Going to the gym in Spanish: All the Spanish fitness vocab
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More infoExercise and physical activity are super important for staying healthy, and it’s really helpful to know the right words when you’re working out. So, whether you are planning to visit Spain or Latin America and wish to keep up with your fitness regimen, or you just seek to expand your Spanish vocabulary, having a grasp of the correct Spanish gym vocabulary will make your experience a lot smoother.
In this post we’ll delve into the essential terms for going to the gym in Spanish, including exercises, facilities, appropriate clothing, and gym equipment in Spanish. As a bonus, we’ll throw in some verbs and phrases to make sure everything is covered.
So, without further ado, let’s begin our Spanish fitness journey!
Gym facilities in Spanish
One of the most important steps in learning gym vocabulary in Spanish is familiarizing yourself with the different gym facilities. By understanding the terms used to describe various areas and amenities, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident navigating the gym environment.
English | Spanish |
Gym | El gimnasio |
Front desk | La recepción |
Locker | El casillero, La taquilla |
Locker room | El vestuario, El cambiador |
Shower | La ducha |
Free weights area | El área de pesas |
Cardio area | El área de cardio |
Spinning studio | El salón de spinning, El estudio de de spinning |
Yoga studio | El estudio de yoga |
Stretching area | El área de estiramiento |
Multi-purpose room | El salón de usos múltiples |
Dance studio | El salón de baile, El estudio de baile |
Boxing ring | El cuadrilátero, El ring de boxeo |
Swimming pool | La piscina |
Sauna | El sauna |
Gym equipment in Spanish
Now that we know our way around the gym, let’s focus on the vocabulary related to exercise equipment. We will explore words and phrases for commonly used equipment like treadmills, exercise bikes, dumbbells in Spanish, etc. Being familiar with these terms will make it easier to communicate and utilize the equipment effectively.
English | Spanish |
Weight rack | El estante de pesas, El rack de pesas |
Weights | Las pesas |
Dumbbells | Las mancuernas |
Kettlebells | Las pesas rusas, Las kettlebells |
Barbell | La barra olímpica |
Tricep bar | La barra romana |
Curl bar, EZ bar | La barra zeta, La barra Z |
Trap bar | La barra hexagonal |
Bench | La banca |
Treadmill | La caminadora, La cinta de correr |
Stepmill, Stair machine | La escaladora |
Stationary bike | La bicicleta estacionaria |
Elliptical bike, Elliptical machine | La elíptica, La bicicleta elíptica |
Leg press | La prensa, La prensa de piernas |
Leg extension machine | La máquina de extensión de piernas, La máquina de extensión de rodillas |
Leg curl machine | La máquina de flexión de piernas, La máquina de flexión de rodillas |
Adductor machine | La máquina de aductores |
Abduction machine | La máquina de abducción |
Pulley machine, Cable crossover machine | La máquina de poleas |
PecDeck | La máquina de apertura de pecho, La máquina de apertura, El contractor |
Rowing machine | La máquina de remo |
Power rack | El power rack |
Plyo box | El cajón |
Pull-up bar | La barra, La barra de levantamiento |
Ab wheel | La rueda abdominal |
Medicine ball | El balón medicinal |
Suspension trainers (TRX) | Las correas de suspensión |
Rings | Las anillas |
Punching bag | El saco de boxeo |
Power bands | Las bandas de resistencia |
Yoga mat | La colchoneta de yoga, El mat de yoga |
Jumping rope | La cuerda de saltar |
Scale | La báscula |
Exercises in Spanish
No gym visit is complete without understanding the vocabulary related to workouts. In this section, we will cover essential Spanish workout words as well as some other exercise vocabulary in Spanish for you to hit the gym confidently.
