Tools in Spanish: Essential vocab from hand tools to power tools to garden tools

Names of Tools in Spanish

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When it comes to working with tools, it’s definitely handy to know what they’re called. Whether involved in do-it-yourself projects, gardening, carpentry, or construction, being familiar with the names of tools in Spanish can be helpful in communicating more effectively and avoiding misunderstandings.

In this guide, we’ll explore different categories of tools and provide common tool names in Spanish. We’ll break down various types of Spanish tools, from construction to gardening, providing a full vocab list for each section.

By the end of this post, you’ll be equipped with a wide variety of tools in Spanish, making your language skills more prepared for any project. Now let’s open our toolbox and start learning tool names in Spanish!

How to say Tool in Spanish

Herramienta, meaning tool in Spanish, is the basic word used to describe any device used for fixing things or modifying the environment. Las herramientas can act as an extension of our body, to allow or facilitate a mechanical task that, without it, could not be performed.

Las herramientas can be grouped, depending on their functions and uses. Today, we’ll divide our vocab lists on tool names in Spanish into five main groups: hand tools, power tools, carpentry tools, gardening tools, and construction tools. We’ll finish up with a useful list of verbs we’re likely to use when working with tools in Spanish.

Before we get into these specializations though, let’s explore some general vocabulary related to Spanish DIY. If you’re dealing with a lot of different people, you may also be interested in vocab for professions in Spanish, as well as slang terms for money in Spanish.

English hardware terms Spanish hardware terms
Hardware store La ferretería
Hardware store salesperson El ferretero
Toolbox La caja de herramientas
Nail El clavo
Screw El tornillo
Nut La tuerca
Locknut La contratuerca
Bolt El perno
Washer La arandela
Cable tie La brida
Flashlight La linterna
  • There were no nuts, bolts, or nails at the hardware store yesterday. – No había tuercas, pernos, ni clavos en la ferretería ayer.
  • The hardware store salesman gave me very good advice when he sold me the tool box and flashlight last week. – El ferretero me asesoró muy bien cuando me vendió la caja de herramientas y la linterna la semana pasada.

Now that we have learned common Spanish tool words, let’s get into more specific tool names in Spanish.

Hand tools: Herramientas mecánicas

Las herramientas mecánicas, or hand tools in Spanish, are essential for working on vehicles or machinery. These tools are designed to help in tasks like cutting metal, tightening bolts, or measuring parts. They require force and precision to be used effectively. If you’re working on a vehicle, you’ll also want car part vocab in Spanish.

Here is a chart of some hand tool names in Spanish.

Hand tools Herramientas mecánicas
Measuring tape La cinta métrica
Ruler La regla
Hammer El martillo
Rubber mallet El mazo de goma
Screwdriver El destornillador
Socket set El juego de dados
Pliers Las tenazas
Wire strippers / cutters Los alicates pelacables
Wire cutters, Snips La corta alambres
Vise grip El alicate de presión
Wrench La llave
Adjustable wrench La llave inglesa
Allen keys / Hex wrenches Las llaves Allen / hexagonales
Scissors Las tijeras
Tin snips Tijeras de hojalatero
Chisel El cincel
Hacksaw La sierra de arco
Scraper El raspador
Reamer El escariador
Pry bar La palanca de barra
Mechanical extractor El extractor mecánico
Hydraulic jack El gato hidráulico
  • I need the hex keys, hydraulic jack, mechanical extractor, and screwdrivers to fix my car engine. – Necesito las llaves hexagonales, el gato hidráulico, el extractor mecánico y los destornilladores para arreglar el motor de mi carro.
  • My brother gave me a socket set, a hammer, scissors, and a vise grip for my birthday. – Mi hermano me regaló un juego de dados, un martillo, unas tijeras y un alicate de presión por mi cumpleaños.

Power tools – Herramientas eléctricas

Power tools, or herramientas eléctricas in Spanish, make heavy-duty tasks easier and faster, from drilling to cutting. Knowing the tool names in Spanish for power tools can be particularly useful when working on construction or do-it-yourself projects.

We’ll cover tools here that are powered by electricity or batteries, since hydraulic tools are better suited for our list of construction tools in Spanish. Here we have our vocabulary covering the most common power tools in Spanish.

Power tools Herramientas eléctricas
Drill El taladro
Drill bits Las brocas para taladro
Impact driver La llave de impacto
Electric screwdriver El destornillador eléctrico
Router La fresadora
Jigsaw La sierra de calar
Jigsaw blade Hoja de sierra de calar
Circular saw La sierra circular
Miter saw La sierra ingletadora
Reciprocating saw La sierra de vaivén, La sierra de sable
Table saw La sierra de mesa
Circular saw blade El disco de corto
Band saw La sierra de banda
Bench grinder La amoladora de banco, El esmeril
Angle grinder La amoladora angular, La sierra radial
Diamond blade El disco de diamante
Oscillating multi-tool La herramienta oscilante multiuso
Sander La lijadora
Orbital sander La lijadora orbital
Belt sander La lijadora de banda
Sandpaper El papel de lija
  • I have an angle grinder and a diamond blade in my garage. – Tengo una amoladora angular y un disco de diamante en mi garaje.
  • The electrician didn’t have a drill or a jigsaw when he came to work on my house. – El electricista no tenía un taladro o una sierra de calar cuando vino a trabajar en mi casa.

