Peruvian Slang: 27 Spanish Words That Are Unique to Peru

Peruvian Slang

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There’s a reason that Peru ranks highly among many travelers’ bucket lists, and whether it’s Machu Picchu, petting a Lama, or hiking Rainbow mountain, learning a collection of the best Peruvian slang will instantly help you make new amigos when you dealing with locals.

Sidenote: The post is the latest in our Spanish slang series, where we explore the best slang from Spanish speaking countries.

You can read more posts from our slang series here:

But now, 27 Peruvian slang terms that you’ll hear on the streets of Lima.

1) Al toque

You know when you’re in a hurry or want to do something very quickly, Al toque is the expression to use, as it means right now or immediately.

  • Tenemos que ir a su casa al toque – We have to go to his/her house right now.

2) Asado

Peruvian slang for a situation where a person feels very angry or upset.

  • No me hables, estoy asado – Don’t talk to me, I’m angry.

3) Bamba

You may hear this word at a Peruvian market, since it refers to fake objects or imitations.

  • Ese es un collar bamba – This is a fake necklace.

4) Pata

To visit Peru is a great opportunity to know awesome people and make some patas (friends) on the way.

  • Él es mi pata – He is my friend.

5) Chibolo

While talking with your pata, you might hear this word, as it refers to a young person.

  • Ese chibolo es un tonto – That kid is dumb.

6) Choche

Just like pata, this is another word for a close friend. If you say chochera you are talking about a group of friends.

  • Eres mi choche – You are my friend.

7) Cholo

Be careful with this one. Although it’s common to hear, it can be used as a disrespectful term for native people from Los Andes.

  • Cholo ¿qué pasa? – You, What’s up?

8) Cocho

Context is everything, as this is Peruvian slang for both a) an old person and b) female genitals.

Once again, context is everything.

  • Mañana mis cochos se van a la playa – Tomorrow my parents are going to the beach.

9) Está tranca

An expression used to talk about situations that may be considered very difficult.

  • ¡Este examen está tranca! – This test is difficult!

10) Estar huasca

We’ll hear this expression when someone ends up totally wasted, or drunk.

  • Después de 4 cervezas estaba huasca – After 4 beers I was drunk.

11) Fercho

Peruvian slang for chauffeur or driver.

  • Hay que llamar al fercho – We have to call the driver.

12) Figureti

A word used to describe a poser or a show-off.

  • La televisión está llena de figuretis – The television is fill with posers.

13) Florear

A word for when someone is lying to you, but at the same time, they’re trying to be as smooth as possible when doing it.

We can say they are floreando, they’re sugar-coating it.

  • Deja de florear y dime la verdad – Stop sugar coating it and tell me the truth.

14) Grifo

Another word for a gas station.

  • ¿Sabes donde hay un grifo? – Do you know where’s a gas station?
  • El hotel queda después del grifo – The hotel is after the gas station.

15) Hacer chancha

Peruvian slang expression which means to split the bill or collect money for buying something.

  • Hagamos chancha para comprar cervezas – Let’s collect money to buy beers.

16) Huevear/Huevón

When you find yourself doing absolutely nothing, the word huevear will describe your situation.

On the other hand, huevon refers to a dumb person.

  • Estoy hueveando en mi casa – I’m at my house doing nothing.
  • Tu pata si es huevón – Your friend is dumb.

17) Jale

Peruvian slang for a somebody’s sex appeal, or his/her attractiveness.

  • Ana tiene jale – Ana has sex appeal.

18) Jama/Jamear

Instead of asking for food, you can ask for jama. As a verb, you can use jamear.

  • Claudia fue a jamear – Claudia went to eat.
  • Esta jama se ve muy bien – This food looks great.

19) Latear

Slang which means to walk.

  • Iré lateando hasta tu casa – I’ll walk to your house.

20) Luca/China/Ferro

Just like you may refer to dollars as “bucks”, in Peru, these three words are used to talk about money. Luca is 1 sol, China is 50 cents and Ferro is 10 cents.

  • Tuve que pagar una china por 5 cuadras – I had to pay 5 cents for 5 blocks.

21) Chapar

This Peruvian slang has two meanings 1) to capture something or 2) to make out with someone

(random, we know)

  • Voy a chapar el bus – I’m going to take the bus.
  • Esta noche chapamos – Tonight we make out.

22) Piña

Normally this word means pineapple, but in Peru, it means a person who has bad luck.

  • Mi pata es un piña – My friend has bad luck

23) Pituco

Used to refer to wealthy people (or people who act/look wealthy).

  • Mira esos pitucos – Look at those wealthy people.

24) Pura finta

Perhaps someone who lies a lot, or portrays to be someone they’re not.

  • Eres pura finta – You’re too fake.

25) Roche

This word means shame or embarrassment.

  • ¡Que roche con tu hermana! – What a shame with your sister!

26) Soroche

You may hear this word if you decide to trek to Machu Picchu, since it refers to the altitude sickness.

  • Le dio soroche – He got altitude sickness.

27) Tono/Tonear

Tono is Peruvian slang for a party, and tonear is the verb to party.

  • Vamos a tonear – Let’s go to a party.

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