English | Spanish |
Workout | El ejercicio, El entrenamiento |
Exercise | El ejercicio |
Routine | La rutina |
Reps | Las repeticiones |
Intervals | Los intervalos |
Set | La serie, El set |
Circuit training | El entrenamiento de circuito |
Warm-up | El calentamiento |
Squat | La sentadilla |
Deep squat | La sentadilla profunda |
Bulgarian split squat | La sentadilla búlgara |
Jumping squat | La sentadilla con salto |
Barbell Back Squat | La sentadilla con barra |
Lunges | Las zancadas |
Calf raise | La elevación de talones |
Crunches, Sit-ups | Los abdominales |
Hip-thrusts | La elevación pélvica, El hip-thrust |
Russian twist | El giro ruso, La rotación de torso |
Push-ups | Las flexiones, Las lagartija |
Plank | La plancha |
Deadlift | El peso muerto |
Bicep curl | La flexión de bícep |
Overhead press | El press de hombros |
Bench press | El press de banca |
Lateral shoulder raises | Las elevaciones laterales con mancuernas |
Dumbbell shrugs | Los encogimientos de hombros con mancuernas |
Pull-ups | Las dominadas |
Dips | Los fondos |
Burpees | Los burpees |
Mountain climbers | Los escaladores |
Jumping jacks | Los saltos de tijera, Los jumping jacks |
Stationary jogging | El trote estacionario |
Training regimes in Spanish
Nowadays, there’s a wide variety of training options available, and luckily, many gyms offer diverse classes to cater to your preferred style of exercise. Whether you enjoy dancing in a zumba class or pushing yourself to the limit in a crossfit session, there are plenty of choices. The best part is that many of these workouts have essentially the same names in both languages, making it easier to learn training vocabulary in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Swimming | La natación |
Crossfit | El crossfit |
Functional training | El entrenamiento funcional, El funcional |
HIIT | El HIIT, El entrenamiento de alta intensidad |
Cross-training | El entrenamiento cruzado, El cross-training |
Calisthenics | La calistenia |
Yoga | El yoga |
Pilates | El pilates |
Spinning | El spinning |
Boxing | El boxeo |
Kickboxing | El kickboxing |
Muay thai | El muay thai, El boxeo tailandés |
Zumba | La zumba |
Salsa | La salsa |
Aerobics | Los aeróbicos |
Note that you could just talk about the training, or perhaps you’re referring to a fitness class. To do this, just add la clase de… before the nouns, without including the article. For example:
- Zumba class is the best. I love to dance! – La clase de zumba es la mejor. ¡Me encanta bailar!
- Yoga class starts at 7am. – La clase de yoga empieza a las 7 a.m.
Gym clothing and gear in Spanish
Wearing suitable workout clothes is essential for both comfort and performance. In this section, we will explore gym vocabulary in Spanish related to workout clothing, covering everything from sport shoes and leggings to boxing gloves and goggles. For a broader selection of clothing types, we recommend you check our post on clothes in Spanish.
Now, let’s dive into the world of gym fashion and equipment in Spanish to ensure you’re dressed for success in your workouts.
English | Spanish |
T-shirt | La camiseta |
Tank top | La franelilla, La musculosa, La camiseta sin mangas |
Sports bra | El sujetador deportivo, El sostén deportivo |
Sweatshirt | La sudadera |
Compresion shirt | La camisa de compresión |
Hoodie | La sudadera con capucha |
Tracksuit | El chándal |
Joggers, Sweat pants | El calentador, El pantalón de chándal, El pantalón deportivo, El mono |
Leggings | La licra, El leggin, Las mallas |
Shorts | El short, Los pantalones cortos |
Bathing suit, Swimsuit | El traje de baño |
Socks | Los calcetines, Las medias |
Tennis shoes | Los zapatos deportivos, Los tennis |
Hat, Cap | La gorra |
Headband | La cinta para el pelo, La vincha, La huincha |
Wristband | La muñequera |
Kneepad | La rodillera |
Shin protectors | Las espinilleras |
Mouthpiece | El protector bucal |
Boxing gloves | Los guantes de boxeo |
Swim cap | El gorro de natación |
Goggles | Los anteojos de natación, Los anteojos protectores |
Gloves | Los guantes |
Weightlifting belt | El cinturón de levantamiento de pesas |
Backpack | La mochila, El morral, El bolso |
Towel | La toalla |
Muscles groups in Spanish
Understanding the different muscle groups is crucial for designing effective workouts and targeting specific areas of the body. Knowing the names of these muscle groups will significantly enhance your gym vocabulary in Spanish, as well as allow you to communicate your workout goals, discuss specific exercises, and understand the importance of targeting different areas during your workouts.
