Airport Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide to Catch a Flight in Spanish

Airport Spanish: Vocab to to catch your flight in Spanish

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Ah, the airport. Truth be told, you either love it or hate it, but it’s always best to be prepared. And this is especially true when you’re traveling to countries where the language is different from your own. So, whether you are planning a trip soon or you are just curious, this post is carefully thought to prepare you with some sweet Spanish airport vocabulary for your travel experiences in Spanish speaking countries. Moreover, if you are looking for some inspiration for your next trip, you should check this post introducing the 21 Spanish speaking countries.

We will mainly cover airport Spanish vocabulary, along with some phrases and verbs, so if you need a little more basic knowledge to flow better on your next trip, we recommend you check out these posts on basic Spanish phrases and Spanish travel phrases to brush up on things like greeting, introducing yourself or asking for directions.

Ready to learn some airport Spanish? Let’s get to it!

The Airport in Spanish – El Aeropuerto

We know that getting lost is no fun, so in this section we’ll cover the most important areas of the airport. We’ll go from the administrative areas like the immigration office to the most public ones like the restrooms, the stores, and the food court. For the latter, we leave you these informative posts on how to ask how much in Spanish and how to order food in restaurants for a more complete experience.

English Spanish
Airport El aeropuerto
National airport El aeropuerto nacional
International airport El aeropuerto internacional
Take-off runway La pista de despegue
Landing runway La pista de aterrizaje
Airline La aerolínea
Travel agency La agencia de viajes
Check-in desk La taquilla de registro, El mostrador de facturación
Immigration La oficina de migración
Customs La aduana
Waiting room La sala de espera
Boarding area El área de embarque
Boarding gate La puerta de embarque
Arrivals Las llegadas
Departures Las salidas
Bathrooms Los baños
Shops Las tiendas
Duty free shop La tienda libre de impuestos
Food court El área de comidas, El patio de comidas

Airport Staff in Spanish – El Personal del Aeropuerto

We know how important it is to know how to refer to people when you are traveling. Imagine what would happen if you have an emergency and you don’t know how to call the right person to help you, or if you need to ask the flight attendant something and you don’t know what to call them in Spanish (we put it on the list, don’t worry). To avoid this kind of instance, check out this list of Spanish airport staff.

English Spanish
Crew La tripulación
Ground staff El personal de tierra
Pilot El piloto, La piloto
Co-pilot El copiloto, La copiloto
Captain El capitán, La capitana
Flight attendant El auxiliar de vuelo, La azafata, El aeromozo, La aeromoza
Traveler El viajero, La viajera
Passenger El pasajero, La pasajera
Security staff El personal de seguridad
Security guard El guardia de seguridad, La guardia de seguridad
Custom officer El oficial de aduanas
Receptionist El recepcionista, La recepcionista
Vendor, Salesperson El vendedor, La vendedora
Taxi driver El conductor de taxi, La conductora de taxi, El taxista, La taxista

Documents and Papers in Spanish – Los Documentos

When traveling abroad, it’s always necessary to carry the required documents. That is why it is good that you know their names to ensure that your path through the airport is smooth and hassle-free. Remember to check the departure time of your flight and pay attention to the announcements. In case you need it, we recommend this post on how to tell the time in Spanish.

English Spanish
I.D. La identificación, La cédula
Passport El pasaporte
Visa La visa, El visado
Plane ticket El billete de avión, El pasaje de avión
Round trip ticket El billete de ida y vuelta
One way ticket El billete sencillo, El billete de ida
Boarding pass El pase de abordaje, La tarjeta de embarque

Luggage in Spanish – El Equipaje

Depending on how long your trip is and the things you need to take with you, there are several options when it comes to luggage. A word of advice we can give you is to always check the items allowed, along with the maximum luggage weight, to avoid inconveniences. Let’s take a look at the following list to learn how to talk about luggage and related airport vocabulary in Spanish.

English Spanish
Luggage, Baggage El equipaje
Carry-on luggage El equipaje de mano
Briefcase El maletín
Backpack La mochila
Checked luggage El equipaje facturado
Cart La carretilla
Scanner El escáner
Scale La balanza
Baggage screening La revisión de equipaje
Baggage carousel El carrusel de equipaje, El carrusel de maletas

On the Flight in Spanish – En el Vuelo

Finally getting inside the plane may feel like a breath of relief, but it is still important to follow the instructions and safety codes, so this is when a little more Spanish airport vocabulary comes in handy. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for the boarding gate and your seat number. Check out our other post if you need help with the numbers in Spanish.

English Spanish
Flight El vuelo
Plane El avión
Cabin La cabina
Cockpit La cabina del piloto
First class La primera clase
Business class La clase ejecutiva
Economy class La clase turista
Seat El asiento
Row La fila
Window seat El asiento de la ventana, El asiento junto a la ventana
Aisle seat El asiento del pasillo, El asiento junto al pasillo
Compartment El compartimiento
Seatbelt El cinturón de seguridad
Layover, Stopover La escala
Take off El despegue
Landing El aterrizaje
Delay El retraso
Delayed Retrasado
Early Temprano
Late Tarde
Instructions Las instrucciones
Life vest El salvavidas, El chaleco salvavidas
Emergency lights Las luces de emergencia
Oxygen masks Las mascarillas de oxígeno
Emergency protocol El protocolo de emergencia
Turbulence La turbulencia

Spanish Airport Verbs – Verbos

Now that we’ve covered the nouns, we can move on to the verbs we usually use at the airport in Spanish. We’ll also include some phrases, but if you need more, we’ll leave you with this post with basic survivor-level Spanish sentences to get you out of trouble. Let’s take a look!

English Spanish
To go on a vacation Ir de vacaciones
To make a reservation Hacer una reservación
To stand in line Hacer fila
To buy a plane ticket Comprar un boleto de avión
To check in your luggage Facturar el equipaje
To weigh your luggage Pesar el equipaje
To board the plane Abordar el avión
To take off Despegar
To fly Volar
To land Aterrizar
To change seats Cambiar de asiento
To claim baggage Reclamar el equipaje
To take a cab Tomar un taxi


Wonderful job! Now you are definitely ready for your next trip in Spanish planes via Spanish airports to a Spanish-speaking destination. Before we say goodbye, let’s do a little review of everything we looked at today to summarize.

First we covered airport vocabulary in Spanish. We divided it into five groups for ease: the airport, the staff, documents and papers, luggage, and during the flight. Finally, we looked at some verbs and phrases you’re sure to hear during your trip.

Don’t forget to bookmark this post to come back to it whenever you need it. Check also the links to the posts above to expand your knowledge in airport Spanish. ¡Buen viaje! – Have a nice trip!

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