If you’re lucky enough to visit any Spanish-speaking country in the region and have plans for a camping trip, we’ve got you covered with all the essential vocabulary. We’ll cover camping gear, mouthwatering food options for your camping experience, and some specialized camping-related verbs that will come in handy during your outdoor escapade.

So get ready to dive into this comprehensive guide and make your camping journey in Latin America unforgettable!

Camping in Spanish: The basics

In Spanish, the word camping can be used to mean camping, campground, or campsite.

Camping in Spanish is an anglicism, meaning that it’s a word borrowed from English.

The words campamento and acampada are Spanish synonyms for camping.

For other vocab posts related to the great outdoors, check out hiking in Spanish, fishing in Spanish, animals in Spanish, and Spanish flower names.

Camping supplies in Spanish

Taking all the necessary elements for camping is essential. We know you’ll need some specialized camping gear, as well as some other things you also normally use at home. The following list includes both of them, but we’ll be focusing on vocab for camping gear in Spanish that you can’t forget when you hit the backcountry.

Camping supplies English Camping supplies Spanish
Tent La carpa, La tienda de campaña
Backpack La mochila
Sleeping bag La bolsa de dormir, El saco de dormir
Camping mat La colchoneta para acampar, La esterilla
Cot El catre
Hammock La hamaca
Camping stool, Folding stool El taburete plegable
Camping chair, Folding chair La silla plegable
Camp table, Folding table La mesa plegable
Rope La soga, La cuerda
Stake La estaca
Axe El hacha
Hammer El martillo
Screwdriver El destornillador
Survival knife El cuchillo de supervivencia
Pocketknife La navaja
Map El mapa
Compass La brújula
Binoculars Los prismáticos, Los binoculares
Photo camera La cámara de fotos
Flashlight La linterna
Lantern, Light La lámpara
Portable toilet El baño portátil
Toilet paper El papel higiénico
First-aid kit El botiquín de primeros auxilios
Sunblock El protector solar, El bloqueador solar
Insect repellent El repelente contra insectos


A group of campers getting ready to prepare dinner

Once camp is set up, it’s time to prepare some food

Outdoor cooking supplies in Spanish

Once you have your campsite set up, it’s time to prepare some food. In this section we’ll cover all the main camping gear in Spanish for preparing food outdoors.

Outdoor cooking supplies English Outdoor cooking supplies Spanish
Camp stove La cocina portátil
Portable stove La estufa portátil
Barbecue grill La parrilla
Fuel El combustible
Campfire La fogata
Matches Los fósforos
Lighter El encendedor
Kettle La pava, El hervidor
Pot La olla
Pan El sartén
Knife El cuchillo
Silverware Los cubiertos
Can opener El abrelatas
Soap El jabón
Plastic plate El plato de plástico
Plastic cups Los vasos plásticos
Canteen, Water flask La cantimplora
Thermos flask El termo
Lunchbox La lonchera
Portable cooler La nevera portátil
Cooking sausage on a grill over a campfire

Cooking over a campfire is a camping classic

Camping food in Spanish

Food is an essential element when going on a camping trip, with portability, durability, and ease of preparation defining what we take. Here we’ll present you with the most common food and ingredients we normally use on camping trips. Some of them are just foods that are easy to prepare like atún – tuna, while others are camping classics like malvaviscos – marshmallows.

Camping food English Camping food Spanish
Drinkable water El agua potable
Electrolytes El suero
Instant coffee El café instantáneo
Tea bags Las bolsas de té, Los saquitos de té
Snacks Los bocadillos
Chocolate bar La barra de chocolate
Cookies Las galletas
Chips Las frituras
Beef jerky La carne seca
Sandwich El sánguche
Cereals Los cereales
Dehydrated food La comida deshidratada
Canned food La comida enlatada
Ready-made meal La comida precocinada
Instant noodles La sopa instantánea de fideos
Instant mac and cheese Los macarrones con queso instantáneos
Instant rice El arroz preparado
Tuna El atún
Sardines Las sardinas
Tinned fruit, Canned fruit La fruta enlatada
Dried fruits Las frutas secas
Fresh fruits Las frutas frescas
Bananas El plátano, El banano
Hard-boiled eggs Los huevos duros
Hamburguers Las hamburguesas
Barbecued meat El asado, La barbacoa
Ham El jamón
Bacon La panceta
Sausages Las salchichas
Cheese El queso
Bread El pan
Peanut butter La mantequilla de maní
Marshmallows Los malvaviscos

If you want to enlarge your list of food, check out our dedicated post on food words in Spanish.

Clothes for camping

Choosing the right clothes for a camping trip is vital. Some garments are specifically used for outdoor activities, and some are used in urban life as well. We will include both types of clothing in this camping checklist in Spanish.

Clothes for camping English Clothes for camping Spanish
Beanie El gorro
Cap La gorra
Earmuffs Las orejeras
Ski-mask El pasamontañas
Hood La capucha
Scarf La bufanda
Gloves Los guantes
Coat El abrigo
Waterproof coat El impermeable
Windbreaker El rompevientos
Trenchcoat La gabardina
Fleece jacket La chaqueta de polar
Sweater El pulóver
Flannel shirt La camisa de franela
Thermal clothing La ropa térmica
Hiking pants Los pantalones de senderismo
Shorts Los pantalones cortos
Wool socks Los calcetines de lana
Waterproof footwear El calzado impermable
Fanny pack La cangurera, La riñonera

If you want some more vocab on clothes, take a look at our post on clothes in Spanish.

Verbs for camping in Spanish

So far we’ve been presenting you with camping vocabulary in Spanish, mainly consisting of objects. Now we’ll show you how to express different actions that we normally do during a camping holiday.

Camp-related verbs in English Camp-related verbs in Spanish
To go camping Acampar
To set up (a tent), To pitch (a tent) Armar (una carpa)
To take down (a tent) Desarmar (una carpa)
To pack Empacar
To unpack Desempacar
To walk Caminar
To hike Hacer senderismo
To light (a fire) Encender (un fuego)
To cook Cocinar
To roast Asar
To fish Pescar
To wrap Envolver
To pick up Recoger
To explore Explorar
To bond Crear lazos
To connect Conectar
To disconnect Desconectar
To behold Contemplar
To enjoy Disfrutar

Conclusion: Spanish camping vocab

If you’re fortunate enough to visit a Spanish-speaking country in Latin America and have plans for a camping trip, this post is your guide for the Spanish camping vocab. We’ve covered everything from essential vocabulary related to camping gear to mouthwatering food options, as well as useful verbs for your outdoor escapade.

So, prepare to embark on an unforgettable camping journey, armed with the knowledge and resources to make the most of your experience in Latin America. Get ready to connect with nature, explore breathtaking landscapes, and create lasting memories. ¡Feliz camping!

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