Happy Father’s Day in Spanish: Essential phrases and vocab

Father's Day in Spanish

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Every year Father’s Day – el Día del Padre is celebrated around the world. This is a special date with deep roots and importance because of the respect granted to the paternal figure in all of the Spanish-speaking countries. Father’s Day in Spanish countries creates high expectations in people and it’s an opportunity to celebrate and to pay tribute to all men who dedicate part of their lives to build and love a family.

During this day, we honor our men of the family, father – padre, grandfather – abuelo, tío – uncle, brother – hermano, and any man who is a father. We do that mainly by wishing them un feliz Día del Padre – a happy Father’s Day and also, by giving them gifts, cooking special meals, and organizing family gatherings.

Father’s Day is coming, so in today’s post we’ll cover all you need to wish and have a Happy Father’s Day in Spanish. We’ll start with some details about Día del Padre celebrations as well as the dates Spanish-speaking countries celebrate it. We’ll provide you with the key vocabulary you’ll surely use on this special occasion, and you’ll have a bunch of phrases and inspiring messages to express and wish feliz Día del Padre – happy Father’s Day.

For additional family vocabulary, check out our full post on how to talk about your family in Spanish. We also have a similar post to this one which covers Mother’s Day in Spanish. And for other celebrations, check out our post on holidays in Spanish.

But without further ado, let’s dive into today’s post on Father’s Day in Spanish!

How and when Father’s Day is celebrated in some countries

El Día del Padre – Father’s Day is a global holiday celebrated to honor fathers and father figures, but in Latin America, people celebrate this occasion in unique ways. Kids prepare heartfelt gifts, including handicrafts, greeting cards, and more, often made by themselves, to present to their fathers. School is usually the place where children make these special gifts, showing their appreciation and affection for their fathers.

How is Father’s Day celebrated in Latin America?

The celebration has great significance in these countries, to the point that internet search statistics skyrocket due to the search for the perfect gift for fathers. The same occurs with physical stores and supermarkets, where people go to obtain what is necessary for the Father’s Day celebration.

Although in most countries, Father’s Day has become a commercial date, people still celebrate it not only by buying special presents for their beloved fathers but also by organizing special events.

While some families gather to have a special meal, like tasty barbecues, where all the fathers of the family are honored, others prefer spending quality time with their dads by engaging in activities such as hiking, going out, watching movies, or doing things they enjoy. The goals are the same: to spend some meaningful time with daddies, create memories, and enjoy themselves.

When is Father’s Day 2024 celebrated?

Father’s Day in Spanish-speaking countries is celebrated on a couple of dates, and these differ for yet other countries. In countries like Spain, it falls on March 19th in honor of Saint Joseph, who was Jesus’s father, following Christian tradition.

However, in many other countries, including several in Latin America, it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June, as influenced by the tradition of the United States. New Zealand and Australia wish a happy Father’s Day on the first Sunday in September.

Father’s Day Dates Countries
March 19th Spain, Honduras, Bolivia
June 16th Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland
September 1st New Zealand, Australia

We’re sure you’ve noticed that this section was all about dates. If you want a detailed lesson on this topic, check out our post on how to say and write dates in Spanish.

Useful Father’s Day vocabulary

Now that you know when to celebrate Father’s Day in Spanish-speaking countries, let’s learn some useful vocabulary related to this festivity.

English Spanish
Gift El regalo
Breakfast in bed El desayuno en la cama
Greeting card La tarjeta de salutación
Handicrafts Las artesanías
Eating out Salir a comer
Special plan El plan especial
Cologne El agua de colonia
Shaver La rasuradora
Happy Father’s Day mug La taza de feliz Día del Padre
Special offers Las ofertas especiales
The surprise La sorpresa
Tools Las herramientas
Barbacue El asado, La barbacoa, La parrillada
To create memories Crear recuerdos
To entertain Agasajar
To celebrate Celebrar

Happy Father’s Day messages in Spanish

In this section we’ll present you with a selection of the best heartfelt phrases normally used to wish feliz Día del Padre – happy Father’s Day, that can be used to express love and appreciation to all fathers, either in person or by writing them down on a greeting card.

  • Happy Father’s Day! You are the best dad in the world. – ¡Feliz Día del Padre! Eres el mejor papá del mundo.
  • On this special day, I want to thank you for being such a wonderful father. Happy Father’s Day! – En este día tan especial, quiero agradecerte por ser un padre tan maravilloso. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!
  • Dad, thank you for being my unwavering support and my best friend. – Papá, gracias por ser mi apoyo incondicional y mi mejor amigo.
  • Your love and dedication as a father have been an example for me. Happy Father’s Day! – Tu amor y dedicación como padre han sido un ejemplo para mí. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!
  • Dad, I hope to one day be a father like you. Happy Father’s Day! – Papá, espero algún día ser un padre como tú. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!
  • Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but fortunately, mine came with a dad… Infinite thanks to you, my dad! – La vida no viene con un manual de instrucciones pero afortunadamente la mía vino con un papá… ¡Infinitas gracias a ti, mi papá!

If you are the kind of person who likes congratulating people, we have a full article on congratulations in Spanish that can surely provide more inspiration here!


Now that we’ve provided you with all the information you need to make this day memorable, it’s time to celebrate and wish your dad a happy Father’s Day! – ¡Feliz Día del Padre! Whether you’re in a different country or looking to incorporate Latin American traditions, you have no excuse for not celebrating this unique day.

We started off by listing the Father’s Day dates for different countries. We then went through some details on how people in Latin America celebrate this special day. Finally, we provided a useful list of Spanish Father’s Day vocab, along with some heartfelt messages you can wish to your dad in both English and Spanish.

To wrap up, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the fathers out there for the love, support, and guidance that they provide. You play a vital role in the family, and we wish you a wonderful and Happy Father’s Day! – ¡Feliz Día del Padre!

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