Car Parts in Spanish: All the Spanish car vocab you need
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More infoWhether you’re planning a road trip in a Spanish-speaking country, or you’re simply a car enthusiast, this post on car parts in Spanish is designed for you.
Today we’ll cover all there is to know about car parts in Spanish, from the inside out. Of course we’ll also go through many Spanish words for parts of the motor and body. Finally, we’ll add some verbs we normally use when talking about cars or driving cars. As always, we’ll include lots of examples for you to see this Spanish car vocab in action.
So buckle up, because we’re about to start our vocabulary engines!
Car in Spanish in Different Regions
Before we even get into specific car vocab in Spanish, let’s just make sure we know how to say car in Spanish. In fact, native speakers use different words for car according to their country of origin. As a bonus, click through for full slang lessons on each of the countries we mention here.
In Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, people normally use auto when talking about a car. Auto is an abbreviation for automóvil.
Coche is another option for car in Spanish. Coche is the common word in Spain, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Mexico.
Finally, carro is another common word for car in Spanish, mainly used in Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru.
Interior Car Parts in Spanish
Now that you’re familiar with the various Spanish words for cars in different countries, let’s dive into the most important terms for interior car parts in Spanish.
Interior car components: English | Interior car components: Spanish |
Accelerator | El acelerador |
Air bag | La bolsa de aire |
Air conditioning | El aire acondicionado |
Backseat | El asiento trasero |
Brake | El freno |
Clutch | El embrague |
Dashboard | El tablero, El panel |
Door ajar warning light | La luz de advertencia de puerta abierta |
Floor mat | La alfombra, El tapete |
Gas gauge | El medidor de la gasolina |
Gearshift, Shifter | La palanca de cambios, Las velocidades |
Glove compartment | La guantera |
Hand brake, Emergency brake | El freno de mano |
Horn | El claxon, La bocina |
Ignition switch | El encendido |
Keys | Las llaves |
Odometer | El cuentakilómetros, El velocímetro |
Rearview mirror | El espejo retrovisor |
Seats | Los asientos |
Seatbelt | El cinturón de seguridad |
Speedometer | El velocímetro |
Steering wheel | El volante |
Vent | La ventila, El ventilador |
Warning lights | Las luces de advertencia |
Windshield | El parabrisas |
- When Juan saw the warning lights, he braked immediately. – Cuando Juan vio las luces de advertencia frenó de inmediato.
- We honked the horn so that the donkeys would move. – Tocamos la bocina para que los burros se movieran.
- I’m sorry, but the gearshift doesn’t work. – Lo siento pero no funciona la palanca de cambios.
Exterior Car Parts in Spanish
Knowing how to mention the internal elements of a car is as important as knowing the vocabulary related to the external car parts. Let’s see what we’ve got from the outside of cars in Spanish.
Exterior Car Parts: English | Exterior Car Parts: Spanish |
Antenna | La antena |
Front bumper | La defensa delantera |
Back bumper | La defensa trasera |
Car grille | La parrilla |
Car window | La ventanilla |
Doors | Las puertas |
Door handles | Las manijas de las puertas |
Exhaust pipe | El tubo de escape |
Fenders | Los guardabarros |
Fog lights | Las luces antiniebla |
Headlights | Los faros |
Hood | El capó |
License plate | La placa, La patente |
Roof | El techo |
Side mirrors | Los espejos retrovisores laterales |
Spare tire | El neumático de repuesto |
Sun roof | El techo solar |
Taillights | Las luces traseras |
Tire | El neumático, La llanta |
Turn signal lights | Las luces de giro |
Trunk | La cajuela, El baúl |
Windshield wiper | El limpia parabrisas |
- This model comes with a sun roof. – Este modelo viene con techo solar.
- The things we need for work are in the trunk of the car. – Las elementos de trabajo están en el baúl del auto.
- It was raining a lot, so we had to turn on the windshield wipers. – Estaba lloviendo mucho y tuvimos que encender el limpia parabrisas.
If you want some additional vocab that may come in handy when talking about cars and car parts in Spanish, here are some links to a few of our other detailed posts on other specific topics. We also include several that are specific to travel.
Physical descriptions in Spanish
Units of measurement in Spanish
Parts of the Motor in Spanish
Now let’s get into more specific technical vocabulary for car parts in Spanish. The following terms may come in handy if you encounter any issues with your car. Our focus here is on the most relevant and significant components of a car engine that you may need to talk about.
Motor parts: English | Motor parts: Spanish |
Air compressor | El compresor de aire |
Air filter | El filtro de aire |
Alternator | El alternador |
Battery | La batería |
Camshaft | El árbol de levas |
Carburetor | El carburador |
Coil | La bobina |
Crash sensor | El sensor de colisión |
Dipstick | La varilla del aceite |
Distributor | El distribuidor |
Filter | El filtro |
Gas pump | La bomba de gasolina |
Hose | La manguera |
Oil filter | El filtro de aceite |
Radiator | El radiador |
Spark plug | La bujía |
Springs | Los resortes |
Thermostat | El termostato |
Valve | La válvula |
Water pump | La bomba de agua |
- The battery is not working any more. – La batería no funciona más.
- The air filter has a hole. – El filtro de aire tiene un agujero.
- You need to change the water pump. – Necesitas cambiar la bomba de agua.
Spanish Verbs related to Cars
In this list, we present the verbs for many of the actions we normally talk about with cars in Spanish.
English car verbs | Spanish car verbs |
To accelerate | Acelerar |
To back up, To go in reverse | Retroceder, Ir marcha atrás |
To brake | Frenar |
To change lanes | Cambiar de carril |
To check the oil | Revisar el aceite |
To drive | Conducir, Manejar |
To fasten the seatbelt | Ajustar el cinturón de seguridad |
To fill up the tank | Llenar el tanque |
To fix the car | Arreglar el carro |
To honk the horn | Tocar la bocina |
To overtake | Adelantarse |
To park | Estacionar |
To run out of gas | Quedarse sin gasolina |
To shift gears | Pasar los cambios |
To slow down | Bajar la velocidad |
To speed up | Aumentar la velocidad |
To start the car | Encender, Arrancar el auto |
To stop | Detenerse, Parar |
To stop the car | Apagar, Detener el coche |
To turn | Girar, Doblar |
To work, To function | Funcionar |
- Accelerating in curves is dangerous. – Acelerar en la curvas es peligroso.
- Turning left is prohibited. – Prohibido girar a la izquierda.
- My car is not working. I have to fix it. – Mi auto no funciona, tengo que arreglarlo.
Conclusion: Car parts in Spanish
What a great Spanish car tour! We’re confident that the vocab for car parts in Spanish that we’ve just presented will fully equip you to discuss any situations around a car with adequate detail.
Whether describing a car’s interior or exterior, or even talking about the internal car parts in Spanish, we’ve got you covered with the right vocab! In addition, we listed the most important verbs related to cars and driving.
So whether you’re planning to drive a car in Latin America or simply interested in Spanish car talk, you’re now equipped to discuss cars and car parts in Spanish!