Technology in Spanish: Let’s talk computers and internet in Spanish

Spanish tech vocab

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In the age of globalization and technological advancement, proficiency in foreign languages extends beyond traditional conversational skills. For enthusiasts, travelers, and professionals alike, understanding the vocabulary associated with technology in Spanish is not just a linguistic endeavor but a practical necessity.

That’s why today we bring you the ultimate guide to be your gateway to a rich and expansive world of technology vocabulary in Spanish, offering an in-depth exploration of essential terms related to apps, social media, internet, computer hardware, software, screens, devices, and the verbs that drive the digital landscape.

Let’s get tech-savvy in Spanish!

Electronic devices – Los dispositivos electrónicos

Electronic devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, facilitating communication, entertainment, and productivity. Let’s take a look at these common electronic devices and their corresponding terms in Spanish.

English Spanish
Device El dispositivo
Mobile phone El teléfono móvil
Smartphone El teléfono inteligente
Tablet La tableta, La tablet
Computer La computadora, El computador, El ordenador
Laptop La laptop, La computadora portátil, El ordenador portátil
Charger El cargador
Smartwatch El reloj inteligente
Smart TV El televisor inteligente
Game console La consola de videojuegos
Speaker El altavoz, La bocina, El parlante
Digital camera La cámara digital
Headphones Los auriculares, Los audífonos inalámbricos
Printer La impresora
Scanner El escáner
Video projector El proyector de video, El videoproyector
External hard drive El disco duro externo
Graphics tablet La tableta gráfica

Hardware – El equipo

Understanding computer hardware is essential in the digital age. In this section, we cover basic Spanish technology vocab for computer hardware and parts. Let’s take a look!

English Spanish
Hardware El hardware, El equipo
Computer La computadora, El computador, El ordenador
Monitor El monitor
Button El botón
Keyboard El teclado
Key La tecla
Mouse El ratón
Microphone El micrófono
Webcam La cámara web
Central Processing Unit (CPU) La unidad central de procesamiento, El CPU
RAM (Random Access Memory) La memoria RAM
Hard drive El disco duro
Graphics card La tarjeta gráfica
Motherboard La tarjeta madre
Power supply La fuente de poder
Battery La batería
Cooling fan El ventilador de refrigeración
USB flash drive La memoria USB, El pendrive
Processor El procesador
Sound card La tarjeta de sonido
Network card La tarjeta de red
Connecting cable El cable de conexión
High-definition monitor El monitor de alta definición
Screen La pantalla

Software – El software

Now that we’ve covered the hardware, let’s move to the software part of our guide to technology in Spanish. Here we cover the various elements we see on a screen, from files to the cursor. Note that while the word software has quite a few translations in Spanish, the English word is the most common one we use.

English Spanish
Software El software, El soporte lógico, Los programas informáticos, Las aplicaciones informáticas
Operating system El sistema operativo
Device driver El controlador [de dispositivo], El driver
Server El servidor
Desktop El escritorio
Cursor El cursor
Toolbar La barra de herramientas
Taskbar La barra de tareas
Database La base de datos
Files Los archivos
Folder La carpeta
Virus El virus
Bug El fallo, El error, El bug

Apps and Social media – Las aplicaciones y Redes sociales

Apps and social media have become inseparable from our daily interactions, so you’ll probably find yourself including these terms in your Spanish conversations.

English Spanish
App La aplicación, La app
Social media networks Las redes sociales
Account La cuenta
Profile El perfil
Username El nombre de usuario
Password La contraseña
Follower El seguidor
Post La publicación
Comment El comentario
Tag La etiqueta
Hashtag El hashtag
Message El mensaje
Notification La notificación
Game El juego
Emoticon El emoticón

Internet – La internet

The internet has revolutionized the way we connect and access information and is everywhere we go. In this section we include all the common Spanish technology vocab you’ll need for talking about cyberspace.

English Spanish
Internet El internet, La internet
Network La red
Cloud La nube
Wifi El wifi
Bandwidth La amplitud de banda
Browser El navegador
Search engine El buscador, El servidor de búsqueda
Tab La pestaña
Search history El historial de búsqueda
Link El enlace, El vínculo, El link
Domain El dominio
Page La página
Website El sitio web
Blog El blog
Bookmark El marcador, El favorito, El marcapáginas
Cookie La cookie
Cache La caché
Email El correo electrónico
Address La dirección
Spam El correo basura, El spam

Technology verbs

To complete our technology in Spanish vocab guide, let’s cover the verbs that describe the actions of the digital world.

English Spanish
To browse Navegar
To download Descargar
To upload Subir
To share Compartir
To connect Conectar
To attach Adjuntar
To email Enviar por correo
To send Enviar
To receive Recibir
To search Buscar
To install Instalar
To update Actualizar
To turn on Encender
To turn off Apagar
To save Guardar
To copy Copiar
To paste Pegar
To print Imprimir
To scan Escanear
To file Archivar
To format Formatear
To restart Reiniciar
To post Publicar
To comment Comentar
To share Compartir
To follow Seguir
To [give a] like Dar like
To block Bloquear
To tag Etiquetar
To update status Actualizar estado
To [send a] message Mandar mensaje
To chat Chatear
To log in Iniciar sesión
To log out Cerrar sesión
To google Googlear

Conclusion: Spanish technology vocab

Fantastic work! Let’s end with a quick review of the topics we’ve just seen on technology in Spanish!

Today’s post was broken down into several vocabulary lists, covering electronic devices, hardware, software, apps, internet navigation, and social media. We ended with a big list of common verbs essential for navigating the digital realm in Spanish.

So whether you’re interacting with websites, apps, or social media platforms, this resource serves as your comprehensive guide to Spanish technology vocabulary! As a suggestion on how to master a lot of this vocab quickly, why not change your phone’s default language to Spanish? You’ll quickly recognize most of the Spanish tech words we’ve just introduced!

Finally, although today’s post covered the full spectrum of technology vocabulary Spanish has to offer, we didn’t go into any depth on any of the details. For full lessons on some of the topics we talked about here, we leave you with a few links to some of our other specialized posts!

Email in Spanish: Vocabulary & Phrases To Know

How To Write A Letter In Spanish: A Simple Guide

Spanish Titles: A Quick Guide to Spanish Honorifics

Texting in Spanish: How to LOL in Spanish and Master “Chatñol”

How to Type Spanish Accents: Keyboard shortcuts and Copy-paste list

Furniture in Spanish: Vocabulary for Every Room of the Home

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