Halloween in Spanish: Vocabulary & Verbs To Know

Halloween in Spanish

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It may not be as widely celebrated in Spanish speaking countries, but knowing vocabulary and verbs for talking about Halloween in Spanish is likely to come in useful at some point.

In this post we’ll cover all the basic Spanish Halloween vocab. For an intro to a related Latin American holiday that comes at the same time of year, check out our post on the Day of the Dead. These are just a couple of posts in our series about holidays in Spanish, from global phenomena like Christmas and Earth Day, to regional celebrations like  Carnival and Chinese New Year, to personal events like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and birthdays.

Now let’s begin with some basic words about Halloween in Spanish.

1) Truco o Trato

This directly translates to “trick or deal,” but in the context of Halloween it means trick or treat. As an alternative, you could also use dulce o travesura, which means “treat or mischief.”

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2) Halloween

When the same word is not used in Spanish, “Halloween” (pronounced jalogüin) is translated as Noche de Brujas which translates to “witches’ night.”

background 1298031 640

3) Disfraz

For Halloween, you have to make sure to nail your costume or disguise.

baby 1151526 640

4) Máscara

A mask, which could be the most important part of your costume.

the mask 1089761 640

5) Calabaza

It wouldn’t be Halloween without a pumpkin.

pumpkin 1838545 640

6) Terror y Horror

Both of these words have the same meaning in English.

The first is a strong feeling of dread, and the second is just a strong feeling (not necessarily fear) caused by something frightening.

fear of heights 2040805 640

7) Linterna de Calabaza

We already mentioned pumpkins (calabazas) but Linterna de Calabaza refers specifically to the Jack-o-Lantern decorations you’ll see on the porch or in windows of houses at Halloween.

jack o lanterns 3735386 640

8) Dulces, Caramelos y Tratos

Probably the best thing about Halloween – the sweets, candies, and treats.

candy corn 1739404 640

9) Decoraciones

From the Jack-o-Lanterns to cobwebs, to a spooky skeleton on your porch, Halloween is a time to go big on decorations.

scary 857368 640

10) Fiestas de Halloween

Halloween parties, which could apply to a children’s party, or your favorite bar organizing a themed party.

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 11) Esqueleto

A skeleton, which tends to be an obligatory sight during Halloween, as a decoration or perhaps a costume.

skeletons 32459 640

12) Fantasma

Boo! This one is a ghost.

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 13) Gato Negro

Universally known as bad luck when one walks in front of you, the black cat is a common sight in decorations and scary movies alike.

cat 1233058 640

 14) Murciélagos

Bats are dark, winged mammals that fly out in a swarm, normally at the least opportune moment during a movie.

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 15) Casa Embrujada

A haunted house, which could be the spooky abandoned one in your neighborhood, or the commercial type with a paid entrance.

haunted house 2839157 640

 16) Araña

A spider, one of the first things to come to mind at this time of the year.

baked 21777 640

 17) Espantapájaro

A scarecrow, perfect for a Halloween decoration, and also for keeping birds away from your crops.

scarecrow 1456235 640

 18) Telaraña

To describe a cobweb or spider web, we use the combination of “fabric” and “spider” in Spanish.

cobweb 18674 640

19) Bruja

The Spanish word for witchcraft.

witch 1751025 640

 20) Mágico Negro

Don’t mess with black magic, people!

oracle girl 2133976 640

 21) Hechizo

A spell, be it from a witch, wizard, or warlock, will probably threaten to make objects float in the air. Because why not?

witch 2146712 640

22) Cementerio

A graveyard, which may be found in your favorite casa embrujada on Halloween.

graveyard 263269 640

23) Tumba

Spanish for a grave.

skeleton 3819468 640

24) Lápida

A tombstone, which in the context of Halloween could be a good addition to the decorations in your house.

tombstones 3031047 640

Halloween in Spanish: Costumes

Until now, we covered a bunch of basic vocab for talking about Halloween in Spanish.

Now we’ll move on with a list of classic Halloween costumes that you’re likely to see every year.

 25) Mago o Brujo

A wizard or a witch, probably the two most recognizable Halloween costumes.

gandalf 4510395 640

26) Momias

Mummies, not to be confused with mothers, but instead the embalmed bodies from Egyptian tombs, who normally come back to life for Halloween.

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27) Demonio

A demon or a devil.

costume 15682 640

28) Zombi

You can guess this one easily enough: it means Zombie and is sometimes written exactly the same as you spell it in English.

zombies 598393 640

29) Vampiro

Another easy one to remember. Of course, it’s a vampire.

vampire 1786133 640

30) Hombre lobo

When you put the Spanish for man + wolf together, we all know the result: a werewolf.

werewolf 2009787 640

31) La Muerte

This one refers to the Grim Reaper or Death.

skull 220049 640

Halloween in Spanish: Verbs

Before we leave, make sure that you know some of the most used verbs when it comes to talking about Halloween in Spanish.

 32) Espantar o Asustar

To scare or to startle somebody.

comic 1296117 640

33) Disfrazarse de

Once you have your costume, you’ll need the verb for saying to dress up in Spanish.

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34) Embrujar

To haunt, mostly used in its participle form (embrujado), but also used to say that something is haunted.

haunted house 2825103 640

35) Gritar

Halloween is full of surprise and horror, so gritar means to scream.

scream 1819736 640

Spanish Halloween Vocab: Conclusion

We hope this has been a fun holiday exploration for you!

Whether you go out for a fiesta de Halloween, you dress up with una máscara or una disfraz, or you just stay home and carve up a Linterna de Calabaza, you’ve got the basic vocab to talk about Halloween in Spanish. Now to get more in the mood, why not read about some Hispanic superstitions or about the Day of the Dead?

Happy Halloween!

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