Nicaraguan Slang You’ll Only Hear A Local Use

Nicaraguan Slang

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Whether it’s partying on a beach in San Juan Del Sur,  taking in the colonial vibes of Granada,  or surfing down the active “Cerro Negro” volcano at 93 km/hr in León, learning a little Nicaraguan slang will go a long way if you decide to visit this Central American nation.

Sidenote: This post on Nicaraguan slang is the latest in a series of posts that slang from Spanish speaking countries.

You can read more posts from our slang series here:

1) Acalambrado

This normally translates to “cramped”, but in Nicaraguan slang, it means being freak out, terrified or distressed by something

  • Estoy acalambrado porque no tengo listo lo que me pidió el jefe – I’m worried because I don’t´have ready what the boss asked me to do

2) Bacanal

Instead of using “fiesta”, you can use this slang for a party.

  • Vamos a un bacanal bien bueno mañana – Tomorrow we are going to an awesome party

3) Batear

“Batear” is a verb, used to describe hitting a ball with a bat. In Nicaraguan slang, it used to talk about a robbery.

  • Le batearon el teléfono –  Her phone was stolen

4) Chele, Chela

A slang term for blonde people (chele for a man, chela for a woman)

  • Mi amiga la chela es muy linda – My blonde friend is very pretty

5) China

Yep, just like the country China, but it’s also Nicaraguan slang for a babysitter.

  • Los niños se quedarán esta noche con la china – Kids are staying tonight with the babysitter

6) Chinear

A verb used to talk about holding or carrying a baby in your arms

  • Ella está chineando al bebé ahora – She is carrying the baby now

7) Chinelas

Another name for a pair of flip-flops.

  • Necesito unas chinelas para la ir a la playa – I need flip flops to go to the beach

8) Chisperos

In Spanish, “chispas” are “sparks” and in Nicaragua, a “chispero” is a lighter.

  • ¿Tienes un chispero? – Do you have a lighter?

9) Chuchada

Chuchada is a funny but also useful word – it doesn’t have a real translation, but just means “thing”

  • Dame la chunchada que nos encontramos – Give me the thing we found

10) Estoy pelado como un maní

This directly translates as “I’m peeled like a peanut” but in Nicaraguan slang is used when you don’t have money – similar to being broke.

  • No me pidas dinero, porque estoy pelado como un maní – Don´t ask for money because i’m broke.

11) Fachento

A very arrogant, rude and ostentatious person is a “fachento”.

  • Estas bien fachento maje – You are being very rude dude

12) Ideay

An all-encompassing Nicaraguan slang term, used to express amazement, surprise, bad news, or even can replace the question word? “¿por qué?” (why?).

In general, this word works for almost everything.

  • Ideay ya no llego a tiempo a la reunión – Gosh, I’m not gonna be on time for the meeting

13) Ir a pincel

Ir is a verb for “to go” and pincel means “brush” and so this term means “to go for a walk” – not so obvious is it?

  • Vamos a pincel, porque no tengo carro – We are going to walk because I do not have a car

14) Jaña

Jaña is Nicaraguan slang for a woman.

  • ¿Viste que bella esa jaña? – Did you see how beautiful that woman is?

15) Jaño

It would make sense to say that “jaño” means man, but that’s not the case. It actually means “boyfriend”.

  • Juan es el jaño de María – Juan is Maria´s boyfriend

15) Kiubole?

A short form of saying ¿Qué hubo? It is a greeting, very similar to What’s up? What’s new?

  • ¿Kiubole, cómo te ha ido? – What’s up? how did it go ?

16) Maje

Maje is Nicaraguan slang for someone who is not a good person, or someone you don’t like. Although, these days it is more and more widely used, with a less negative connotation.

  • Ese maje siempre trae problemas – That guy always brings problems

17) Nicas, Nica

Abbreviation for a Nicaraguan.

  • ¿Cuál es tu comida Nica favorita? – What is your favorite Nicaraguan food?

18) Queque

When translated directly, this looks like “whatwhat” but it actually means cake.

  • Voy a comprarle un queque a mi chavala porque es su cumpleaños – I’m going to buy a cake for my little girl because it’s her birthday

19) Tapudos

Nicaraguan slang for someone who talks too much, perhaps about other peoples’ business and loves gossip.

  • ¡Ay ya cállate! Eres muy tapudo – Oh Shut up! You are very gossip

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