Colors in Spanish 101 (+Practice Quiz)

Spanish Colors

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Learning how to say colors in Spanish is usually one of the first things you’ll tackle. Why? Well, they are useful on their own, but are also great basic adjectives to learn basic grammar with.

Spanish Colors List

There’s a LOT of different colors, but beyond a few core colors, we just end up making up weird names for slightly different hues. You really won’t ever need any colors other than these:

 English  Spanish
 White  Blanco
 Black  Negro
 Blue  Azul
 Yellow  Amarillo
 Red  Rojo
 Green  Verde
 Orange  Naranja
 Brown  Café
 Pink  Rosa
 Purple  Morado
 Grey  Gris
 Silver  Plateado
 Gold  Dorado

That’s about it! This covers you for 95% of occasions (people are much less specific with colors in Spanish than English).

You’ll want to practice these now. We’ve got an exercise next, but if you want to get our flashcards for this (and every other lesson) free, just click here.

Crazy Spanish Colors

OK – so fair warning, you probably won’t need these, so don’t worry about learning them unless you want to! But some people like to be very specific with their colors, so here are a bunch of extra colors for you:

English Spanish Color
Mallow  Malva
Burgundy  Borgoña
Fuchsia  Fucsia
Terracotta  Terracota
Cream  Crema
Lilac  Lila
Lavender  Lavanda
Red wine  Vinotinto
Sea green  Verdemar
Khaki  Caqui
Turquoise  Turquesa
Scarlet Red  Rojo Escarlata
Canary Yellow  Amarillo Canario
Charcoal  Carbón

Spanish Colors Worksheet

OK, so in this little exercise, we’re going to show you some images, and you need to say what colors are in them. We’ve given you some hints under each one – so identify the colors, and then check the key at the bottom.

Normal Colors Practice

Peach - Spanish Colors Example 4

 1. A __ __ __ __ __ __ __             2. __ O __ __             3. __ __ __ É

Watch - Spanish Colors Example 2

4. __ A__ __              5. __ O__A __ __        6. B __ __ __ __ __

Lipstick - Spanish Colors Example 3

 7. D __ __ __ __ O          8. M __ R __ __ __        9. __ A __ __ __ __ A      10. __ __ __ O


Brush - Spanish Colors Example 4

11. __ __ __ __ O             12. P __ __ __ __ __ __ O      13. __ __ I __


Sandwich - Spanish Colors Example 5

14. B __ __ __ __ __       15. V __ __ __ __        16. R __ S __        17. __ O __ __


Car - Spanish Colors Example 6

18. __ __ __ L                       19. __ L __ __ __ __                    20. __ __ G __ __



  1. Amarillo
  2. Rojo
  3. Café
  4. Café
  5. Dorado
  6. Blanco
  7. Dorado
  8. Morado
  9. Naranja
  10. Rojo
  11. Negro
  12. Plateado
  13. Gris
  14. Blanco
  15. Verde
  16. Rosa
  17. Rojo
  18. Azul
  19. Blanco
  20. Negro


Crazy Colors Practice


Candy - Spanish Colors Example 7

1.  L__V__ ___ ___ A.

Birds - Spanish Colors Example 8

2. M__RR__ ___.          3. A___AR__LL___ C__ ___A___I___F


Suit - Spanish Colors Example 9

4. C__R___ON.      5. B___A___ ___O.       6. N___G___O.


Veil - Spanish Colors Example 10

7. C__E__A         8. V___N___T__N___ O


Artifact - Spanish Colors Example 11

9. T__RR__C__T___        10. N__G___ ____


Flower - Spanish Colors Example 12

11. L__L__


Bedroom - Spanish Colors Example 13

12. M__L___A.


Stones - Spanish Colors Example 14

13. T__ ___QU__S___.


Woman - Spanish Colors Example 15

14. R__S__ ___ ___          15. B__R___O__A


Tie - Spanish Colors Example 16

16. F__C__I__


Ocean - Spanish Colors Example 17

17. V__R__ __ __ __ __        18. B__A__ __


Bag - Spanish Colors Example 18

19. C__Q__ ___



  1. Lavanda
  2. Marrón
  3. Amarillo canario
  4. Carbón
  5. Blanco
  6. Negro
  7. Crema
  8. Vinotinto
  9. Terracota
  10. Negro
  11. Lila
  12. Malva
  13. Turquesa
  14. Rosado
  15. Borgoña
  16. Fucsia
  17. Verdemar
  18. Blanco
  19. Caqui


How to Constantly Train These

This is an exercise you can do mentally to remember the colors. As you walk around your city, or home, look at different objects and mentally say to yourself what color it is. Do spread throughout a day or two and you’ll have the colors locked down.

You can do this with all sorts of objects, not just colors.

TIP: Click here for free access to our Private Memrise flashcards, where you can train every lesson, including this one. They’re the same flashcards our students use! Click here for that.

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