We only cover nouns related to muscles here, but don’t forget to check our post on body parts in Spanish for a fun and complete anatomy lesson.
English | Spanish |
Pectorals | Pectorales |
Dorsals | Dorsales |
Deltoids | Deltoides |
Biceps | Bíceps |
Triceps | Tríceps |
Quadriceps, Quads | Cuádriceps |
Hamstrings | Isquiotibiales |
Glutes | Glúteos |
Abdominals, Abs | Abdominales |
Trapezius | Trapecios |
Miscellaneous gym vocab in Spanish
In this section, we will explore some extra Spanish gym vocabulary that doesn’t fit into a specific category but is still useful to know.
English | Spanish |
Membership pass | La membresía |
Membership card | El carnet de socio, La tarjeta de membresía |
Day pass | El pase para un día |
Lock | El candado |
Instructor | El instructor, La instructora |
Personal trainer | El entrenador personal, La entrenadora personal |
Water bottle | La botella de agua |
Energy drink | La bebida energizante, La bebida energética |
Pre-workout | El pre entreno, El pre-workout |
Protein | La proteína |
Protein shake | El batido de proteína |
Spanish workout verbs
Finally, let’s focus on essential verbs related to exercise and workouts in Spanish. We’ll divide them in two categories: verbs to describe your fitness goals and verbs used to talk about workouts.
We’ll also include two particular verbs: hacer and tocar, which are used a bit differently in the fitness context.
After each list, we’ll provide you with some examples so you can see them in context.
Verbs to talk about fitness goals
There are two main ways to talk about your fitness goals. The first one is to conjugate the verb querer and then add the goal you want to achieve. The other one is to use the phrase mi meta es… and then add the goal. These goals are usually framed in the future, so it is a good idea to learn more about how to form the future in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Gain muscle | Ganar músculo |
Gain weight | Ganar peso |
Lose weight | Perder peso, Bajar de peso |
Burn fat | Quemar grasa |
Burn calories | Quemar calorías |
Get in shape, Get fit | Ponerme en forma |
Stay in shape, Stay fit | Mantenerme en forma |
Feel better | Sentirme mejor |
Become stronger | Volverme más fuerte, Ser más fuerte |
Become faster | Volverme más rápido, Ser más rápido |
Become more agile | Volverme más ágil, Ser más ágil |
Become more flexible | Volverme más flexible, Ser más flexible |
Tone up | Tonificar |
Strengthen | Fortalecer |
Relax | Relajarme |
- I want to lose weight. – Quiero bajar de peso.
- My goal is to tone my abdomen. – Mi meta es tonificar el abdomen.
Verbs to describe workouts
Now it’s time for some of the most commonly used verbs in the gym. Mastering these verbs and the movements they describe is essential for mastering gym vocabulary in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
To train | Entrenar |
To exercise, To work out | Hacer ejercicio, Ejercitarse |
To warm up | Calentar |
To cool down | Enfriar |
To stretch | Estirar |
To breathe | Respirar |
To walk | Caminar |
To jog | Trotar |
To jump, To skip | Saltar |
To lift | Levantar |
To raise | Elevar, Levantar |
To put down | Bajar |
To flex, To bend | Flexionar |
To stretch out, To extend | Extender |
To contract | Contraer |
To relax | Relajar |
To get up | Levantarse |
To crouch | Agacharse |
To lie down | Acostarse |
To increase | Aumentar |
To lower, To reduce | Bajar, Reducir |
To rest | Descansar |
- At 3pm I’m at the gym working out. – A las 3 p.m. estoy en el gimnasio haciendo ejercicio.
