One more time! Multiple options for Again in Spanish

Again in Spanish

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Mastering a language involves learning key phrases that make conversations flow more naturally. Different Spanish words for again are among such key phrases. Whether asking someone to repeat something or perform an activity once more, knowing how to say again in Spanish can come in handy in tons of everyday situations.

In today’s post we’ll discuss the most common ways to express again in Spanish. For each of these Spanish again terms, we’ll break down their unique meanings and practical uses. So, let’s get ready to explore the nuances of this versatile phrase and add another valuable skill to our Spanish-speaking toolkit!

How to say Again in Spanish

The first thing to answer is: How do you say again in Spanish?

Spanish for again can be translated in several ways, each suited to different contexts and levels of formality. The difference between these terms lies in the structures they accompany. For example, some expressions are commonly used in casual conversations, while others fit better in formal or written contexts.

These translations can also work with different tenses and verb forms, adding to their versatility, and they are usually interchangeable. Understanding these nuances is essential for effective communication in Spanish.

Now let’s see the most common ways of how to say again in Spanish, each with their unique usage and context.

Otra vez: Again

Otra vez, meaning again in Spanish, is widely used in Spanish-speaking countries. Its straightforward meaning makes it easy to incorporate into everyday conversations.

The two words can be translated literally as other time or another time, but the clearest English otra vez translation is almost always just again.

One of the key strengths of otra vez is its versatility, since it can be used in formal and informal contexts. This makes it one of the most common phrases in Spanish for again.

Otra vez is one of the Spanish adverbs used to ask someone to repeat an action. We can place this adverb in a sentence by following this formula:

  • Subject + verb + complement + otra vez

Let’s see some examples:

  • Can you repeat that again? – ¿Puedes repetir eso otra vez?
  • She is reading the same book again. – Ella está leyendo el mismo libro otra vez.

We can also begin our sentences using otra vez, rather than putting it at the end like we’ve just seen. The meaning remains the same. This construction is more common in spoken conversations:

  • Otra vez + subject + verb + complement.

Here are some examples:

  • We are arguing about the same thing again. – Otra vez estamos discutiendo por lo mismo.
  • The dog is barking again. – Otra vez el perro está ladrando.

De nuevo: Again

We can use de nuevo as another way to say again in Spanish. It can be translated as once again or just again.

When we consider otra vez vs de nuevo, de nuevo is slightly more formal but still very common. Like otra vez, we can also place it in different positions within a sentence.

  • I would like to travel to Colombia again. – Me gustaría viajar a Colombia de nuevo.
  • I had the same problem with my boss again. – De nuevo tuve el mismo problema con mi jefe.
  • I will buy a car again when I have the money. – Compraré un carro de nuevo cuando tenga dinero.

Una vez más: One more time

Una vez más is another common way to say again in Spanish. It’s generally used to indicate repetition. Una vez más can usually be translated as one more time, again, and once again.

Since this expression is more formal than otra vez, it’s not as common in everyday conversation.

We often use una vez más to emphasize the importance of repetition or to indicate that this might be the last attempt. This makes it especially useful in situations where precision and clarity are essential.

  • The teacher explained the lesson one more time. – El profesor explicó la lección una vez más.
  • We need to review the document one last time before sending it. – Una vez más, tenemos que revisar el documento antes de enviarlo.

Nuevamente: Again

Nuevamente, meaning again or once again in Spanish, can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is definitely the most formal adverb on today’s list of Spanish again options. Nuevamente is not frequently used in the spoken language, but is still a good option in written contexts. Spanish-speakers prefer using otra vez in conversations, since it’s more straightforward and sounds less formal.

One of the strengths of nuevamente is not just its ability to express repetition, but also a sense of a fresh start. This strength can add a subtle layer of meaning to the conversation, showing that the repeated action might be an improvement or a new attempt.

As far as word order goes, neuvamente follows the same rules as the previous adverbs we’ve seen so far.

  • She tried to contact customer service again. – Ella intentó contactar al servicio al cliente nuevamente.
  • Again, we are facing the same challenges. – Nuevamente estamos enfrentando los mismos desafíos.

Using Volver to say Again in Spanish

So far in today’s post, we’ve seen four different phrases that can all be used almost interchangeably to mean again in Spanish. Their main differences are in their formality, with just slight differences in the contexts where they’re used. All are used as adverbs.

But did you know that we can also use the Spanish verb volver as a way to say again? It’s functions differently than the adverbs we’ve seen so far, but its use is still quite common in everyday speech.

Before we get into how to use this versatile verb to mean again in Spanish, let’s answer this question: What does volver mean? In the world of Spanish verbs, the irregular verb volver stands out as an essential word to know. Meaning to return or to come back, it is a staple in everyday conversations.

Volver is not only used to talk about returning something or returning from somewhere, it also has an essential role in talking about repeated actions. Let’s dive into the different aspects of this verb and learn how we can use it to mean again, Spanish-style.

Volver conjugation

Let’s start with a quick review of volver conjugation before we move on. As we mentioned above, volver is an irregular -er verb. So this leads us to another question: is volver a stem-changing verb? The answer is yes, this verb has an O to UE change, meaning that we exchange O for UE in the stressed syllable.

Here’s our volver present tense conjugation chart. Note the stem change in each of the forms that have only two syllables.

Subject Volver
yo vuelvo
tú vuelves
él, ella, usted vuelve
nosotros, nosotras volvemos
vosotros, vosotras volvéis
ellos, ellas, ustedes vuelven

Volver a + infinitive: Again

Now that we’ve looked at the meaning and conjugation of volver, it’s time to explore how we use volver a to say again in Spanish.

In Spanish, we use the preposition a after the verb volver, followed by another verb in its infinitive form, to express repetition of the other verb’s action. This powerful combination of volver a indicates the repetition of an action, which differs from the meaning of just volver without the preposition.

Volver a can be applied in both informal and formal contexts, and is very common in daily conversations. It’s one of the most common Spanish verbs with prepositions. This construction is also among our important list of compound structures with very different meanings, such as tener que, ir a, and acabar de.

When we use volver a before an infinitive verb to express that that verb’s action is happening again, we can conjugate volver in any tense. Depending on the context, volver a can be translated into English as again or to go back to, or a combination of the two.

  • They visit the city again every summer. – Ellos vuelven a visitar la ciudad cada verano.
  • Maria went back [again] to study Spanish. – María volvió a estudiar español.

Conclusion: Again in Spanish

Today’s post has equipped our Spanish-speaking toolbox with the knowledge to understand the different ways to say again in Spanish.

We’ve explored the nuances of how to say again in Spanish using four different adverbs, learning their specific uses depending on contexts and levels of formality. We saw that these phrases can appear at the beginning or at the end of sentences in Spanish, with the English translations remaining the same. All four are also fairly similar in meaning, so that they’re often interchangeable.

We also took a quick look at the irregular Spanish verb volver, learning specifically how to use it as volver a + infinitive to say that something is happening again.

Mastering the different ways of saying again in Spanish is a valuable skill in the language. Whether using otra vez, de nuevo, una vez más, or nuevamente, each of these Spanish again phrases offers a slightly different nuance to our conversations. Likewise, understanding the differences between volver and volver a is helpful when choosing the correct form to indicate a repeated action.

By incorporating these expressions into your vocabulary, you can make your Spanish communication skills more natural and fluent. So the next time you need to say again in Spanish, you’ll have a variety of options to choose from, each adding depth and clarity to your conversations!


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