Honduran Slang: 25 Local Words You Need To know

Honduran Slang

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Along the coast of the Caribbean Sea, you’ll find some of the most unique Spanish terms once you encounter Honduras Spanish slang.

Sidenote: This post is the latest post in a series where we explore slang for every Spanish speaking country

1) Alero

Number 1 on our list of Honduran slang translates as “the one on your wing”, and is a nice way to describe your best mate.

  • Voy a invitar a mi alero para que venga – I’m going to invite my best friend to come

2) Bélico

Another word to express your admiration or surprise at something amazing.

  • Pero qué bélico ese carro – That car is extremely cool

3) Birrias

It’s a good sign when somebody invites you for a “birria”, since this is Honduras slang for a beer.

  • Podemos tomarnos unas birrias después de almorzar – We can grab a few beers after lunch

4) Caballo

Directed towards someone who acts without thinking about the consequences, or is oblivious and doesn’t pay attention to what’s happening around him or her.

  • ¡No seas caballo! ¿Cómo le vas a decir eso? – Don’t be so dumb! How could you say that to him?

5) Catracho

Honduran slang for people from Honduras. You’ll hear Hondurans use it with pride to describe themselves.

  • Andrea se fue el mes pasado, pero le ha ido bien, tiene un vecino catracho que la ayudó – Andrea got there last month, but she has been doing fine, she has an Honduran neighbor too that has helped her

6) Chafas

In Mexico, this word is used for low-quality products, but in Honduras, this is a slang term for the “The Armed Forces”

  • Después de que comenzaron los disturbios, llegaron los chafas – After the riots began, the armed forces stepped in

7) Charrula

Similar to “good for nothing”, this slang term is used as a label for an irresponsible person.

  • No puedes contar con Manuel, ese es un charrula – You can’t count on Manuel, he’s a good for nothing 

8) Shasta

An item that is made of poor quality.

  • Este reloj es shasta, se me dañó a la semana – This watch is pretty bad, It broke a week after I bought it

9) Chele

Honduran slang for people with predominantly white features, and/or blonde or light colored hair.

  • ¿No sabes de quien te hablo? Era chele, con camisa roja, estaba ayer acá – Don’t you know who I’m talking about? He was White, blonde, red shirt, he was here yesterday 

10) Cheque

To express positive affirmation, similar to “ok” or “alright”

  • Cheque! Entonces nos vemos la próxima semana – Okay! See you next week then
  • Cenamos dentro de una hora, ¿cheque? – We’ll have dinner within an hour, alright?
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11) Chuco

Used to describe something as muddy, stained, but also to express an immoral quality, in the same way “dirty” can have many meanings in English

  • Debería bañarme, después del paseo llegué todo chuco – I should take a bath, after the trip I arrived filthy
  • Dicen que todo el dinero que tiene es chuco – They say all of his money is dirty money

12) Cipote

A name for a small child that elders use to get their attention (can also use “Guirro”).

  • ¡Mira, cipote! Ven a ayudar a servir la cena  – Hey, kid, come here and help serve dinner

13) Enchufado

When you are focused, or in the zone.

  • No te escuché, estaba acá enchufado leyendo – I didn’t hear you, I was focused on reading this

14) Goma

After the party, comes a great goma, which is Honduran slang for a hangover.

  • No hables tan fuerte que tengo goma – Please lower your voice, I’ve got a headache

15) Jilote

Although this translates to a variety of corn, in Honduran slang, this word is used to mention someone who’s simply isn’t the brightest, or is a slow learner or has a hard time understanding things.

  • Como eres jilote, ves que llueve y no sales con paraguas – Man you’re slow, you see it’s raining and go out without an umbrella

16) Macanazo

A punch and a bunch sounds catchy, and this word has both meanings, sort of, it can be used to describe a “receiving a hit”, and also a big quantity of something.

  • Uy, iba saliendo y me metí un macanazo con la puerta – Damn, I was going out and hit myself with the door
  • Hay un macanazo de personas en el concierto – There’s a ton of people at the concert

17) Macizo

Its literal meaning is “solid”, and is used in the same way we can use it in English – i.e. to describe a product that is of great quality.

  • Tienes un teléfono macizo, y te salió barato – You have a really great pone, and you got it for cheap 

18) Maje

Honduran slang for your close friend, similar to “mate” or “bro”. However, in the wrong context, it has a negative connotation, as it is used to call someone an idiot, so make sure the person is a *really* good friend before using it.

  • No sé, maje, no me dan ganas de salir hoy – I don’t know bro, I really don’t feel like going out today

19) Mara

Speaking of double meanings – this slang term can mean a gang of criminals from Central America, or your usual circle of friends i.e. your crew.

  • Mañana voy a ir con la Maria a un concierto, ¿quieres venir? – Tomorrow my friends and I are going to a concert, wanna come? 

20) Muela

Literally translating “molar” (the tooth), is someone who’s permanently distracted, with their head in the clouds

  • Si no fueses tan muela y prestaras atención no tendría que repetirte todo – If you weren’t such an absent-minded person and actually paid attention I wouldn’t have to repeat everything to you

21) Nacatamal

Slang for a famous and common food in Honduras that can be stuffed with beef, pork or chicken meat.

  • Navidad es época de comer nacatamales – Christmas is nacatamales time

22) Paja

Another term for “bullshit”, which can be used with “hablar paja” to mean lying profusely or beating around the bush and saying nothing.

  • Estás hablando paja ya, dime qué necesitas – You’re just bullshitting me now, tell me what you need

23) Pijin

Honduran slang for a party.

  • Vengo más tarde, nos invitaron a un pijin y quiero ir – I’ll come by later, we got invited to a party and I really want to go

24) Pisto

If a friend asks you for pisto, then they’re looking for money.

  • ¿Tiene algo de pisto de sobra? Me dio hambre – Do you have some extra money I can borrow? I’m kinda hungry

25) Yuca

Used to describe something or someone who is rigid and strict, or a tough situation to get out of.

  •  El examen final va a estar muy yuca – The final exam is going to be really hard
  • El profesor nuevo es demasiado yuca – The new teacher is extremely strict

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