- Bend your legs carefully when you do that exercise. – Flexiona las piernas con cuidado cuando hagas ese ejercicio.
- Are we going to work out later? – ¿Vamos a entrenar más tarde?
- Don’t raise your arms when jumping. – No levantes los brazos al saltar.
Spanish speakers use hacer in many ways when talking about exercise. When used to talk about training a specific body part or muscle group, hacer is used as an equivalent to the English to work on or to train.
- Today I’m going to work on my glutes. – Hoy voy a hacer glúteos en el gimnasio.
- Yesterday I worked on my chest. – Ayer hice pecho.
You can also use hacer, meaning to do, to talk about specific exercises, or to talk about the number of repetitions or sets your workout is going to have.
- Today I’ll do deadlifts and squats. – Hoy haré peso muerto y sentadillas.
- I’m going to do twenty lunges. – Voy a hacer veinte zancadas.
- I’m going to do three sets of twenty repetitions. – Voy a hacer tres sets de veinte repeticiones.
Finally, hacer is also used to talk about the duration of a workout.
- I do five minutes of stretching after I finish my weight routine. – Hago cinco minutos de estiramientos después de terminar mi rutina de pesas.
- You can do an hour of cardio at the end of class. – Puedes hacer una hora de cardio al final de la clase.
To talk about your sets and reps accurately and confidently, of course it’s also helpful to know the numbers in Spanish.
Tocar usually means to touch in Spanish. When used to talk about workouts, tocar is used to refer to specific body parts, muscle groups, or exercises that we plan to work on during a particular day. Sometimes, we can also combine it with the verb hacer.
- Today is biceps and back day. – Hoy toca bíceps y espalda.
- On Mondays I work on legs and glutes. – Los lunes me toca hacer piernas y glúteos.
- Yesterday I focused on chest and triceps. – Ayer me tocó entrenar pecho y tríceps.
- On Tuesdays I have to jump rope after finishing the circuit. – Los martes me toca saltar la cuerda después de terminar el circuito.
Useful gym phrases in Spanish
- Are you using this machine? – ¿Estás usando esta máquina?
- The machine is free to use. – La máquina está libre.
- How many sets do you have left? – ¿Cuántas series te faltan?
- How many reps should I do? – ¿Cuántas repeticiones debo hacer?
- What can I do to…[fitness goal]? – ¿Qué puedo hacer para…?
- Can we share this machine? – ¿Podemos compartir esta máquina?
- Can you recommend a workout routine for…[part of the body]? – ¿Me puedes recomendar una rutina para…?
- Have you considered doing the [type of workout] class? – ¿Has pensado en hacer la clase de…?
- Can you teach me how to do that exercise? – ¿Me puedes enseñar a hacer ese ejercicio?
- Can you spot me? I’m lifting more weight today. – ¿Puedes ayudarme? Hoy estoy levantando más peso.
Good job! We covered a lot today, like a good workout routine. Now, let’s do a quick recap before leaving.
Today we focused entirely on Spanish gym vocabulary. We provided some nice comprehensive vocab lists covering gym facilities, equipment, exercises, clothing, muscle groups, and even some miscellaneous vocab.
Once we were done with nouns, we moved on to verbs. We saw verbs that are used to talk about workouts, and verbs to talk about your fitness goals. We also learned how to use hacer and tocar in a fitness context.
Finally, we introduced some useful phrases you may need while at the gym.
We hope you enjoyed this post to help you with your workouts in Spanish. Go ahead and share it with your training partners so you can practice your Spanish language skills together while at the gym!