Carpentry tools – Herramientas de carpintería

Las herramientas de carpintería, or carpentry tools, are specific tools for cutting, shaping, and joining wood. They can be hand tools or power tools. And since carpentry often involves a lot of careful calculations, check out our related posts on numbers and doing math in Spanish. If you’re getting into finer woodworking, you may even want to know the names for furniture in Spanish.

Carpentry tools Herramientas de carpintería
Cutting table La mesa de corte
Saw La sierra
Handsaw La sierra de mano
File La lima
Rasp La escofina
Woodworking chisel El cincel para madera
Hand planer El cepillo para madera manual
Graduated ruler La regla graduada
Layout square La escuadra de trazado
Sliding bevel La escuadra corrediza
Clamp La abrazadera
  • I always use the graduated ruler, the layout square, and the sliding square when I am taking measures on the wood. – Siempre uso la regla graduada, la escuadra de trazado, y la escuadra corrediza cuando estoy tomando las medidas en la madera.

Gardening tools – Herramientas de jardinería

Las herramientas de jardinería, or gardening tools in Spanish, are used to make our work in the garden easier. Knowing these tools’ names in Spanish can help when talking with any Spanish speakers about maintaining our gardens. From digging to trimming, each tool has a specific purpose.

Gardening tools Herramientas de jardinería
Shovel La pala
Trowel La espátula
Rake El rastrillo
Pruners La podadora
Pruning shears Tijeras de podar
Gardening scissors Las tijeras de jardín
Scythe La guadaña
Machete El machete
Axe El hacha
Hoe La azada, El azadón
Pitchfork La horca
Hose La manguera
Sprinkler El aspersor
Watering can La regadera
Wheelbarrow La carretilla
Lawnmower El cortacésped
Edger La bordeadora
Whipper snipper La desmalezadora
Leaf blower El soplador de hojas
Gas can La lata de gasolina
  • The gardener used the shovel, scythe, and the trowel to plant the plants. – El jardinero usó la pala, la guadaña y la espátula para sembrar las plantas.
  • My wife watered the garden with the hose and sprinkler. – Mi esposa regó el jardín con la manguera y el aspersor.

Construction tools – Herramientas de construcción

Construction tools, or las herramientas de construcción, are essential for building and renovating structures. These are the heavier-duty tools we use for preparing and working on construction sites. While you’re on the worksite, you’ll probably also need to know the right terms for measurements in Spanish and how to talk about quantities, as well as how to refer to the boss.

Construction tools Herramientas de construcción
Jackhammer El martillo neumático
Digging bar La barra excavadora
Pickaxe El pico
Nail puller, Pry bar El sacaclavos
Crowbar La barra, La pata de cabra
Air compressor El compresor de aire
Nail gun La pistola de clavos
Measuring wheel La rueda de medición
Scaffolding El andamio
Ladder, Stepladder La escalera
Concrete mixer La mezcladora de concreto
Concrete sander La lijadora de concreto
Shop vac / Wet-dry vacuum La aspiradora en seco y húmedo
Plumb line La plomada
Chalk line La tiza de línea
Level El nivel
Masonry trowel La llana
Plastering trowel La paleta de yeso
Paint roller El rodillo
Paintbrush La brocha
Caulk gun La pistola para juntas
  • We need to rent a concrete mixer and concrete sander for the foundation work. – Necesitamos alquilar una mezcladora de concreto y la lijadora para el trabajo de cimentación.
  • The mason climbed the scaffolding with a masonry trowel and plastering trowel to repair the wall. – El albañil subió al andamio con la llana y la paleta de yeso para reparar la pared.

Spanish tool verbs: Verbos

Here’s a list of the common verbs used in the context of tools in Spanish.

English verbs Spanish verbs
To measure Medir
To hammer Martillar
To cut Cortar
To saw Serruchar
To sand Lijar
To tighten Apretar
To loosen Aflojar
To screw Atornillar
To unscrew Desatornillar
To drill Taladrar
To nail Clavar
To weld Soldar
To glue Pegar
To level Nivelar
To clamp Sujetar
To grip Agarrar
To staple Grapar
To paint Pintar
To water Regar
To mix Mezclar

Conclusion: Tools in Spanish

It’s time to close the toolbox! Before we finish our labor for the day, let’s do a quick recap of the wide variety of tools in Spanish that we covered today. We started with a bit of common vocabulary, we ended with a list of pertinent verbs, and in between we dove into our essential categories of hand tools, power tools, carpentry tools, gardening tools, and construction tools.

The main point of the post was to provide a straightforward list of tool names in Spanish for each category.

With these handy vocab lists of tools in Spanish, you’re ready to work with native Spanish speakers as you take on all sorts of tasks together. So whether you’re tackling a simple do-it-yourself project or a bigger endeavor, we wish you the best as you break out your toolkit and get to work!

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