Animals in Spanish: Learn How to Name Animals in Spanish

Animals in Spanish

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Animals are part of everyone’s lives. Whether you live in the city or in the countryside, animals are always present. Learning animal names in Spanish is a stimulating way of improving your Spanish language skills.

If you wish to increase your proficiency and vocabulary in Spanish beyond the basics, such as domestic pets, then this is the post for you!

We’ll offer you extended lists of animals in Spanish, from pets to farm animals to sea creatures and many more! By the end of this post, once you’ve learned the names of over 150 animals in Spanish, we’ll round it up with some animal-related sayings that native speakers use on a daily basis.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Pet Animals in Spanish


Pet animals are a universal conversational topic. Many people see their mascotas – pets as members of their families, so talking about mascotas is one of the most popular topics for pet lovers. This list of Spanish animals not only includes the most traditional pets but also some other less conventional mascotas people have as companions at home.

Pets in English Pets in Spanish
Dog El perro
Cat El gato
Guinea pig El conejillo de indias
Hamster El hamster
Mouse El ratón
Ferret El hurón
Chinchilla La chinchilla
Hedgehog El erizo
Parakeet El perico
Parrot El loro
Goldfish El pez dorado
Turtle La tortuga
Salamander La salamandra
Lizard La lagartija
Iguana La iguana
Chameleon El camaleón

Dogs are the most common pets in the world, so it’s no surprise that we have some other dog-specific posts. Get some inspiration on how to call your dog with our post on dog names in Spanish, and then practice training your new pet with our post on dog commands in Spanish.

Farm Animals in Spanish

Animales de granja

The following list of animales de granja – farm animals might come in handy whether you live in a rural area or not. Who knows? May one day you end up visiting a rural area in a Spanish-speaking country.

Just like you do in English with certain animals like hen and rooster, in Spanish it’s quite common to have distinct names for the male and female animals.

Also, some of the animals listed here, such as rabbit or chicken, are often served in some restaurants in Latin America and Spain. For bigger animals, however, just like you do in English with beef or pork, we have different names for the cuts of meat rather than just using the word for the live animal in Spanish. See our post on ordering food at a restaurant to learn how to refer to different meats, or enjoy our specific post on bacon in Spanish!

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Cow La vaca
Bull El toro
Ox El buey
Buffalo El búfalo
Llama La llama
Horse El caballo
Mare La yegua
Donkey El burro
Mule La mula
Goat La cabra
Sheep La oveja
Lamb El cordero
Pig El cerdo
Rabbit El conejo
Mink El visón
Chicken El pollo
Hen La gallina
Rooster El gallo
Turkey El pavo
Goose El ganso
Duck El pato
Guinea fowl La pintada

Marine Animals in Spanish

Animales marinos

If you spend any time on a boat, or if you visit an aquarium, the following list of animals in Spanish is the one that you need. Just like on the previous list, many of the sea animals listed here, such as octopus or shrimp, can be found on a seafood restaurant menu, too.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Whale La ballena
Dolphin El delfín
Walrus La morsa
Seal La foca
Sea lion El león marino
Sea otter La nutria marina
Penguin El pingüino
Sea turtle La tortuga marina
Fish El pez
Shark El tiburón
Manta ray La mantarraya
Tuna El atún
Salmon El salmón
Eel La anguila
Anchovy La anchoa
Pufferfish El pez globo
Clownfish El pez payaso
Seahorse El caballito de mar
Octopus El pulpo
Squid El calamar
Lobster La langosta
Shrimp El camarón
Crab El cangrejo
Mussel El mejillón
Clam La almeja
Sea urchin El erizo marino
Starfish La estrella de mar
Sea sponge La esponja de mar
Jellyfish La medusa

Zoo Animals in Spanish

Animales del zoológico

Visiting a zoo is a fun activity you can do at any age. Why not practice your Spanish while paying a visit to the zoo? Here you’ll have all you need to talk about these amazing creatures in Spanish.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Elephant El elefante
Rhinoceros El rinoceronte
Lion El león
Cheetah El chita
Bengal tiger El tigre de bengala
Hippo El hipopótamo
Dromedary El dromedario
Zebra La cebra
Giraffe La jirafa
Bear El oso
Panda El oso panda
Porcupine El puercoespín
Monkey El mono
Mandril El mandril
Macaque El macaco
Bat El murciélago
Flamingo El flamenco

Jungle Animals in Spanish

Animales de la jungla

If you are a more adventurous person and ready to explore the jungle, this is the list of animals in Spanish you need.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Orangutan El orangután
Chimpamzee El chimpancé
Ocelot El ocelote
Opossum La zarigüeya
Anteater El oso hormiguero
Tapir El tapir
Capybara El carpincho
Lemur El lemur
Sloth El perezoso
Squirrel monkey El mono ardilla
Capuchin monkey El mono capuchino
Toucan El tucán
Macaw La guacamaya
Kingfisher El martín pescador
Alligator El lagarto
Crocodile El cocodrilo
Caiman El caimán
Snake La víbora
Anaconda La anaconda
Iguana La iguana
Lizard El lagarto
Frog La rana
Poison dart frog La rana punta de flecha
Eel La anguila
Piranha La piraña

