Earth Day in Spanish: Tips and Vocab

Earth Day in Spanish

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Environmental consciousness has fortunately become a global phenomenon, with people all over the world doing their part to keep our planet clean, safe, and thriving for ourselves and future generations. That’s why every April 22nd El Día de La Tierra, or Earth Day in Spanish, is recognized all across Latin America and beyond, as a reminder of our responsibility to protect and care for our shared home.

In today’s post, we want to take a moment to review some practical ways in which we can help our planet, from reducing our carbon footprint to conserving natural resources. This is also a great opportunity to explore useful Spanish environmental vocabulary.

Earth Day in Spanish: Making positive changes

It is no secret that our planet is facing many environmental challenges. Issues like el cambio climático (climate change), el calentamiento global (global warming), la contaminación (pollution) and la destrucción de hábitats (habitat destruction) are serious threats to our existence on the planet.

We all need to remember that improving this situation is up to us. By being mindful of our impacto ambiental (environmental impact), we can help to proteger (protect) and preservar (to preserve) the planet for generations to come.

By taking up some hábitos sostenibles (sustainable habits), we can change a lot. An easy way to reduce our huella de carbono (carbon footprint) is to use public transportation, to get around by bike, or to simply walk instead of driving a car.

When discussing Earth Day in Spanish, we often teach La Regla de las 3 Erres (the three Rs rule): reducir (reduce), reutilizar (reuse), reciclar (recycle). This rule is linked to the awareness of our prácticas de consumo (consumption practices).

Reducing our consumption of products to generate less desechos (waste), purchasing second-hand clothes or supporting ethical fashion brands, and reusing and recycling materials like papel (paper), cartón (cardboard), vidrio (glass), and plástico (plastic), are simple yet impactful actions to care for el medio ambiente (the environment).

By being mindful of our consumption practices, we can also preserve vital recursos naturales (natural resources) like el agua (water), los árboles (trees), and la tierra (soil). Let’s all do our part to keep our aire (air) and océanos (oceans) clean and protect our fauna salvaje (wildlife)!

Earth Day in Spanish: Useful Vocabulary

Now that we’ve introduced a lot of Spanish environmental vocabulary by talking about practical ways to help the planet, let’s move on to some specific vocabulary lists that can come in handy when talking about Earth Day in Spanish. We’ll include the vocabulary we’ve already covered in the text above, and then add some new words to the mix.

A great thing about a lot of environmental vocabulary in Spanish is that many words are cognates, meaning that they have similar roots in both languages. This makes learning Spanish Earth Day vocab way smoother for everybody!

The environment

Let’s start off with some vocabulary pertaining broadly to nature in Spanish.

English Spanish
The environment El medio ambiente
Nature La naturaleza
The planet El planeta
Earth La Tierra
Natural resources Los recursos naturales
Water El agua
Soil La tierra
Air El aire
Plants Las plantas
Tree El árbol
Sun El Sol
Moon La Luna
Rain La lluvia
Ocean El océano
The ozone layer La capa de ozono
Wildlife La fauna salvaje

Environmental impacts

Now let’s see some of the vocab for talking about our environmental impact in Spanish. Think about what actions you can do as you go through all of these terms!

English Spanish
Climate change El cambio climático
Global warming El calentamiento global
Habitat destruction La destrucción de hábitats
Carbon footprint La huella de carbono
Pollution La contaminación
Sustainable habits Los hábitos sostenibles
Consumption practices Las prácticas de consumo
Environmental impact El impacto ambiental
Waste Los desechos
Plastic El plástico
Paper El papel
Glass El vidrio
Cardboard El cartón

Spanish eco verbs

Finally, let’s learn some of the key verbs for talking about environmental measures we can take on Earth Day in Spanish.

English Spanish
To reduce Reducir
To reuse Reutilizar
To recycle Reciclar
To protect Proteger
To take care of, To care for Cuidar
To preserve Preservar
To conserve Conservar
To save Ahorrar
To clean Limpiar


How did you do? Between our introductory text on making positive environmental changes, and the vocab lists introducing specific Spanish environmental vocabulary, we hope that you’ve not only expanded your language knowledge, but that we’ve also encouraged you to reflect on some of the vital topics we’ve touched on here.

Of course we’re really just scratching the surface, as these are all major issues that affect every living thing on planet Earth. Encouraging reflection and action is a lot of what El Día de La Tierra, or Earth Day in Spanish, is all about.

Now, it’s your turn to take action and share your knowledge with others. Spread awareness about environmental protection and encourage others to take sustainable actions, whether in English or in Spanish. Remember, every action counts, and together, we can make a positive impact on our planet. Happy Earth Day!

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