Forest Animals in Spanish

Animales del bosque

Whether you need to name a forest animal in Spanish because you’re reading a fairy tale, you need to describe your last vacation to your Spanish speaking friend, or you simply live in a forest area, this list of animals in Spanish covers some of the most common creatures you’ll see in American and Canadian forest biomes.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Bear El oso
Moose El alce
Reindeer El reno
Boar El javalí
Badger El tejón
Skunk El zorrillo
Beaver El castor
Racoon El mapache
Hare La liebre
Squirrel La ardilla
Mole El topo
Fox El zorro
Wolf El lobo
Puma El puma
Owl El búho
Hawk El halcón
Woodpecker El pájaro carpintero
Hummingbird El colibrí
Dragonfly La libélula
Butterfly La mariposa

Latin American Animals in Spanish

Animales americanos

Are you learning Spanish to travel to Latin America? This list includes some of the animals in Spanish that are normally found in Central and South American countries.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Jaguar El jaguar
Maned wolf El lobo de crin
Alpaca La alpaca
Coati El coatí
Saki monkey El mono saki
Galapagos turtle La tortuga Galápagos
Eyelash viper La víbora de pestañas
Andean condor El cóndor andino
Harpy eagle El águila arpía
Red ibis El ibis rojo

Desert Animals in Spanish

Animales del desierto

Desert areas are also common in Latin America, so don’t miss the following list of animals in Spanish you may find in deserts.

Animals in English Animals in Spanish
Gazelle La gacela
Oryx El orix
Peccary El pecarí
Jackal El chacal
Bobcat El lince
Meerkat La suricata
Gerbil El jerbo
Armadillo El armadillo
Cobra La cobra
Python La pitón
Rattlesnake La víbora de cascabel
Toad El sapo
Gecko El gecko
Eagle El águila
Vulture El buitre
Ostrich El avestruz
Roadrunner El correcaminos
Crow El cuervo
Quail La codorniz
Ant La hormiga
Beetle El escarabajo
Caterpillar La oruga
Centipede El ciempiés
Spider La araña
Tarantula La tarántula
Scorpion El escorpión

Birds in Spanish


If you are a bird lover, you’ve surely already noticed that all of the other lists of animal names in Spanish we’ve provided so far included a few birds each. There are literally thousands of bird species, so we chose a few more of our favorites to include on this dedicated list of birds in Spanish.

Bird names in English Bird names in Spanish
Canary El canario
Finch El pinzón
Golden whistler El silbador dorado
Cockatoo La cacatúa
Dove, Pigeon La paloma
Sparrow El gorrion
Lark La calandria
Cardinal El cardenal
Blackbird El mirlo
Magpie La urraca
Nightingale El ruiseñor
Raven El cuervo
Falcon El halcón
Pelican El pelícano
Seagull La gaviota

Animal-Related Sayings in Spanish

Everyday language in Spanish is very rich in idioms, with many popular sayings or phrases that mention animals. In this section, we’ll present you with some of the most common sayings that include animals in Spanish.

A caballo regalado, no se le miran los dientes

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

The saying is advising that when given something as a gift, one should be grateful and not criticize or scrutinize the gift too closely.

Perro que ladra, no muerde

A dog that barks, doesn’t bite

This saying is typically used to describe someone who speaks their threats but doesn’t take action. Think of this one as a way to say “all bark and no bite” in Spanish.

Cuando el gato no está, los ratones se divierten

When the cat’s away, the mice play

This phrase means that when the person in charge of a group of people is not present, the rest of the group does things they normally wouldn’t do in the presence of the boss.

Cocodrilo que duerme es cartera

The crocodile who sleeps becomes a handbag

This one means that if you act slowly you’ll miss out on something. This is an equivalent of “you snooze you lose” in Spanish.

Moverse como pez en el agua

To move like a fish in water

This saying is used to refer to someone who acts comfortably in a particular situation.

Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando

A bird in hand is worth more than a hundred flying

This is a popular saying that suggests that it’s better to have something tangible and certain than rely on a promise of something whose outcome is uncertain.


We brought you this post so you can learn how to say animals in Spanish. As you’ve surely noticed, just like learning the names for flowers, there are so many animal names that learning more and more species is a lifelong task in any language!

With this in mind, we chose nearly 200 animals that we thought you’d want to know. Since even that’s a lot of Spanish animal names to learn, we broke our vocab down into manageable categories, each with its succinct list of animals in Spanish. In the end, we even provided a handful of interesting animal-related Spanish idioms!

So now, whether you’re visiting a Spanish-speaking country, going on a hike, ordering food, playing with your dog, dressing up for Halloween, or even watching a Disney movie in Spanish, you now have a great list of Spanish animal vocabulary to help you in your conversations!

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